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'You want me to help you eat your children?' Ian said. Jellenhut's eye-stalks twitched. 'How else would we remember them?'

Venus is dying. When the Doctor, Barbara and Ian arrive they find an…
Серия: Virgin Missing Adventures
Издательство: Virgin Books

ISBN: 0-426-20424-7

Год издания: 1994

Язык: Английский

Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 2.5 x 11.4 x 18.4 cm
Number of Pages: 272

Жанры:  СМИ, Эстетика

Теги:  Doctor whoВсе теги

The title refers to a favourite tune of the Third Doctor's, the "Venusian" words of which were first heard in The Dæmons, where the first line is said to mean "Close your eyes, my darling, (well, three of them at least)". The rough transliteration of the song follows ("h" in "haroon" is silent):

Klokleda partha menin klatch,
haroon haroon haroon,
Klokleda sheenah tierra natch,
haroon haroon haroon,
Haroon haroon haroon...

The words were put to music and sung by Jon Pertwee in The Curse of Peladon, in actuality the tune of the Christmas carol "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".


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