Вручение 1980 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 1980 г.

Букеровская премия

Уильям Голдинг 3.9
Вполне обычное морское путешествие из Англии в Австралию - не более чем обрамление для путешествия иного - воображаемого, а эскапистские фантазии столь причудливо и тонко вплетены в ткань повествования, что, по сути, составляют единое целое с конкретикой реальности - и вместе с нею создают изысканный "мегатекст", полный интеллектуальной загадки.
В реальности происходит немногое.
Но воображение становится новой реальностью!
Энтони Бёрджесс 4.6
In Earthly Powers Burgess created his masterpiece. At its center are two twentieth-century men who represent different kinds of power—Kenneth Toomey, a past-his-prime author of mediocre fiction, a man who has outlived his contemporaries to survive into, bitter, luxurious old age, living in self-exile on Malta; and Don Carlo Campanati, a man of God, eventually of church revolution and a candidate for sainthood beloved Pope, who rises through the Vatican as a shrewd manipulator to become the architect.
Through the lives of these two modern men Burgess explores the very essence of power in a narrative that spans from Hollywood, to Dublin, Nairobi, Paris, and beyond.
J. Carr 4.3
In the summer of 1920 two men, both war survivors meet in the quiet English countryside. One is living in the church, intent upon uncovering and restoring an historical wall painting while the other camps in the next field in search of a lost grave.Out of their meeting comes a deeper communion and a catching up of the old primeval rhythms of life so cruelly disorientated by the Great War.
Anita Desai 5.0
Set in India's Old Delhi, CLEAR LIGHT OF DAY is Anita Desai's tender, warm, and compassionate novel about family scars, the ability to forgive and forget, and the trials and tribulations of familial love. At the novel's heart are the moving relationships between the members of the Das family, who have grown apart from each other. Bimla is a dissatisfied but ambitious teacher at a women's college who lives in her childhood home, where she cares for her mentally challenged brother, Baba. Tara is her younger, unambitious, estranged sister, married and with children of her own. Raja is their popular, brilliant, and successful brother. When Tara returns for a visit with Bimla and Baba, old memories and tensions resurface and blend into a domestic drama that is intensely beautiful and leads to profound self-understanding.
Элис Манро 3.7
Вот уже тридцать лет Элис Манро называют лучшим в мире автором коротких рассказов, но к российскому читателю ее книги приходят только теперь, после того, как писательница получила Нобелевскую премию по литературе. Критика постоянно сравнивает Манро с Чеховым, и это сравнение не лишено оснований: подобно русскому писателю, она умеет рассказать историю так, что читатели, даже принадлежащие к совсем другой культуре, узнают в героях самих себя. Сборник «Ты кем себя воображаешь?» — удостоенный канадской Премии генерал-губернатора и вошедший в шорт-лист Букеровской премии — по сути является романом в эпизодах. Истории о Фло и ее приемной дочери Розе — пытающейся подняться над жизненными обстоятельствами, окончить университет, сделать карьеру, найти счастье, наконец, — изложены с фирменной психологической точностью, а внезапные повороты сюжета придают повествованию волшебный привкус тайны.
Julia O'Faolain 0.0
Set in present-day Dublin, No Country for Young Men involves an Irish-American targeted for elimination by terrorists, an unsolved 1922 murder, a moving love affair, a mad nun and what happens to a society when memory displaces thought.
Barry Unsworth 0.0
The year is 1908, the place, a small Greek island in the declining days of the crumbling Ottoman Empire. For twenty years Basil Pascali has spied on the people of his small community and secretly reported on their activities to the authorities in Constantinople. Although his reports are never acknowledged, never acted upon, he has received regular payment for his work. Now he fears that the villagers have found him out and he becomes engulfed in paranoia. In the midst of his panic, a charming Englishman arrives on the island claiming to be an archaeologist, and charms his way into the heart of the woman for whom Pascali pines. A complex game is played out between the two where cunning and betrayal may come to haunt them both. Pascali's Island was made into a feature film starring Ben Kingsley and Helen Mirren.