Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality


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The first look at the philosophy behind Stephenie Meyer's bestselling Twilight series

Bella and Edward, and their family and friends, have faced countless dangers and philosophical dilemmas in…

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Серия: Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Supernatural Humans We Can’t Live Without.

Introduction: Undead Wisdom.


1 You Look Good Enough to Eat: Love, Madness, and the Food Analogy (George A. Dunn).

2 Dying to Eat: The Vegetarian Ethics of Twilight (Jean Kazez).

3 Can a Vampire Be a Person? (Nicolas Michaud).

4 Carlisle: More Compassionate Than a Speeding Bullet? (Andrew Terjesen and Jenny Terjesen).


5 Vampire-Dämmerung: What Can Twilight Tell Us about God? (Peter S. Fosl and Eli Fosl).

6 To Bite or Not to Bite: Twilight, Immortality, and the Meaning of Life (Brendan Shea).

7 Mind Reading and Morality: The Moral Hazards of Being Edward (Eric Silverman).

8 Love and Authority among Wolves (Sara Worley).


9 Bella Swan and Sarah Palin: All the Old Myths Are Not True (Naomi Zack).

10 Vampire Love: The Second Sex Negotiates the Twenty-first Century (Bonnie Mann).

11 Edward Cullen and Bella Swan: Byronic and Feminist Heroes . . . or Not (Abigail E. Myers).

12 Undead Patriarchy and the Possibility of Love (Leah McClimans and J. Jeremy Wisnewski).

13 The “Real” Danger: Fact vs. Fiction for the Girl Audience (Rebecca Housel).


14 Twilight of an Idol: Our Fatal Attraction to Vampires (Jennifer L. McMahon).

15 Bella’s Vampire Semiotics (Dennis Knepp).

16 Space, Time, and Vampire Ontology (Philip Puszczalowski).

17 For the Strength of Bella? Meyer, Vampires, and Mormonism (Marc E. Shaw).

18 The Tao of Jacob (Rebecca Housel).

CONTRIBUTORS: Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing the Stars of Our Show, Humans, Vampires, and Shape-Shifters Alike.

INDEX: For Those Who Can’t Read Minds.

ISBN: 9780470484234

Год издания: 2009

Язык: Английский

Paperback: 272 pages

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