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"He named for me the things you feel but couldn't utter. . . . Jimmy's essays articulated for the first time to white America what it meant to be American and a black American at the same…

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10 февраля 2019 г. 08:38



The best part that stood me up was the last moment when he wanted his father to appear besides him and answer to his questions. Before, he didn't appreciate his father, he hardly spoke to him, he didn't know what is life until his father dies. But now, when he waded into mature life, he understands his father and he sees the essence of life. And now only future will give answers to his questions.

ISBN: 9780140184518

Год издания: 1955

Язык: Английский


Всего 1

10 февраля 2019 г. 08:38



The best part that stood me up was the last moment when he wanted his father to appear besides him and answer to his questions. Before, he didn't appreciate his father, he hardly spoke to him, he didn't know what is life until his father dies. But now, when he waded into mature life, he understands his father and he sees the essence of life. And now only future will give answers to his questions.

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