О премии

Премия Фредерика Дугласа - американская литературная премия за самую выдающуюся нехудожественную книгу на английском языке, посвященную теме рабства, отмены или движения против рабства. Одна из самых желанных наград за исследование глобального рабства.

Была учреждена в 1999 году. Присуждается ежегодно Институтом американской истории им. Гилдера Лермана (Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History) и Центром изучения рабства, сопротивления и отмены Гилдера Лермана при Йельском университете.

Награда названа в честь одного из известнейших борцов за права чернокожего населения Америки, руководителя негритянского освободительного движения, писателя Фредерика Дугласа (1818-1895).

В отдельные годы премией награждались сразу два лауреата.

Лауреат получает 25 000 долларов США.

Жанры: Документальная литература, Зарубежная литература, Современная зарубежная литература Страны: США Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 1999 г. Последнее вручение: 2023 г. Официальный сайт: https://glc.yale.edu/DouglassBookPrize


Премия Фредерика Дугласа
Frederick Douglass Book Prize
Премия Фредерика Дугласа
Тия Алисия Майлз 0.0
In a display case in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture sits a rough cotton bag, called Ashley’s Sack, embroidered with just a handful of words that evoke a sweeping family story of loss and of love, passed down through generations.

In 1850s South Carolina, an enslaved woman named Rose gave this sack filled with a few precious items to her daughter, Ashley, as a token of love and to try to ensure Ashley’s survival as well. Soon after, the nine-year-old girl was separated from her mother and sold. Decades later, Ashley’s granddaughter Ruth embroidered this family history on the bag in spare yet haunting language—including Rose’s wish that “It be filled with my Love always.” Now, in this illuminating, deeply moving new book inspired by Rose’s gift to Ashley, historian Tiya Miles carefully unearths these women’s faint presence in archival records and draws on objects and art, to follow the paths of their lives—and the lives of so many women like them—in a singular and revelatory history of the experience of slavery, and the uncertain freedom afterward, in the United States.

All That She Carried is a poignant story of resilience and of love passed down through generations of women against steep odds. It honors the creativity and fierce resourcefulness of people who preserved family ties even when official systems refused to do so.
Премия Фредерика Дугласа
Дженнифер Л. Морган 0.0
In Reckoning with Slavery Jennifer L. Morgan draws on the lived experiences of enslaved African women in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to reveal the contours of early modern notions of trade, race, and commodification in the Black Atlantic. From capture to transport to sale to childbirth, these women were demographically counted as commodities during the Middle Passage, vulnerable to rape, separated from their kin at slave markets, and subject to laws that enslaved their children upon birth. In this way, they were central to the binding of reproductive labor with kinship, racial hierarchy, and the economics of slavery. Throughout this groundbreaking study, Morgan demonstrates that the development of Western notions of value and race occurred simultaneously. In so doing, she illustrates how racial capitalism denied the enslaved their kinship and affective ties while simultaneously relying on kinship to reproduce and enforce slavery through enslaved female bodies.
