Вручение 2015 г.

Премия вручена за 2014 год.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз

Рози Роуэлл 0.0
Meg Bergman is fifteen and fed up. She lives in a tiny town in rural 1990s South Africa - a hot-bed of traditionalism, racial tension and (in Meg's eyes) ordinariness. Meg has no friends either, due largely to what the community sees as her mother's interfering attempts to educate farm workers about AIDS. But one day Xanthe arrives - cool, urban, feisty Xanthe, who for some unknown reason seems to want to hang out with Meg.

Xanthe arrives into Meg's life like a hurricane, offering her a look at a teenage life she never knew existed. But cracks quickly begin to show in their friendship when Meg's childhood friend Simon returns from his gap year travels. LEOPOLD BLUE is an emotionally taut and beautifully-written story from a debut author with a mesmerising voice.
Салли Грин 3.8
Англия, наши дни. Рядом с ничего не подозревающими обычными людьми идет кровавая война. Война магов. Ее ведут от начала времен непримиримые враги – Черные колдуны и Белые ведьмы.

В мире, где нет места полутонам и оттенкам, 16-летний Натан Бирн – единственный в своем роде. Его отец - самый могущественный черный колдун, а мать – Белая ведьма.

Каждый год Совет Белых Ведьм подвергает Натана все более строгим ограничениям. Тихий протест юного колдуна превращается в яростный бунт, когда Совет запрещает ему видеться с возлюбленной - Белой ведьмой Анной-Лизой…

Но Натан готов пойти против воли Совета и рискнуть жизнью ради счастья быть с любимой!

Между тем, в свой семнадцатый день рождения Натан должен обрести Дар. Иначе он умрет.

Впервые на русском языке!
Сара Кроу 0.0
Ash’s dad has returned from war, close to a breakdown and lost in a world of imaginary threats. Meanwhile, Ash’s best friend Mark is grieving and has drifted away into his own nightmares. Ash’s only escape is his lonely mountain running, training to be the stag boy in the annual Stag Chase. But dark things are stirring. Ash begins to wonder if the sinister stories about the Stag Chase are true. Could Mark and Dad be haunted by more than just their pasts?
Клэр Фёрнисс 0.0
Grappling with grief is hard enough without repeat visits from the deceased. Pearl deals with death, life, and family in this haunting, humorous, and poignant debut.

The world can tip at any moment…a fact that fifteen-year-old Pearl is all too aware of when her mom dies after giving birth to her baby sister, Rose.

Rose, who looks exactly like a baby rat, all pink, wrinkled, and writhing. This little Rat has destroyed everything, even ruined the wonderful relationship that Pearl had with her stepfather, the Rat’s biological father.

Mom, though…Mom’s dead but she can’t seem to leave. She keeps visiting Pearl. Smoking, cursing, guiding.

Told across the year following her mother’s death, Pearl’s story is full of bittersweet humor and heartbreaking honesty about how you deal with grief that cuts you to the bone, as she tries not only to come to terms with losing her mother, but also the fact that her sister—The Rat—is a constant reminder of why her mom is no longer around.
Non Pratt 0.0
In this dazzling debut novel, a pregnant teen learns the meaning of friendship—from the boy who pretends to be her baby’s father.

When the entire high school finds out that Hannah Shepard is pregnant via her ex-best friend, she has a full-on meltdown in her backyard. The one witness (besides the rest of the world): Aaron Tyler, a transfer student and the only boy who doesn’t seem to want to get into Hannah’s pants. Confused and scared, Hannah needs someone to be on her side. Wishing to make up for his own past mistakes, Aaron does the unthinkable and offers to pretend to be the father of Hannah’s unborn baby. Even more unbelievable, Hannah hears herself saying “yes.”

Told in alternating perspectives between Hannah and Aaron, Trouble is the story of two teenagers helping each other to move forward in the wake of tragedy and devastating choices. In a year marked by loss, regret, and hope, the two will discover a simple truth: Nothing compares to finding your first, true best friend.