О премии

Премия «Медный цилиндр» - ежегодная литературная награда за лучшие фантастические романы или сборники рассказов, впервые опубликованные на английском языке канадскими авторами в течение прошлого года.

Премия была учреждена в 2012 году. Она берёт своё название от книги Джеймса Де Милля (James De Mille, 1833-1880) «A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder» («Странная рукопись, найденная в медном цилиндре»), — как считается, первого канадского научно-фантастического романа.

Лауреатов определяют члены одного из канадских обществ любителей фантастики — Sunburst Award Society. Никаких номинационных списков не формируется. Достаточно, чтобы автор книги проживал на территории Канады или был гражданином этой страны.

У премии две номинации:
- Книга для взрослых
- Книга для подростков

Победители получают в качестве трофея гравированный медный цилиндр ручной работы.

С 2019 года вручение премии приостановлено.

Жанры: Зарубежная фантастика, Зарубежная литература, Современная зарубежная литература Страны: Канада Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 2012 г. Последнее вручение: 2018 г. Официальный сайт: http://coppercylinderaward.ca/node/1


Книга для взрослых
Copper Cylinder Award for Adult
Книга для подростков
Copper Cylinder Award for Young Adult
Книга для взрослых
Eden Robinson 3.8
Everyone knows a guy like Jared: the burnout kid in high school who sells weed cookies and has a scary mom who's often wasted and wielding some kind of weapon. Jared does smoke and drink too much, and he does make the best cookies in town, and his mom is a mess, but he's also a kid who has an immense capacity for compassion and an impulse to watch over people more than twice his age, and he can't rely on anyone for consistent love and support, except for his flatulent pit bull, Baby Killer (he calls her Baby)--and now she's dead.

Jared can't count on his mom to stay sober and stick around to take care of him. He can't rely on his dad to pay the bills and support his new wife and step-daughter. Jared is only sixteen but feels like he is the one who must stabilize his family's life, even look out for his elderly neighbours. But he struggles to keep everything afloat...and sometimes he blacks out. And he puzzles over why his maternal grandmother has never liked him, why she says he's the son of a trickster, that he isn't human. Mind you, ravens speak to him--even when he's not stoned.

You think you know Jared, but you don't.
Книга для подростков
Кари Маарен 0.0
Freddy doesn’t want people to think she’s weird. Her family makes that difficult, though: her deaf stepbrother Roland’s a major geek, and her genius little sister Mel’s training to be the next Sherlock Holmes. All Freddy wants is to survive high school.

Then two extremely odd neighbors move in next door.

Cuerva Lachance and Josiah definitely aren't normal. Neither is their house, which defies the laws of physics. Neither is Freddy’s situation, when she suddenly finds herself stuck thousands of years in the past with her very, very weird neighbors. And that’s only the beginning.
Книга для подростков
S.M. Beiko 0.0
As the winter ice begins to thaw, the fury of a demon builds — all because one girl couldn’t stay dead . . .

Roan Harken considers herself a typical high school student — dead parents, an infected eyeball, and living in the house of her estranged, currently comatose grandmother (well, maybe not so typical) — but she’s uncovering the depth of the secrets her family left behind. Saved from the grasp of Death itself by a powerful fox spirit named Sil, Roan must harness mysterious ancient power . . . and quickly. A snake-monster called Zabor lies in wait in the bed of the frozen Assiniboine River, hungry for the sacrifice of spirit-blood in exchange for keeping the flood waters at bay. Thrust onto an ancient battlefield, Roan soon realizes that to maintain the balance of the world, she will have to sacrifice more than her life in order to take her place as Scion of the Fox.

American Gods meets Princess Mononoke in this powerful first installment of a trilogy sure to capture readers’ imaginations everywhere.
