Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: Фестиваль в Хее (Hay-on-Wye) Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Юмористическая литература

Майкл Фрейн 3.7
Лондонское предместье, начало 1940-x. Два мальчика играют в войну. Вообразив, что мать одного из них — немецкая шпионка, они начинают следить за каждым ее шагом. Однако невинная, казалось бы, детская игра неожиданно приобретает зловещий поворот... А через 60 лет эту историю — уже под другим углом зрения, с другим пониманием событий — вспоминает постаревший герой.
Терри Пратчетт 4.5
Аудиторы в очередной раз мутят воду. Метафорически. Поскольку на людей полагаться бесполезно, есть только один выход — надеть людские тела самим. Что ж, удачи. Она вам понадобиться. Особенно когда вам навстречу попадется Сюзан СтоГелитская с вопросом — КТО ЭТО ТУТ БЕЗОБРАЗНИЧАЕТ? Кроме того, в ней подробно расъясняется Правило Один — очень важно всегда помнить Правило Один! Жизненно важно. А в некоторых случаях, смертельно важно.
Дэйв Горман, Дэнни Уоллес 0.0
After a heavy night of tequila comedian Dave Gorman embarks on a quest to find all the other people in the world with same name as him. Sounds simple, but it wasn't. In this wonderful book, flatmates Dave and Danny set off on what turns out to be a 24,000-mile journey. Along the way they meet many Dave Gormans. They visit Scotland, Israel, America, France. They even hold a party in London where 50 Dave Gormans attend. Including two women who have kindly changed their name via deed-poll. Silly, but engrossing, fascinating and strangely addictive. If you think about it, it's about our fundamental desire to be connected to other human beings.
Terry Eagleton 0.0
A memoir in which our hero blends autobiography with moral, political and cultural reflections. thoughts about god, evil, suffering, death and tragedy are interwoven with comic or moving scenes from the author's life; his bizarre experiences as a young altar server in a convent of enclosed nuns; his precarious career in 1960's cambridge as one of the few working-class students among a set of public school boys; his abortive experience of life in aseminary. Eagleton was brought up in Salford, Lancs., in a working-class University. His book discloses the more personal, spiritual side of a well-known cultural thinker; mixing the serious with the hilarious, life with ideas, the personal with the political.
Лисса Эванс 0.0
Some people live life in the fast lane. Others have stalled and are waiting for assistance on the side of the road, sustained only by the piece of chewing gum they’ve just found in the glove compartment. Spencer’s ex-lover has died, leaving him a lizard and a list of things to do before the end of the year. Spencer’s friend Fran shares a house and a mortgage with her brother and his girlfriend, a woman with delicate wrists and a bloated cat. Fran’s neighbour Iris is slave to the three men in her life: an aging father who likes the phone and two teenage sons who cannot fathom the washing machine. Maybe it’s not about living life in the fast lane. It’s about learning to live at all. Spencer’s List is a wonderfully funny tale of life lived on the edge – of reason, of failure and of (just possibly) a brighter future.