Вручение 7 ноября 2017 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 7 ноября 2017 г.

Золотая Корона

Ян Мак-Гвайр 3.8
Охота на китов — занятие для настоящих мужчин! На судне, идущем по направлению к Антарктике, встретились двое бездушных людей: опустившийся гарпунер Генри Дракс и военный врач Патрик Самнер, скрывающийся от следствия. Первый прослыл жестоким, опустившимся человеком, второй — беглец, который скрывается от суда за выдуманной биографией. Дракс опасается за свое будущее на борту корабля, а Самнер — за собственную шкуру. Остаться в живых должен только один из них…
Сара Перри 3.4
Конец XIX века, научно-технический прогресс набирает темпы, вовсю идут дебаты по медицинским вопросам. Эмансипированная вдова Кора Сиборн после смерти мужа решает покинуть Лондон и перебраться в уютную деревушку в графстве Эссекс, где местным викарием служит Уилл Рэнсом. Уже который день деревня взволнована слухами о мифическом змее, что объявился в окрестных болотах и питается человеческой плотью. Кора, увлеченная натуралистка и энтузиастка научного знания, не верит ни в каких сказочных драконов и решает отыскать причину странных россказней. Она считает, что змей — попросту неизвестный науке вид пресмыкающегося, который нужно описать для научных целей. Викарий же видит в панике, охватившей его паству, угрозу вере и потому тоже стремится как можно скорее выяснить правду. Двигаясь к истине с разных сторон, убежденные противники оказываются вовлечены в странную и таинственную историю. Изящный, умный, с литературной игрой роман принимает самые разные обличия — то детектива, то любовной истории, а то и романа нравов. Сара Перри ловко балансирует на грани между викторианским и модернистским романом: в ее романе читатель найдет и остроумных диккенсовских нищих, и любовные сцены (да, точь-в-точь Лоуренс), и поэтичные описания природы, которые по стилистике, пожалуй, ближе к Гамсуну или Тургеневу. Перри не следует какой-то одной традиции: она ее переосмысляет. При этом роман не оставляет впечатления стилистической или сюжетной мешанины – скорее, это фантазия на исторические темы, но фантазия полнокровная и живая.
William Ryan 0.0
1944. Paul Brandt, a soldier in the German army, returns wounded and ashamed from the bloody chaos of the Eastern front to find his village home much changed and existing in the dark shadow of an SS rest hut - a luxurious retreat for those who manage the concentration camps, run with the help of a small group of female prisoners who - against all odds - have so far survived the war.

When, by chance, Brandt glimpses one of these prisoners, he realizes that he must find a way to access the hut. For inside is the woman to whom his fate has been tied since their arrest five years before, and now he must do all he can to protect her.

But as the Russian offensive moves ever closer, the days of this rest hut and its SS inhabitants are numbered. And while hope - for Brandt and the female prisoners - grows tantalizingly close, the danger too is now greater than ever.

And, in a forest to the east, a young female Soviet tank driver awaits her orders to advance . . .
Rachel Rhys 4.0
Sparkling cocktails, poisonous secrets ...

1939, Europe on the brink of war. Lily Shepherd leaves England on an ocean liner for Australia, escaping her life of drudgery for new horizons. She is instantly seduced by the world onboard: cocktails, black-tie balls and beautiful sunsets. Suddenly, Lily finds herself mingling with people who would otherwise never give her the time of day.

But soon she realizes her glamorous new friends are not what they seem. The rich and hedonistic Max and Eliza Campbell, mysterious and flirtatious Edward, and fascist George are all running away from tragedy and scandal even greater than her own.

By the time the ship docks, two passengers are dead, war has been declared, and life will never be the same again.
Кей Миллер 0.0
From the winner of the Forward Prize, Augustown is a magical and haunting novel set in the underbelly of Jamaica.

Ma Taffy may be blind but she sees everything. So when her great-nephew Kaia comes home from school in tears, what she senses sends a deep fear running through her. While they wait for his mama to come home from work, Ma Taffy recalls the story of the flying preacherman and a great thing that did not happen. A poor suburban sprawl in the Jamaican heartland, Augustown is a place where many things that should happen don’t, and plenty of things that shouldn’t happen do. For the story of Kaia leads back to another momentous day in Jamaican history, the birth of the Rastafari and the desire for a better life.
Джайлс Кристиан 0.0

Norway, AD 785. A wild place, a place of blood, a place where the gods hold sway . . .

Sigurd Haraldarson and his oathsworn band are winning fame and reputation. But to confront his hated enemy - the oath-breaker and betrayer King Gorm - they must win riches too.

When a daring raid goes wrong, Sigurd finds himself a prisoner of the powerful Jarl Guthrum. Bound like a slave, he is taken to the sacred temple at Ubsola to face the sacrificial knife.

But here Sigurd discovers a potent relic: Gungnir, a great spear that would give him the power to assemble a host strong enough to challenge King Gorm, and avenge the betrayal of his father and the murder of his family.
The roar of Odin and the wild hunt will be as nothing compared to Sigurd's rage, for he and his warriors will be borne on the wings of the storm . . .

Wings of the Storm concludes the Viking saga, started in God of Vengeance and Winter's Fire.
Andrew Taylor 3.7
A city in flames
London, 1666. As the Great Fire consumes everything in its path, the body of a man is found in the ruins of St Paul's Cathedral - stabbed in the neck, thumbs tied behind his back.
A woman on the run
The son of a traitor, James Marwood is forced to hunt the killer through the city's devastated streets. There he encounters a determined young woman, who will stop at nothing to secure her freedom.
A killer seeking revenge
When a second murder victim is discovered in the Fleet Ditch, Marwood is drawn into the political and religious intrigue of Westminster - and across the path of a killer with nothing to lose…
Stef Penney 0.0
Flora Mackie first crossed the Arctic Circle at the age of twelve. In 1889, the whaler's daughter from Dundee - dubbed by the press 'The Snow Queen' - sets out to become a scientist and explorer. She struggles to be taken seriously but determination and chance lead her back to northern Greenland at the head of a British expedition, despite the many who believe that a young woman has no place in this harsh world of men.

Geologist Jakob de Beyn was raised in Manhattan. Yearning for wider horizons, he joins a rival expedition, led by the furiously driven Lester Armitage. When Jakob and Flora's paths cross, it is a fateful meeting.

All three become obsessed with the north, a place where violent extremes exist side by side: perpetual night and endless day; frozen seas and coastal meadows; heroism and lies. Armitage's ruthless desire to be the true leader of polar discovery takes him and his men on a mission whose tragic outcome will reverberate for years to come.

Set against the stark, timeless beauty of northern Greenland, and fin-de-siecle New York and London, Under a Pole Star is a compelling look at the dark side of the 'golden age' of exploration, a study of the corrosive power of ambition, and an epic, incendiary love story. It shows that sometimes you have to travel to the furthest edge of the world in order to find your true place in it.
Себастьян Барри 4.0
От финалиста Букеровской премии, классика современной прозы, которого называли «несравненным хроникером жизни, утраченной безвозвратно» (Irish Independent), — «шедевр стиля и атмосферы, отчасти похожий на книги Кормака Маккарти» (Booklist), роман, получивший престижную премию Costa Award, очередной эпизод саги о семействе Макналти. С Розанной Макналти отечественный читатель уже знаком по роману «Скрижали судьбы» (в 2017 году экранизированному шестикратным номинантом «Оскара» Джимми Шериданом, роли исполнили Руни Мара, Тео Джеймс, Эрик Бана, Ванесса Редгрейв) — а теперь познакомьтесь с Томасом Макналти. Семнадцатилетним покинув охваченную голодом родную Ирландию, он оказывается в США; ему придется пройти испытание войной, разлукой и невозможной любовью, но он никогда не изменит себе, и от первой до последней страницы в нем «сочетаются пьянящая острота слова и способность изумляться миру» (The New York Times Book Review)…

«Удивительное и неожиданное чудо» — так отозвался о «Бесконечных днях» Кадзуо Исигуро, лауреат Букеровской и Нобелевской премии.

Впервые на русском языке.
М. Дж. Картер 0.0
Investigative team Blake and Avery find themselves entangled in a case involving political conflicts, personal vendettas, and England s first celebrity chef.
London, 1842. Captain William Avery is persuaded to investigate a mysterious and horrible death at the Reform, London s newest and grandest gentleman s club a death the club is desperate to hush up. What he soon discovers is a web of rivalries and hatreds, both personal and political, simmering behind the club s handsome facade. At the center is its resident genius, Alexis Soyer, the Napoleon of food, a chef whose culinary brilliance is matched only by his talent for self-publicity.
But Avery is distracted, for where is his mentor and partner in crime Jeremiah Blake? And what if this first death is only a dress rehearsal for something far more sinister?"

Корона документальной литературы

Джерри Броттон 0.0
In 1570, when it became clear she would never be gathered into the Catholic fold, Elizabeth I was excommunicated by the Pope. On the principle that 'my enemy's enemy is my friend', this marked the beginning of an extraordinary English alignment with the Muslim powers who were fighting Catholic Spain in the Mediterranean, and of cultural, economic and political exchanges with the Islamic world of a depth not again experienced until the modern age. England signed treaties with the Ottoman Porte, received ambassadors from the kings of Morocco and shipped munitions to Marrakesh. By the late 1580s hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Elizabethan merchants, diplomats, sailors, artisans and privateers were plying their trade from Morocco to Persia.

These included the resourceful mercer Anthony Jenkinson who met both Süleyman the Magnificent and the Persian Shah Tahmasp in the 1560s, William Harborne, the Norfolk merchant who became the first English ambassador to the Ottoman court in 1582 and the adventurer Sir Anthony Sherley, who spent much of 1600 at the court of Shah Abbas the Great. The previous year, remarkably, Elizabeth sent the Lancastrian blacksmith Thomas Dallam to the Ottoman capital to play his clockwork organ in front of Sultan Mehmed. The awareness of Islam which these Englishmen brought home found its way into many of the great cultural productions of the day, including most famously Marlowe's Tamburlaine, and Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and The Merchant of Venice. The year after Dallam's expedition the Moroccan ambassador, Abd al-Wahid bin Mohammed al-Annuri, spent six months in London with his entourage. Shakespeare wrote Othello six months later.

This Orient Isle shows that England's relations with the Muslim world were far more extensive, and often more amicable, than we have appreciated, and that their influence was felt across the political, commercial and domestic landscape of Elizabethan England. It is a startlingly unfamiliar picture of part of our national and international history.
Дэниел Бир 0.0
It was known as 'the vast prison without a roof.' From the beginning of the nineteenth century until the Russian Revolution, the tsars exiled more than one million prisoners and their families beyond the Ural Mountains to Siberia. Daniel Beer illuminates both the brutal realities of this inhuman system and the tragic and inspiring fates of those who endured it. Here are the vividly told stories of petty criminals and mass murderers, bookish radicals and violent terrorists, fugitives and bounty hunters, and the innocent women and children who followed their husbands and fathers into exile.

Unearthing a treasure trove of new archival evidence, this masterly and original work tells the epic story of Russia's struggle to govern its prison continent and Siberia's own decisive influence on the political forces of the modern world. In The House of the Dead, Daniel Beer brings to light a dark and gripping reality of mythic proportions.
Дэвид Беллос 0.0
Winner of the American Library in Paris Book Award, 2017

'Never mind those self-help manuals urging that some classic novel may change your life; in this sparkling study of the birth, growth and afterlife of Hugo's evergreen blockbuster, David Bellos argues that Les Misérables already has' Boyd Tonkin, Economist

'Any reader who hasn't yet embarked on Hugo's book might be converted to the idea by this one' Daniel Hahn, Spectator

The extraordinary story of how a simple tale of love and revolution, the poor and the downtrodden - Victor Hugo's beloved classic Les Misérables - conquered the world.

There has never been a book like it. It is the most widely read and frequently adapted story of all time, on stage and on film. But why is Les Misérables the novel of the century? David Bellos's remarkable new book brings to life the extraordinary story of how Hugo managed to write his epic novel despite a revolution, a coup d'état and political exile; how he pulled off the deal of the century to get it published, and set it on course to become the novel that epitomizes the grand sweep of history in the nineteenth century. Packed full of information about the background and design of Les Misérables, this biography of a masterpiece nonetheless insists that the moral and social message of Hugo's ever-popular novel is just as important for our century as it was for its own. The Novel of the Century is a book as rich, remarkable and long-lasting as the novel at its heart.

Les Misérables is available as a Penguin Classic, in an acclaimed new translation by Christine Donougher, with an introduction by Robert Tombs.
Lara Feigel 0.0
When Germany surrendered in May 1945 it was a nation reduced to rubble. Immediately, America, Britain, Soviet Russia, and France set about rebuilding in their zones of occupation. Most urgent were physical needs--food, water, and sanitation--but from the start the Allies were also anxious to indoctrinate the German people in the ideas of peace and civilization.

Denazification and reeducation would be key to future peace, and the arts were crucial guides to alternative, less militaristic ways of life. In an extraordinary extension of diplomacy, over the next four years, many writers, artists, actors, and filmmakers were dispatched by Britain and America to help rebuild the country their governments had spent years bombing. Ernest Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn, Marlene Dietrich, George Orwell, Lee Miller, W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender, Billy Wilder, and others undertook the challenge of reconfiguring German society. In the end, many of them became disillusioned by the contrast between the destruction they were witnessing and the cool politics of reconstruction.

While they may have had less effect on Germany than Germany had on them, the experiences of these celebrated figures, never before told, offer an entirely fresh view of post-war Europe. The Bitter Taste of Victory is a brilliant and important addition to the literature of World War II.
Алекс фон Тунцельманн 0.0
Blood & Sand tells this story hour by hour with a fascinating cast of characters including Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anthony Eden, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Nikita Khrushchev, Christian Pineau, Imre Nagy and David Ben-Gurion. It is a tale of conspiracy and revolutions, spies and terrorists, kidnappings and assassination plots, the fall of the British Empire and the rise of American hegemony. Blood & Sand is essential to our understanding of the modern Middle East and resonates powerfully with the problems of oil control, religious fundamentalism and international unity that face the world today.
Фрэнсис Уилсон 0.0
A dynamic biography of one of the most mysterious members of Wordsworth's circle and the last of the Romantics

Thomas De Quincey--opium eater, celebrity journalist, and professional doppelgänger--is embedded in our culture. Modeling his character on Coleridge and his sensibility on Wordsworth, De Quincey took over the latter's cottage in Grasmere and turned it into an opium den. Here, increasingly detached from the world, he nurtured his growing hatred of his former idols and his obsession with murder as one of the fine arts.

Though De Quincey may never have felt the equal of the giants of Romantic literature, the writing style he pioneered--scripted and sculptured emotional memoir--would inspire generations of writers, including Dickens, Dostoevsky, and Virginia Woolf. James Joyce knew whole pages of his work by heart.

As Frances Wilson writes, "Life for De Quincey was either angels ascending on vaults of cloud or vagrants shivering on the city streets." In this spectacular biography, Wilson's meticulous scholarship and supple prose tells the riches-to-rags story of a figure of dazzling complexity and originality, whose life was lived on the run yet who came to influence some of the world's greatest literature. Guilty Thing brings De Quincey and his martyred but wild soul triumphantly to life, and firmly establishes Wilson as one of our foremost contemporary biographers.

Корона дебюта

Beth Underdown 4.0
It's 1645. When Alice Hopkins' husband dies in a tragic accident, she returns to the small Essex town of Manningtree, where her brother Matthew still lives. But home is no longer a place of safety. Matthew has changed, and there are rumours spreading through the town: whispers of witchcraft, and of a great book, in which he is gathering women's names. To what lengths will Matthew's obsession drive him? And what choice will Alice make when she finds herself at the very heart of his plan?
Абир Мукерджи 4.0
Индия, 1919 год. Отчаянно желая начать все сначала, капитан Сэм Уиндем прибывает из Британии, чтобы занять важный пост в полиции Калькутты. Вскоре его вызывают на место странного убийства. Жертва — высокопоставленный чиновник, тело нашли в трущобном квартале, где европейцы не бывают, скомканная записка у него во рту требует, чтобы британцы покинули Индию, а иначе последуют новые жертвы. Капитан Уиндем берет в помощники первого в полиции офицера-индийца, сержанта Банерджи по прозвищу Несокрушим. Быстро выясняется, что история куда запутанней, чем политическое убийство.

Атмосферный, в духе Конан Дойла детектив, разворачивающийся в ярких декорациях колониальной Индии. Это первая книга из детективной серии про Уиндема и Несокрушима. Роман получил престижную жанровую премию CWA Endeavour Dagger как лучший исторический детектив.
Кэтрин Арден 4.1
Долгими, суровым зимними ночами маленькая Василиса с братьями и сестрой сидели у огня и слушали нянины сказки. Больше всех Вася любила сказку о Морозе, голубоглазом духе зимы, который забирает неосторожные души.

Спустя некоторое время овдовевший отец Васи привозит из Москвы молодую жену. Глубоко верующая мачеха запрещает своей семье чествовать языческих духов, но Вася боится последствий этого решения. И действительно, на деревню одна за другой обрушиваются невзгоды. Но мачеха становится лишь суровее, намереваясь устроить жизнь в поместье на свой лад, а заодно подготовить мятежную падчерицу к замужеству или постригу. Защита деревни ослабевает, и лесное зло подкрадывается все ближе. Чтобы защитить свою семью от сказочной угрозы, ставшей реальностью, Василиса вынуждена пустить в ход свои опасные умения, которые она так долго скрывала...
Эмили Битто 5.0
On her first day at a new school, Lily meets Eva, one of the daughters of the infamous avant-garde painter Evan Trentham. He and his wife are attempting to escape the stifling conservatism of 1930s Australia by inviting other like-minded artists to live and work with them at their family home. As Lily’s friendship with Eva grows, she becomes infatuated with this makeshift family and longs to truly be a part of it.

Looking back on those years later in life, Lily realises that this utopian circle involved the same themes as Evan Trentham’s art: Faustian bargains and terrible recompense; spectacular fortunes and falls from grace. Yet it was not Evan, nor the other artists he gathered around him, but his own daughters, who paid the debt that was owing.

The Strays is an engrossing story of ambition, sacrifice and compromised loyalties from an exciting new talent.
Сара Дэй 0.0
Francesco has a memory of his father from early childhood, a night when life for his family changed: their name, their story, their living place. From that night, he has vowed to protect his mother and to follow the words of his father: Non mollare. Never give up.

When Francesco is rounded up with a group of young men and herded into a camp on the island of San Domino, he realises that someone has handed a list of names to the fascist police; everyone is suspicious of one another. His former lover Emilio is constantly agitating for revolution. His old friend Gio jealously watches their relationship rekindle. Locked in spartan dormitories, resentment and bitterness between the men grows each day.

Elena, a young and illiterate island girl on the cusp of womanhood, is drawn to the handsome Francesco yet fails to understand why her family try to keep her away from him. By day, she makes and floats her paper birds, willing them to fly from the island, just as she wants to herself. Sometimes, she is given a message to pass on. She's not sure who they are from; she knows simply that Francesco is hiding something. When Elena discovers the truth about the group of prisoners, the fine line between love and hate pulls her towards an act that can only have terrible consequences for all.
Мартин Хольмен 0.0
An ultra-gritty piece of contemporary Swedish noir, set in a decrepit, highly atmospheric 1930s Stockholm that is a far cry from the modern, egalitarian capital city of today.

The writing's on the wall for Harry Kvist. Once a notorious boxer, he now spends his days drinking, and his nights chasing debts amongst the pimps, prostitutes and petty thieves of 1930s Stockholm. When women can't satisfy him, men can. But one biting winter's night he pays a threatening visit to a debtor named Zetterberg, and when the man is found dead shortly afterwards, all eyes are on Kvist.

Determined to avoid yet another stint in prison, Kvist sets out to track down the only person who can clear his name. His hunt will lead him from the city's slums, gangster hideouts and gambling dens to its most opulent hotels and elite nightclubs. It will bring him face to face with bootleggers and whores, aristocrats and murderers. It will be the biggest fight of his life.

Blending noir with gritty violence, Clinch is a visceral, compulsive thriller that packs a punch and leaves you reeling.
James Terry 0.0
When seventeen-year-old Abigail Walker, desperate to escape her family and her tedious factory job in the East, responds to the ad, “Man in Territory seeks correspondence with adventurous gal,” she thinks she’s found her ticket to love and freedom. She falls in love with Henry through the romantic letters he sends her about his home in the West and agrees to travel to Shakespeare to become his wife. Instead she finds herself lured to a rough mining town and twice-deceived. First, she is the sole woman ever to set foot in Shakespeare. Secondly, her betrothed is not the poetic Romeo of the love letters, but Henry, an elderly saloon keeper and former outlaw.