Вручение 2009 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Бостон Дата проведения: 2009 г.

Художественная литература

Джералдин Брукс 4.2
Наши дни, Сидней. Известный реставратор Ханна Хит приступает к работе над легендарной "Сараевской Аггадой" - одной из самых древних иллюстрированных рукописей на иврите. Шаг за шагом Ханна раскрывает тайны рукописи - и заглядывает в прошлое людей, хранивших эту книгу… Назад - сквозь века. Все дальше и дальше. Из оккупированной нацистами Южной Европы - в пышную и роскошную Вену расцвета Австро-Венгерской империи. Из Венеции эпохи упадка Светлейшей республики - в средневековую Африку и Испанию времен Изабеллы и Фердинанда. Книга открывает секрет за секретом - и постепенно Ханна узнает историю ее создательницы - прекрасной сарацинки, сумевшей занять видное положение при дворе андалузского эмира. Завораживающую историю запретной любви, смертельной опасности и великого самопожертвования…

Документальная литература

Мойинг Ли-Маркус 0.0
Most people cannot remember when their childhood ended. I, on the other hand, have a crystal-clear memory of that moment. It happened at night in the summer of 1966, when my elementary school headmaster hanged himself.

In 1966 Moying, a student at a prestigious language school in Beijing, seems destined for a promising future. Everything changes when student Red Guards begin to orchestrate brutal assaults, violent public humiliations, and forced confessions. After watching her teachers and headmasters beaten in public, Moying flees school for the safety of home, only to witness her beloved grandmother denounced, her home ransacked, her father's precious books flung onto the back of a truck, and Baba himself taken away. From labor camp, Baba entrusts a friend to deliver a reading list of banned books to Moying so that she can continue to learn. Now, with so much of her life at risk, she finds sanctuary in the world of imagination and learning.

This inspiring memoir follows Moying Li from age twelve to twenty-two, illuminating a complex, dark time in China's history as it tells the compelling story of one girl's difficult but determined coming-of-age during the Cultural Revolution.

Snow Falling in Spring is a 2009 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.

Книга для подростков и юношества

Кэти Смит Милуэй 0.0
Inspired by true events, One Hen tells the story of Kojo, a boy from Ghana who turns a small loan into a thriving farm and a livelihood for many.

After his father died, Kojo had to quit school to help his mother collect firewood to sell at the market. When his mother receives a loan from some village families, she gives a little money to her son. With this tiny loan, Kojo buys a hen.

A year later, Kojo has built up a flock of 25 hens. With his earnings Kojo is able to return to school. Soon Kojo's farm grows to become the largest in the region.

Kojo's story is inspired by the life of Kwabena Darko, who as a boy started a tiny poultry farm just like Kojo's, which later grew to be the largest in Ghana, and one of the largest in west Africa. Kwabena also started a trust that gives out small loans to people who cannot get a loan from a bank.

One Hen shows what happens when a little help makes a big difference. The final pages of One Hen explain the microloan system and include a list of relevant organizations for children to explore.

One Hen is part of CitizenKid: A collection of books that inform children about the world and inspire them to be better global citizens.


Джеймс Тэйт 0.0
Pulitzer Prize-winning poet James Tate returns with his fifteenth book of poetry, an exciting new collection that offers nearly one hundred fresh and thought-provoking pieces that embody Tate's trademark style and voice: his accessibility, his dark humor, and his exquisite sense of the absurd.

Tate's work is stark—he writes in clear, everyday language—yet his seemingly simple and macabre stories are layered with broad and trenchant meaning. His characters are often lost or confused, his settings bizarre, his scenarios brilliantly surreal. Opaque, inscrutable people float through a dreamlike world where nothing is as it seems. The Ghost Soldiers offers resounding proof, once again, that Tate stands alone in American poetry.