Tomo: Friendship through Fiction: An Anthology of Japan Teen Stories


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This aptly named fiction anthology—tomo means “friend” in Japanese—is a true labor of friendship to benefit teens in Japan whose lives were upended by the violent earthquake and tsunami of March 11,…
Издательство: Stone Bridge Press

Shocks and tremors: Lost by Andrew Fukuda
Shuya's commute by Liza Dalby
Half life by Deni Y Béchard
Kazoku by Tak Toyoshima
Aftershocks by Ann Tashi Slater
Friends and enemies: Bad day for baseball by Graham Salisbury
Half a heart by Mariko Nagai
The bridge to Lillooet by Trevor Kew
Blue shells by Naoko Awa, translated by Toshiya Kamei
Borne by the wind by Charles De Wolf
Ghosts and spirits: The ghost who came to breakfast by Alan Gratz
House of trust by Sachiko Kashiwaba, translated by Avery Fischer Udagawa
Staring at the Haiku by John Paul Catton
Kodama by Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Where the silver droplets fall by transcribed and translated from Ainu into Japanese by Yukie Chiri, translated and illustrated by Deborah Davidson
Powers and feats: Yamada-san's toaster by Kelly Luce
Jet black and the ninja wind by Leza Lowitz and Shogo Oketani
Hachiro by Ryusuke Saito, translated by Sako Ikegami
The lost property office by Marji Napper
Anton and Kiyoshime by Fumio Takano, translated by Hart Larrabee
Talents and curses: Love right on the yesterday by Wendy Nelson Tokunaga
The dragon and the poet by Kenji Miyazawa, translated by Misa Dikengil Lindberg
Just wan-derful by Louise George Kittaka
Ichinichi on the Yamanote by Claire Dawn
A song for Benzaiten by Catherine Rose torres
Insiders and outsiders: Fleecy clouds by Arie Nashiya, translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter
The zodiac tree by Thersa Matsuura
One by Sarah Ogawa
Love letter by Megumi Fujino, translated by Lynne E. Riggs
Signs by Kaitlin Stainbrook
Wings on the wind by Yuichi Kimura, translated by Alexander O. Smith
Families and connections: The law of gravity by Yuko Katakawa, translated by Deborah Iwabuchi
The mountain drum by Chloë Dalby
Paper lanterns by Jennifer Fumiko Cahill
I hate Harajuku girls by Katrina Toshiko Grigg-Saito
Peace on earth by Suzanne Kamata

ISBN: 1611720060, 9781611720068

Год издания: 2012

Язык: Английский

Paperback, 384 pages

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