4 ноября 2020 г. 20:05


3.5 Спойлер The idea had come to me, for I knew my Erik.

For a book that is called The Phantom of the Opera, there is sure as hell too little of the Phantom and too much of some 20 y.o. fool that barely has any brains. The main information on the Phantom is in the epilogue, which is outrageous. Only latest chapters are truly interesting, plus some minor facts throughout the story (like the fact that Erik worked in India once), some Erik's tricks. Maybe a chapter or two at the beginning. The rest is just.. why? I want more of my villain, not some dumbass boy that keeps chasing Christine & whining.

The author has a sense of humour, though. When I was reading the latest chapters, I was constantly cackling.

P.S.: Why is the knowledge of Erik being canonically bisexual not actually so well known? Y'all are cowards. I want my ot3 & no Raoul.

29 августа 2022 г. 21:48



Очень интересная книга и интригкюующая.


18 декабря 2022 г. 18:20


Книга будет интересна любителям детектива. Но здесь есть все: приключения, мистика и конечно любовь.

5 апреля 2024 г. 19:25


0.5 Суета, суета и суета

У меня были слишком завышенные ожидание. В итоге - полнейшее разочарование. Осилила 30 стр, на которых были странные события и постоянная суета.

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