27 июня 2012 г. 17:23



By Iren Milano (Test Of Love) Ирэн Милано "Испытание любви"

The main hero - Ludwig Zimmerman arrived from Germany to study in the Krasnodar high school. The thin, romantic young man tries to find the place in his life and his intended. He lives together with cousins who think about life easier, but are always ready to support the brother and are very attached to each other. Except them Ludwig has one more loved person - Grandmother Maria. She comes from Russia, and could impart to the grandson love to this country. Mother of the young man lived a separate life, repeatedly got married. And Ludwig's father - the modern nazi, cruel and unscrupulous, - does everything to subordinate the son to him. Action develops in the south, in Krasnodar territory, and also in Germany. The novel begins…


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