Вручение 20 февраля 2018 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: 20 февраля 2018 г.

Премия Роберта Бингэма за дебютный сборник рассказов

Дженни Чжан 5.0
Centered on a community of immigrants who have traded their endangered lives as artists in China and Taiwan for the constant struggle of life at the poverty line in 1990s New York City, Zhang’s collection examines the many ways that family and history can weigh us down and also lift us up. From the young woman coming to terms with her grandmother’s role in the Cultural Revolution to the daughter struggling to understand where her family ends and she begins, to the girl discovering the power of her body to inspire and destroy, these seven stories illuminate the complex and messy inner lives of girls struggling to define themselves.
Эмили Фридлунд 3.2
Когда люди опаснее волков. Начальная глава этого романа принесла автору литературную премию и открыла миру новый талант большого масштаба – Эмили Фридлунд. Линда – одиночка, живущая с родителями в бывшей коммуне в глубоких лесах Миннесоты. Она одна ходит в школу и ни с кем не дружит. Ее одиночество внезапно прерывается, когда в школе появляется новый учитель истории, а в соседний коттедж заезжает странная семья с маленьким ребенком Полом. Новые знакомства окунут Линду в сложный и запутанный мир взрослых, где один неверный выбор может стоить жизни. "История волков" – именно такая книга, которую надо читать зимой под одеялом: от нее мороз по коже.
Мариан Кротти 0.0
In these nine stories, Marian Crotty inhabits the lives of people searching for human connection. Her characters, most often young women, are honest, troubled, and filled with longing. In the title story, a young woman begins a job on a construction site after leaving an abusive marriage. In “Crazy for You,” two girls spy on a neighbor’s sex life, while their own sexuality hovers in the distance. In “A Real Marriage,” a college student marries a boyfriend to help him stay in the United States. In “The Fourth Fattest Girl at Cutting Horse Ranch,” the daily life of a residential treatment center for eating disorders is disrupted by the arrival of a celebrity. The stories are set in Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and the Persian Gulf, and often touch on themes of addiction, class, sexuality, and gender. What Counts as Love is a poignant, often funny collection that asks us to take it and its characters seriously.
Венита Блэкберн 0.0
Black Jesus and Other Superheroes chronicles ordinary people achieving vivid extrasensory perception while under extreme pain. The stories tumble into a universe of the jaded and the hopeful, in which men and women burdened with unwieldy and undesirable superhuman abilities are nonetheless resilient in subtle and startling ways.

Venita Blackburn's characters hurl themselves toward the inevitable fates they might rather wish away. Their stories play with magic without the sparkle, glaring at the internal machinations of the human spirit. Fragile symbols for things such as race, sexuality, and love are lifted, decorated, and exposed to scrutiny and awe like so many ruins of our imagination. Through it all Blackburn’s characters stumble along currents of language both thoughtful and hilarious.