Foundation: The History of England from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors

Peter Ackroyd - Foundation: The History of England from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors

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Peter Ackroyd, whose work has always been underpinned by a profound interest in and understanding of England’s…
Цикл: История Англии, книга №1
Издательство: Pan Macmillan

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27 февраля 2024 г. 23:41


0 Англия от палеолита до Генриха VII

Автор увлекательно излагает историю Англии с конца палеолита до первого Тюдора. Главы про королей сочетаться через оду с главами про повседневную жизнь . Есть иллюстрации .Для первоначального знакомства с историей Англии…


In Foundation, the chronicler of London and of its river, the Thames, takes us from the primeval forests of England’s prehistory to the death, in 1509, of the first Tudor king, Henry VII. He guides us from the building of Stonehenge to the founding of the two great glories of medieval England: common law and the cathedrals. He shows us glimpses of the country’s most distant past—and Neolithic stirrup found in a grave, a Roman fort, a Saxon tomb, a medieval manor house—and describes in rich prose the successive waves of invaders who made England English, despite being themselves Roman, Viking, Saxon, or Norman French.

With his extraordinary skill for evoking time and place and his acute eye for the telling detail, Ackroyd recounts the story of warring kings, of civil strife, and foreign wars. But he also gives us a vivid sense of how England’s early people lived: the homes they built, the clothes the wore, the food they ate, even the jokes they told. All are brought vividly to life through the narrative mastery of one of Britain’s finest writers.

ISBN: 978-0-330-54428-3

Год издания: 2012

Язык: Английский

Возрастные ограничения: 18+

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