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Rabbit has a problem. There's a big, scary Black Rabbit chasing him. No matter where he runs - behind a tree, over the river - the shadowy Black Rabbit follows. Finally in the deep, dark wood,…
Издательство: Walker Books Ltd

40 pages

ISBN: 9781406352559

Год издания: 2014

Язык: Английский

Philippa Leathers studied graphic design, illustration and animation, and currently works as a freelance animator and illustrator. The Black Rabbit is her first picture book, while her animation credits include work on the Charlie and Lola and Peppa Pig TV series. She lives with her family - a grey tabby cat named Emmi, and two rabbits, Benji and Kiki, who inspired her to write The Black Rabbit, as where one goes, the other follows close behind - in Kent.

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