
Моя оценка

Почему многие великие изобретения и открытия были сделаны почти случайно? И почему другие замечательные идеи остались незамеченными и были надолго забыты? Автор этой книги, популярный американский…
Издательство: АСТ

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15 апреля 2020 г. 16:07


5 Great collection of historical anecdotes on who some breakthroughs _really_ came to life

Author is trying to analyze real forces behind great inventions and business successes.

It turns out most great ideas often comes:

1. in "adjacent possible" space of alternatives.

Charles Babbage being one of the brightest example. He invented computer 100 years before it was actually possible to produce.

This is the reason behind most ideas (from double-entry bookkeeping to general relativity) coming at the same time to many people independently, at the right time, when the world is ready for the idea.

2. much more often in liquid&open network environments — not in the closed labs behind 10 doors, but in spaces where open communication possible. Exposion of innovations after WWW adoption being one of the example.

Information spill-over between people is crucial factor of growing and…


ISBN: 978-5-17-081521-0

Год издания: 2013

Язык: Русский

Твердый переплет, 384 стр.
Тираж: 3000 экз.
Формат: 60x90/16 (145х215 мм)

Возрастные ограничения: 16+


Всего 1

15 апреля 2020 г. 16:07


5 Great collection of historical anecdotes on who some breakthroughs _really_ came to life

Author is trying to analyze real forces behind great inventions and business successes.

It turns out most great ideas often comes:

1. in "adjacent possible" space of alternatives.

Charles Babbage being one of the brightest example. He invented computer 100 years before it was actually possible to produce.

This is the reason behind most ideas (from double-entry bookkeeping to general relativity) coming at the same time to many people independently, at the right time, when the world is ready for the idea.

2. much more often in liquid&open network environments — not in the closed labs behind 10 doors, but in spaces where open communication possible. Exposion of innovations after WWW adoption being one of the example.

Information spill-over between people is crucial factor of growing and…


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