Вручение 2019 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: 2019 г.

Премия Центра художественной литературы за первый роман

Де'Шон Чарльз Уинслоу 0.0
For readers of The Twelve Tribes of Hattie and The Turner House, an intimately told story about a woman living by her own rules and the rural community that struggles to understand her.

Azalea “Knot” Centre is determined to live life as she pleases. Let the people of West Mills say what they will; the neighbors’ gossip won’t keep Knot from what she loves best: cheap moonshine, nineteenth-century literature, and the company of men. And yet, Knot is starting to learn that her freedom comes at a high price. Alone in her one-room shack, ostracized from her relatives and cut off from her hometown, Knot turns to her neighbor, Otis Lee Loving, in search of some semblance of family and home.

Otis Lee is eager to help. A lifelong fixer, Otis Lee is determined to steer his friends and family away from decisions that will cause them heartache and ridicule. After his failed attempt as a teenager to help his older sister, Otis Lee discovers a possible path to redemption in the chaos Knot brings to his doorstep. But while he’s busy trying to fix Knot’s life, Otis Lee finds himself powerless to repair the many troubles within his own family, as the long-buried secrets of his troubled past begin to come to light.

Set in an African American community in rural North Carolina from 1941 to 1987, In West Mills is a magnificent, big-hearted small-town story about family, friendship, storytelling, and the redemptive power of love.
Джулия Филлипс 3.8
Психологический триллер с похищением, исследующий природу зла, силу патриархальных устоев и женскую уязвимость.

Однажды августовским вечером на Камчатке без вести пропадают две сестры 8 и 11 лет. Подозрения падают на представителей коренных народов полуострова, но полицейское расследование приводит в тупик... Так начинается этот роман. Последующие главы знакомят нас с женщинами, так или иначе знавшими похищенных детей.

Роман состоит из 12 сюжетов, поначалу не связанных между собой. Постепенно вырисовывается полная картинка происходящего. Пока мать девочек пытается жить дальше, соседи, свидетели и следователь переживают свои драмы. И все это на фоне изолированной, северной, нехоженой красоты российского Дальнего Востока: героев окружают вулканы, тундра и дикий океан.
Оушен Вуонг 4.0
Дебютный роман молодого, но уже известного вьетнамо-американского поэта Оушена Вонга о роли семьи, о первой любви и об искупительной силе слова.

Это письмо сына к матери, которая не умеет читать. Написанное главным героем на излете взросления, оно раскрывает историю семьи, переплетенную с трагическими событиями Вьетнамской войны.

Герой с теплом и щемящей ностальгией вспоминает свое вьетнамо-американское детство, трудное, но пронизанное любовью. Для своей семьи мальчик был окном в мир, единственным, у кого есть шанс быть услышанным и понятым. Хрупкое подростковое чувство любви оборачивается печалью и одиночеством. Жизнь — это краткие мгновения прекрасного среди боли и непонимания. И все же, как у бабочек, мигрирующих каждый год, тяга к движению и переменам оказывается сильнее.

Этот роман — о необходимости быть услышанным, он пронизан нежностью и состраданием. Это смелое исследование коллективной и индивидуальной травмы.

Книга уже переведена на 16 языков, всего ожидается 30 переводов на разные языки.
Чиа-Чиа Лин 4.0
In Chia-Chia Lin’s debut novel, The Unpassing, we meet a Taiwanese immigrant family of six struggling to make ends meet on the outskirts of Anchorage, Alaska. The father, hardworking but beaten down, is employed as a plumber and repairman, while the mother, a loving, strong-willed, and unpredictably emotional matriarch, holds the house together. When ten-year-old Gavin contracts meningitis at school, he falls into a deep, nearly fatal coma. He wakes up a week later to learn that his little sister Ruby was infected, too. She did not survive.

Routine takes over for the grieving family: the siblings care for each other as they befriend a neighboring family and explore the woods; distance grows between the parents as they deal with their loss separately. But things spiral when the father, increasingly guilt ridden after Ruby’s death, is sued for not properly installing a septic tank, which results in grave harm to a little boy. In the ensuing chaos, what really happened to Ruby finally emerges.

With flowing prose that evokes the terrifying beauty of the Alaskan wilderness, Lin explores the fallout after the loss of a child and the way in which a family is forced to grieve in a place that doesn’t yet feel like home. Emotionally raw and subtly suspenseful, The Unpassing is a deeply felt family saga that dismisses the American dream for a harsher, but ultimately more profound, reality.
Питчая Судбантад 3.5
A missionary doctor pines for his native New England even as he succumbs to the vibrant chaos of nineteenth-century Siam. A post-World War II society woman marries, mothers, and holds court, little suspecting her solitary fate. A jazz pianist in the age of rock, haunted by his own ghosts, is summoned to appease the house's resident spirits. In the present, a young woman tries to outpace the long shadow of her political past. And in a New Krungthep yet to come, savvy teenagers row tourists past landmarks of the drowned old city they themselves do not remember. Time collapses as these lives collide and converge, linked by the forces voraciously making and remaking the amphibious, ever-morphing capital itself. Bangkok Wakes to Rain is an elegy for what time erases and a love song to all that persists, yearning, into the unknowable future.
Джо Уилкинс 0.0
Wendell Newman, a young ranch hand in Montana, has recently lost his mother, leaving him an orphan, as his father met a violent end more than a decade earlier. His bank account holds less than a hundred dollars, and he owes back taxes on what remains of the land his parents owned, as well as money for the surgeries that failed to save his mother's life.

Into this situation comes seven-year-old Rowdy Burns, the illegitimate son of Wendell's cousin, who is incarcerated after falling prey to addiction. Traumatized, Rowdy is mute and damaged. Caring for him will be a test of Wendell's will and resolve, and yet he comes to love the boy more than he ever thought possible. That love will be stretched to the breaking point during the first legal wolf hunt in Montana in more than thirty years, when a murder results in a manhunt, and Wendell finds himself on the wrong side of a disaffected fringe group, hoping both to protect Rowdy and to avoid the same violent fate that claimed his father.

This dark and haunting debut novel is an unforgettable tale of sacrificial love, with two characters who win the reader's heart from the first page to the last.
Лорен Уилкинсон 0.0
It's 1986, the heart of the Cold War, and Marie Mitchell is an intelligence officer with the FBI. She's brilliant but she's also a young black woman working in an old boys' club, and her career has stalled out; she's overlooked for every high profile squad, and her days are filled with monotonous paperwork. So when she's given the opportunity to join a shadowy task force aimed at undermining Thomas Sankara, the charismatic, revolutionary president of Burkina Faso, whose Communist ideology has made him a target for American intervention, she says yes. Yes, even though she secretly admires the work Thomas is doing for his country. Yes, even though she is still grieving the mysterious death of her sister, whose example led Marie to this career path in the first place. Yes, even though a furious part of her suspects she's being offered the job because of her appearance and not her talent.

In the year that follows, Marie will observe Thomas, seduce him, and ultimately, have a hand in the coup that will bring him down. But doing so will change everything she believes about what it means to be a spy, a lover, a sister, and a good American.