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Мадлен Бантинг 0.0
It is 1940. Guernsey has been bombed, and is now occupied, by the Germans. A year earlier, young, naïve and recently married Helene, waved goodbye to her husband, who enlisted in the British army. Protected only by her father and Nanna, Helene must carve out a life on the island for the length of the war.

Forty years later, her daughter Roz begins a search for the truth about her father's identity and stumbles into the secret history of her mother's life.

As Roz discovers, the truth is hard to pin down, and living with the enemy is a messy business.
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Мэри Линн Брахт 4.5
Корея, 1943-й. Хане шестнадцать лет, она никогда не покидала родной остров Чеджу, родилась и выросла под японской оккупацией. Она из рода хэнё, женщин моря, ныряльщиц. Ее младшая сестра никак не может дождаться того дня, когда и она станет хэнё. Две девочки счастливы в своем маленьком идиллическом мире на берегу океана, но однажды судьба разлучает их, отправив Хану в чужие края, уготовив ей тяжкие испытания. Но женщины моря сильны и упорны, и Хана не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь найти свой дом.

Южная Корея, 2011-й. Больше шестидесяти лет Эми старалась забыть то, что случилось с ней и сестрой в детстве. Но на закате жизни, чтобы примириться с собой, она должна взглянуть в лицо прошлому и вспомнить все. А может, и найти наконец сестру.

«Белая хризантема» – драматическая и трогательная история о двух сестрах, разлученных войной, чья любовь друг к другу настолько сильна, что способна противостоять даже войне.
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Эндрю Кловер 0.0
Meet RORY BRANAGAN – he eats bad guys for breakfast. Well, not ACTUALLY. But he IS the best detective in town. First in a hilarious seven-book, comedy-crime series for readers of 8+

Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am actually a detective.

People always say, ‘How do you become a detective?’

And I say, ‘Ahhhh… you don’t just FIND YOURSELF suddenly sneaking up on baddies, or diving out of the way as they shoot, or hurtling from an open plane towards the ground! You have to want it.’

And what made ME want it? I needed to find out what
happened to my dad…

There are seven books in the RORY BRANGAN (DETECTIVE) series and this is the first, in which you meet Rory and his accomplice Cassidy as they investigate the poisoning of Rory’s next door neighbour. Rory’s adventures are all highly illustrated so you can see everything he gets up to in glorious black and white.
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Gail Honeyman 4.3
Eleanor Oliphant leads a simple life. She wears the same clothes to work every day, eats the same meal deal for lunch every day and buys the same two bottles of vodka to drink every weekend.

Eleanor Oliphant is happy. Nothing is missing from her carefully timetabled life. Except, sometimes, everything.

One simple act of kindness is about to shatter the walls Eleanor has built around herself. Now she must learn how to navigate the world that everyone else seems to take for granted – while searching for the courage to face the dark corners she’s avoided all her life.

Change can be good. Change can be bad. But surely any change is better than… fine?
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Кэти Смит 0.0
*** Winner of ITV Lorraine's Top Tales 2016 ***

Lottie and her class are given an end of term project competition called Big and Small. The problem is, class show-off Penelope Pembleton-Puce always wins.

But this time, Lottie and Gramps come up with a brilliant idea: to grow a giant pumpkin!

With the help of grandad's old vegetable growing tricks, they set about trying to break world records for the biggest vegetable ever. But this pumpkin is fussy, demanding and has a mind of its own, and with Penelope willing to do literally anything to win AGAIN, does Lottie really stand a chance?

A beautiful, heart-warming story about friendship, family, and growing confidence ... as well as a large vegetable!
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Harry Parker 4.2
Anatomy of a Soldier is a stunning first novel—of patriotism, heroism, and profound humanism—that will immediately take its place on the shelf of classics about what it truly means to be at war.

Let’s imagine a man called Captain Tom Barnes, aka BA5799, who’s leading British troops in the war zone. And two boys growing up together there, sharing a prized bicycle and flying kites before finding themselves estranged once foreign soldiers appear in their countryside. And then there’s the man who trains one of them to fight against the other’s father and all these infidel invaders. Then imagine the family and friends who radiate out from these lives, people on all sides of this conflict where virtually everyone is caught up in the middle of something unthinkable.

But then regard them not as they see themselves but as all the objects surrounding them do: shoes and boots, a helmet, a bag of fertilizer, a medal, a beer glass, a snowflake, dog tags, and a horrific improvised explosive device that binds them all together by blowing one of them apart—forty-five different narrators in all, including the multiple medical implements subsequently required to keep Captain Barnes alive.

The result is a novel that reveals not only an author with a striking literary talent and intelligence but also the lives of people—whether husband or wife, father or mother, son or daughter—who are part of this same heart-stopping journey. A work of extraordinary humanity and hope, created out of something hopeless and dehumanizing, it makes art out of pain and suffering and takes its place in a long and rich line of novels that articulate the lives that soldiers lead. In the boom of an instant, and in decades of very different lives and experiences, we see things we’ve never understood so clearly before.

From the Hardcover edition.
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Джон Донохью 0.0
SS Obersturmführer Paul Meissner arrives in Auschwitz from the Russian front. After being badly wounded he is fit only for administrative duty and his first and most pressing task is to improve flagging camp morale. He sets up a chess club which thrives, as the officers and enlisted men are allowed to gamble on the results of the games. However, when Meissner learns from a chance remark that chess is also played by the prisoners he hears of a Jewish watchmaker who is 'unbeatable'. Meissner sets out to discover the truth behind this rumour and what he finds will haunt him to his death..

A deeply moving novel about an impossible friendship, The Death's Head Chess Club challenges us to consider what might be the very limits of forgiveness and what might be the cost of a lifetime of bitterness.
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Керр Томсон 0.0
Three children are spending their summer on a wild Scottish island. Fraser is desperate for adventure; Hayley is fed up she's even there; while Dunny spends his days staring out to sea. He hasn't said a word in years. But everything changes with the discovery of two bodies on the beach: a whale and a man. Fraser and Hayley see a mystery-adventure to be solved, but Dunny is inconsolable. And in the end, it will take someone who listens to the sea to put it right.
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Мэттью Франк 0.0
If I Should Die is the astounding debut from British author Matthew Frank.

It begins with vicious, apparently motiveless attacks on down and outs in South London. But when one of the homeless victims dies from his wounds, it's murder . . .

For the investigation team's youngest member, Trainee Detective Joseph Stark, death is already all too familiar. Injured in an attack that killed his colleagues, Afghan veteran Stark has enough on his hands just trying to recover without enduring the scrutiny and sideways glances of his new colleagues. The drink and painkillers he's leaning on to keep him going aren't helping. And there's only so long he can ignore the efforts of the military police to speak to him.

When one of the victims fights back it soon becomes clear that there's much more at stake than gangs preying randomly on society's weakest members. But as he edges closer to the truth - and to the rotten heart of the crimes - Stark's own strength is fading. It seems that the ex-soldier's formidable determination to see justice done may not, this time, be enough to carry him through.

If I Should Die is the first title in a new crime series, and outstanding characterization, pitch perfect dialogue and a powerful twist mark out Matthew Frank as a debut writer to watch. With the introduction of series character and ex-soldier police detective Joseph Stark, fans of Ian Rankin's Rebus novels will be hooked from the word go.

Matthew Frank lives in Kent with his wife and three young sons. Between family life and work as an architect he tries to squeeze in a bit of mountain biking, scuba diving and midnight writing. If I Should Die is his first novel.
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Саймон Мейл 0.0
Meet the funniest kid in fiction and follow his life’s ups and downs told through laugh-out-loud letters, emails, texts and more!

Her Majesty, hi there

My name is Harry Riddles and I don’t normally do this kind of thing, but I think we might need some help. …

Harry ‘Shoutykid’ Riddles has a few problems: he needs money to make his movie, My Pet Zombie, his dad needs a job before they lose their home, and the school play is going to end in disaster unless there are some major changes to the leading actors! But Harry isn’t giving up easily – he decides to write to anyone who might be able to help get his life back on track, including, the Queen, the Prime Minister and Harry Styles from One Direction! A hilarious new series starring a stand-out comic character.
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Гевин Экстенс 4.4
Роман «Вселенная против Алекса Вудса» воспевает курьезные случайности, астрономию и астрологию, произведения Курта Воннегута и неожиданные нити, соединяющие все и вся, которые и формируют этот мир. Метеорит угодил в Алекса Вудса, когда тому было 10 лет, оставив шрамы и уготовив мальчику необычное будущее. Сын гадалки, педантичный и страннный, удобная мишень для хулиганов, Алекс не мог похвастаться счастливым детством. Вся его жизнь изменилась, когда он знакомится с мистером Петерсоном, человеком, который научил его простой истине: у тебя в жизни есть только один шанс. И ты должен не упустить его. Рассказ Алекса балансирует на тонкой грани между светом и тьмой, смехом и слезами, и вполне может поразить вас как самый смешной и в то же время самый грустный роман, который вам приходилось читать.
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Эрика Макгэнн 0.0
Grace and her four best friends, Jenny, Rachel, Adie and Una, are failed witches – and they have a notebook full of useless spells to prove it. But one night, they stumble upon real magical powers – and their notebook takes on a diabolical life of its own.
The girls watch, helpless, as, one by one, their spells start to work, moving relentlessly towards the worst one of all …

Can Grace and her friends stem the wave of powerful magic … before tragedy strikes?
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Рейчел Джойс 4.2
Гарольд Фрай, самый обычный человек, который всю жизнь ощущал себя ненужным, лишним, пускается в необычное путешествие. На противоположном конце страны в хосписе его ждет женщина по имени Куини Хеннесси. Мы не знаем, был ли у них роман, но она, одна из немногих, понимала и ценила его. Гарольд верит — пока он идет, преодолевая милю за милей, Куини будет жить. Эта одиссея стала для Гарольда возвращением к себе и — переосмыслением всей его жизни.
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Л. А. Джонс 0.0
There's a secret you need to know. A secret about how nightmares are made. Welcome to the Nightmare Factory. When Andrew Lake and his twin sister Poppy are stolen from their dreams, they find themselves trapped in a strange realm parallel to our own.
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Кристи Уотсон 5.0

Winner of the 2011 Costa First Novel Award

When their mother catches their father with another woman, twelve year-old Blessing and her fourteen-year-old brother, Ezikiel, are forced to leave their comfortable home in Lagos for a village in the Niger Delta, to live with their mother’s family. Without running water or electricity, Warri is at first a nightmare for Blessing. Her mother is gone all day and works suspiciously late into the night to pay the children’s school fees. Her brother, once a promising student, seems to be falling increasingly under the influence of the local group of violent teenage boys calling themselves Freedom Fighters. Her grandfather, a kind if misguided man, is trying on Islam as his new religion of choice, and is even considering the possibility of bringing in a second wife.

But Blessing’s grandmother, wise and practical, soon becomes a beloved mentor, teaching Blessing the ways of the midwife in rural Nigeria. Blessing is exposed to the horrors of genital mutilation and the devastation wrought on the environment by British and American oil companies. As Warri comes to feel like home, Blessing becomes increasingly aware of the threats to its safety, both from its unshakable but dangerous traditions and the relentless carelessness of the modern world. Tiny Sunbirds, Far Away is the witty and beautifully written story of one family’s attempt to survive a new life they could never have imagined, struggling to find a deeper sense of identity along the way.
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Кэролайн Грин 0.0
Bel has never mey anyone like Luka. And the day she follows him into the abandoned fairground, she is totally unprepared for the turn her life is about to take.
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Хелен Саймонсон 4.2
Майор в отставке Эрнест Петтигрю после смерти брата сталкивается с проблемами, решать которые он должен, не поступившись понятиями о чести, долге, благопристойности. Страсти разгораются и вокруг семейной реликвии, которую родственники намерены выгодно продать, и вокруг дружбы майора с владелицей деревенского магазинчика пакистанкой миссис Али. Оба любят литературу, оба потеряли супругов, и их дружба может перерасти в нечто большее. Но местное общество не готово принять мусульманку как равную.
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Stephanie Burgis 0.0
"I was twelve years of age when I chopped off my hair, dressed as a boy, and set off to save my family from impending ruin. I made it almost to the end of my front garden..."

Magic may be the greatest scandal in Regency England. But that's not going to stop Kat Stephenson when there are highwaymen to foil, sinister aristocrats to defeat...and true loves to capture for her two older sisters.
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