Вручение 2019 г.

Страна: Австралия Место проведения: город Сидней Дата проведения: 2019 г.

Премия Рассела

Трент Далтон 4.3
Детство двенадцатилетнего Илая Белла не назвать обычным.

Его старший брат Август — ясновидящий гений, принявший обет молчания и общающийся с миром с помощью фраз, написанных в воздухе.

Его отчим Лайл — профессиональный наркодилер средней руки.

Его мир — австралийское предместье.

А место няньки и учителя при нем занимает Артур Холлидей по прозвищу Гудини — философ и чемпион по успешным побегам из тюрем.

Такова "вселенная" Илая — мальчика, кому скоро предстоит влюбиться в девушку, которую он никогда не видел, спасти мать, вступить в неравную схватку с таинственным криминальным боссом Титусом Брозом и начать получать советы из трубки отключенного красного телефона...
Tony Martin 0.0
'They're different, that's for sure. And I wouldn't put anything past 'em.' It's 2006, and terror scaremongering in the media has rattled the residents of sleepy, suburban Dunlop Crescent. When a Maori family moves into number 14, the local cranks assume they are Middle Eastern terrorists hell-bent on destroying the Australian way of life. Rumour has it that they plan to turn their house to face Mecca. This sets off an extraordinary chain of events that embroils the entire neighbourhood as well as cynical media figures, bumbling anti-terrorist police, and a gang of white supremacists with a radical plan to wake up the country and 'preserve Australian values'. At the centre of it all is Gordon, a retired widower, who just wants a bit of peace and quiet. Deadly Kerfuffle is a smart, riveting and incredibly funny novel inspired by actual letters to the editor in a local newspaper. Through biting satire and a cast of unforgettable characters, it's an insight into the kind of paranoia that could only ever blossom in the quietest and safest of places.
Райан О’Нил 0.0
Henry Lawson’s short story ‘The Drover’s Wife’ is an Australian classic that has sparked interpretations on the page, on canvas and on the stage. But it has never been so thoroughly, or hilariously, reimagined as by Ryan O’Neill, remixing and revising Lawson’s masterpiece in 99 different ways.

You’ll be amused, delighted and surprised by a Year 8 essay, a sporting commentary, a pop song, a Hollywood movie adaptation and many more.
Helen Razer 0.0
Life was not a bowl of charm-soaked cherries for the miserable Helen Razer. She worked in discount advertising and wore elastic pants. She did, however, have a long-term girlfriend whose announcement one summer day that she was leaving left the author with nothing. A bewildered Razer takes the advice of her beauty therapist and soon embarks on one hundred dates inside a calendar year. This book is that account. Will she get over the ex? Will she find true love, or even someone to boff her? All will be revealed, in a naked, funny and frankly embarrassing record of a life lived in apps and desperation.
Tracy Sorensen 0.0
It's 1969 and a remote coastal town in Western Australia is poised to play a pivotal part in the moon landing. Perched on the red dunes of its outskirts looms the great Dish: a relay for messages between Apollo 11 and Houston, Texas. Crouched around a single grainy set, radar technician Evan Johnson and his colleagues stare at the screen, transfixed, as Armstrong takes that first small step.

I was in my cage of course, unheard, underestimated, biscuit crumbs on my beak. But fate is a curious thing. For just as Evan Johnson's story is about to end (and perhaps with a giant leap), my story prepares to take flight...

The Lucky Galah is a novel about fate. About Australia. About what it means to be human. It just happens to be narrated by a galah called Lucky.