Победители — стр. 3

Лучший западный роман
Элмер Келтон 0.0
To the ranchers and farmers of 1950s Texas, man's biggest enemy is one he can't control. With their entire livelihood pegged on the chance of a wet year or a dry year, drought has the ability to crush their whole enterprise, to determine who stands and who falls, and to take food out of the mouths of the workers and their families. To Charlie Flagg, an honest, decent, and cantankerous rancher, the drought of the early 1950s is a foe that he must fight on his own grounds. Refusing the questionable "help" of federal aid programs, Charlie and his family struggle to make the ranch survive until the time it rains again-if it ever rains again.
Лучшая современная западная науч...
Richard H. Dillon 0.0
Burnt-Out Fires deals with a very dark period of American history, a period that, until recently, had been purposefully forgotten ... a period that hopefully will cause a re-evaluation of the American ideals and dreams. Everyone pointed to the Modocs as -model Indians.- Living on the Oregon-California border, they had assimilated the American culture more than any other Indian tribe. They had accepted the white man's way, dressing in cowboy clothes and working as farm hands. The frontier was quiet...until the white culture that the Modocs had adopted asked them to sign an unjust treaty taking away their tribal lands. Not wanting to fight, the Modocs were forced into a corner by trying, in vain, to work out a peaceful settlement. Out of desperation, they fought. Burnt-Out Fires, by Richard Dillon, chronicles the causes and the results of the Modoc War, one of the most tragic and unnecessary campaigns ever fought against American Indians. Dillon, through expert commentary and extensive research, brings to life the hopeless struggle of the Modoc chief, Captain Jack, to retain his high standing within the tribe while countering with peaceful means the force gradually mounting against him in the white world. The author, without moralizing, goes on to enumerate the bruising inefficiencies of the Indian Agencies and the classical unyielding stance adopted by the United States Army concerning Indian affairs. The result of these is understandings, spiced with ambition and the need to make this conflict an -example- to all Indians, led to the tragic Modoc War; the final act was genocide of the Modocs. After reading Burnt-Out Fires, one realizes that, viewing the forces at work at that time, the war was inevitable...anything different was an impossibility.
Лучшая западная научно-популярна...
Франклин Фолсом 0.0
Details the causes and events of the Pueblo Indians' revolt against their Spanish rulers in 1680.
Лучший западный роман
Льюис Б. Паттен 0.0
None of the four was really drunk, but all were feeling reckless and wild. They'd been talking about women, and all of them wanted one. Not one would have dared to attack Daisy alone, but tonight they were a miniature mob. She was only a girl from the saloon. For money, she would probably take on anyone. But tonight she was going to take on all four of them, and she wasn't going to get a dime. . . . The vicious events that follow force Matt Wyatt, sheriff of Kiowa, to a bloody showdown between the law and the lawless.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Уилл Генри 0.0
Led by the dreaded Geronimo and Chatto, a band of Chiricahua Apache warriors swept up out of Mexico in a red deathwind. Their vow -- to destroy every white life in their bloody path across Arizona Territory. But between the swirling forces of white and red, hatred history sent a lone Indian rider named Pa-nayo-tishn, The Coyote Saw Him, crying peace -- and the fate of the Chiricahuas, and all free Apaches, was altered forever.

The white men called him "Peaches." He always maintained that he was not a Chiricahua but was considered one of them through marriage. He had lived in peace in the White Mountains of Arizona harboring but one ambition, cherishing but one dream -- to be an enlisted scout for the United States Cavalry. The Chiricahua raids gave him his opportunity. He had been forced to ride with Chatto until he managed to escape and volunteer to scout for the cavalry. Now he would use his knowledge of the Chiricahua and their ways in an attempt to stop the brutality.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Nathaniel Benchley 0.0
Although recognizing the end of the Indians' freedom is near, a young Cheyenne still chooses to fight with Crazy Horse at the Little Big Horn to prove himself to the girl he loves.
Лучшая современная западная науч...
Tom McHugh 0.0
The evolution and natural history of the American buffalo and the ways in which it affected the life of the ancient hunters, plains Indians, and the American frontier.
Лучший западный роман
Элмер Келтон 0.0
The time is 1883,the place is the Texas Panhandle. Cowboys refuse to be stigmatized as drinkers and exploited by the wealthy cattle owners who don't pay liveable wages. Those very same ranchers want to take away the cowboys' right to own cattle because this ownership, the ranchers believe, would lead to thieving. So, in 1883, the dictum is set: If you're a cowboy, you can't own a cow. When rumors of such legislation travel from wagon to wagon, the cowboys decided to rally and fight for their rights--they gather together and strike.
Лучшая западная научно-популярна...
Jules Loh 0.0
Лучший западный роман
Clifton Adams 0.0
Fiction, General, Historical, Westerns, Cowboys
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Эвелин Сибли Лэмпман 0.0
Ashamed to return to his people after his arm is amputated, a young Cayuse Indian remains among white settlers in Oregon.
Лучшая современная западная науч...
Francis Haines 0.0
In this broad survey of buffalo from prehistoric times to the twentieth century, Francis Haines focuses on the relationship between buffalo and the Plains Indians. He describes in detail how the Indians utilized the buffalo for clothing, bedding, and various tools and as their principal source of food. The Indians hunted buffalo before and after they acquired horses, and they followed the migrations to survive. In the nineteenth century, however, massive buffalo hunts spurred on by the westward expansion of the United States drove the buffalo nearly to extinction. In his foreword, David Dary summarizes more than a century of scholarship on the buffalo. He also provides an updated state-by-state listing on where interested readers can find buffalo today in nearly every state.
Лучшая западная научно-популярна...
John Upton Terrell 0.0
Describes the hardships experienced by Cabeza de Vaca, Estevanico the Black, and Coronado while searching for the seven cities of gold.
Лучший роман Запада
Clifton Adams 0.0
For ten years, Owen Tragg lived on his reputation as a hero-- exploited by a slick showman who dressed him and billed him as "the man who killed Jody Barker."

When the act finally folded. Tragg was relieved. But before he could head for El paso to apply for a deputy's job, he had some unpleasant business to take care of at Boser's Creddk.

There Jody Barker's widow waited for him; and there, by a twist of faith that had sent a half-starved sodbuster on a killing spree. Tragg, the man, was forced to separate himself from Tragg the legend. He was all that stood between two people and death.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Benjamin Capps 0.0
The White Man's Road tells the story of Joe Cowbone, son of a Comanche mother and a white trader, as he makes his way to manhood at a time when reservation Indians had been forced into the white man's road a steep and thorny path for many of them.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Льюис Б. Паттен, Уэйн Д. Оверхользер 0.0
Two boys, one Indian and one white, become involved in the growing conflict between an inflexible Indian agent and a Ute tribe.
Лучшая современная западная науч...
Ed Lemmon 0.0
Ed Lemmon managed the largest fenced pasture in the world (865,000 acres—an area larger than Rhode Island), bossed the single biggest roundup in history, held the record for the largest number of cattle (nine hundred) cut out, roped, and brought to the branding fire in a single day, and handled more cattle (more than a million head) than any other man.

Lemmon covered virtually every foot of range in western South Dakota and parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Nebraska on horseback and knew every important brand in the West. His recollections read like a who's who of the good old–bad old days: cattle kings and saddle tramps, stock detectives and cattle rustlers, stage-drivers and stage robbers, ranch wives and "scarlet poppies"—Ed Lemmon knew them all or had "heard tell."
Лучшая западная научно-популярна...
Olga Hall-Quest 0.0
The discovery and settlement of the american southwest.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Льюис Б. Паттен 0.0
Victory or death! General George Armstrong Custer was determined to find one or the other in the valley of Little Big Horn--and so he led two hundred and twenty-five of the 7th Cavalry into one of the bloodiest massacres in American history
Лучшая современная западная науч...
Vardis Fisher 0.0
Distributed by the University of Nebraska Press for Caxton Press
Vardis Fisher and Opal Laurel Holmes bring together the stories of all of the remarkable men and women and all of the violent contrasts that made up one of the most entrhalling chapters in American history. Fisher, a respected scholar and versatile creative writer, devoted three years to the writing of this book.
Лучший западный роман
Lee Hoffman 0.0
Chino Valdez was ugly, withdrawn, and a devil when drunk. But everyone respected his ability as a horseman. No man knew breeding and training the way Valdez did. Yet even though he earned the admiration of a young boy, and tamed the wildest stallion, there was one thing he could not control -- the love of a woman he could never have...
Лучший западный исторический роман
Чед Оливер 0.0
It was a long fast, a terrifying wait on Spirit Hill. But on the fourth night Buffalo Tongue earned his reward: Indian manhood. His sacred vision appeared; a voice spoke to him of power, of strength, and of the future.

Now Buffalo Tongue was dead. An entire armed Cavalry company had charged the Indian boy as he was riding proudly home from Spirit Hill, a solitary figure on the hot and empty plains.
"Well, we got one of them. That's something," beamed Captain Taylor.

They had stolen his land, slaughtered his buffalo, and senselessly massacred Buffalo Tongue, the young brave he loved as a son. There was nothing else for Fox Claw to do. He would join Ishtai in the Sun Dance. He would kill the white men. He would burn them from the earth.

The Wolf is My Brother is a dramatic and deeply moving novel of the American plains. Chad Oliver captures the feel of open country, of grass and wind. With rare understanding he unfolds the story of two men -- Indian and white -- caught up in a changing way of life that neither can accept.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Betty Baker 0.0
The smartest bear in the world makes a winner out of a loser weasel.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Эвелин Сибли Лэмпман 0.0
I will go to my father. He is somewhere across the mountains. I will find him.

With this resolution Pale Eyes left his mother, his home with the Crow Indians, and all that was familiar to begin a search for a white father whom he had not seen for six years.

He took the name his father had given him, Hardy Hollingshead. But the new name did not lessen his surprise when at last he reached Oregon City. He had never seen things like lumber, glass and chairs before and even the language of the Oregon Indians was unfamiliar to him. Most puzzling of all, perhaps, was the attitude the white settlers had toward him.

Increasing patience and maturity are the tools Hardy has to develop to overcome this and to deal with the biggest problem of all -- his deep but understandable disappointment in his father.
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Ralph K. Andrist 0.0
The story of Meriweather Lewis and william Clark and their exploration from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.
Лучший западный роман
Herbert R. Purdum 0.0
Dust jacket design by Jack Woolf. Winner of the 1966 Spur Award by the Western Writers of America. The Reverend Niles sometimes forgot he was a preacher in Texas when he dealt with his family.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Garland Roark 0.0
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Annabel Johnson, Edgar Johnson 0.0
The title refers to a magnifying glass that Jeb, the fifteen year old hero, gives to an Indian boy who is afraid to use it for fear that in melting snow with it he will be responsible for making the spring come a moment too soon. It's a story of growing up in mid-nineteenth century America and Jeb wants to rush the process of reaching a man's estate. He leaves his family and apprentices himself to Armand Deschute, a French fur trader reluctant to take the totally inexperienced boy into hostile Indian territory. Deschute is as moodily dedicated to justice and fair play as Batman (too good to read true), and the businessman and farmer who pay him as their guide West are stereotypes which nevertheless allow the authors to show the attitudes and habits of the time. When they are captured by Indians, Jeb's ability to learn fast (some excellent passages here on sign language) saves his scalp; some of the upside down virtues venerated by the Indian tribe provide Jeb with the contrasts that lead to mature insight. It's a rather slow book what with Armand and Jeb contemplating their navels as often as they do, but with the usual Johnson expertise in setting, character-building points and some excellent action passages.
Лучшая современная западная науч...
Рэй Аллен Биллингтон 0.0
The hypothesis advanced in Frederick Jackson Turner's famous 1893 essay, The Significance of the Frontier in American History, has been debated by three generations of scholars. The pioneering experience, Turner suggested, accounted for some of the distinctive characteristics of the American people: during three centuries of expansion their attitudes toward democracy, nationalism and individualism were altered, and they developed distinctively American traits, such as wastefulness, inventiveness, mobility, and a dozen more.

After opening with a summary of the appearance, acceptance, and subsequent dismissal of the theory, the author carefully defines the "frontier" and reviews recent evidence on its political, social, and economic characterstics. He discusses the compulsion to migrate and examines other behavioral patterns and traits in his explanation of how and why pioneers moved west. His extensive bibliographic notes constitute a remarkable guide to the literature of many disciplines dealing with the frontier concept.
Лучшая западная научно-популярна...
Aileen Fisher 0.0
Лучший западный роман
Бенджамин Каппс 0.0
In the cattle country of northeast Texas in the late nineteenth century, a man had to be smart and tough.
Sam Chance was both.
He is the pioneer, just out of the Rebel army, who sets out West to seek his fortune in 1865—not an adventurer, but a man determined to make good. He does, and sees himself become a legend.
This rich, often moving novel probes realistically into the nature and methods of Sam Chance, pioneer. It finds a man who ravished the land and also built it, who was at once a materialist and a dreamer, who gained love and loyalty from those near him but hatred from those who saw him from a distance. He makes his fortune through trading, freighting, pelt gathering, ranching, buffalo hunting, land speculating; and he pays the price that the frontier demands for such success.
The drama of this powerful and influential cattle baron is played out on a richly furnished stage; it is full of sights and sounds, country and animals—a superb portrayal of life as people really knew it in that rowdy but essentially lonely time of our country's history.
With the publication of Sam Chance, Mr. Capps fulfills the exciting promise of his first work, and proclaims, unquestionably, the emergence of a major new writing talent.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Todhunter Ballard 0.0
Determined to strike the mother lode, young Austin Garner and his family set out to cross the untamed American continent. The going is brutal--nearly 3,000 miles of desert, disease, and death--and without extraordinary strength and courage, the pioneers would surely perish. Yet Garner and his kin are ready to sacrifice life and love to realize their dream of gold.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Vardis Fisher 0.0
Distributed by the University of Nebraska Press for the University of Idaho Press
A classic in American West literature and the inspiration for Robert Redford's portrayal in the classic film Jeremiah Johnson. Vardis Fisher has captured both the romantic idealism and harsh realism of the wilderness experience with this classic tale of the West.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Rutherford G. Montgomery 0.0
Лучшая современная западная науч...
Элвин М. Джозефи младший 0.0
Is there any chapter in American history more dramatic than that of the Northwest from the time of Lewis and Clark to the tragic defeat of Chief Joseph in 1877? Heroic - and not so heroic -characters abound: explorers, fur traders, miners, settlers, missionaries, ranchers, Indian chiefs and their tribespeople. Now, when interest in Lewis and Clark and the American Northwest has never been higher, comes the first complete and unabridged paperback edition of Alvin Josephy's masterwork.
Лучший западный роман
Бенджамин Каппс 0.0
A herd of dangerous cattle...a band of desperate men...and a thousand miles of frontier hell to cross

Who was the real boss of the big cattle drive?

Was it Colonel Kittredge - the gun-toting, Bible-quoting ex-Rebel officer who could size up a cow or a man with one look and then drive both to the limits of their endurance?

Was it Blackie Blackburn - the slow-witted segundo who could break horse shoes with his bare hands and would happily do the same to any man careless enough to cross him?

Was it Billy Scott - the resentful drag man who rode behind the herd, eating dust and dreaming of the day he could openly take command of the Lawson spread?

Or was it Blinders, Yeller Belly, Old Lonesome...some of the 3,000 spooky steers and untamed longhorns, crazed with fear and thirst, and always ready to stampede their way to freedom?
Лучший западный исторический роман
E.E. Halleran 0.0
It's 1863 and the Civil War has drained the U.S. frontier Army posts of every able-bodied fighting man. Fort Laramie is no exception. The once-proud fort is now overrun with rabble. Two Rebs, a drunken mountain man, an Austrian deserter, a Cajun horse thief and four more like them made up the unlikely crew that was sent to fight off 300 blood-thirsty Indians. Now the locals -- and the Indians -- are about to find out just how resourceful nine misfits can be.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Ричард Уормсер 0.0
Hunted...accused...jailed as a horse thief! “Horse thief! I s that what I am?” Cav asks himself miserably. He had been tricked into giving up his beautiful mare. But he just had to catch up with the K & C herd. That’s the only reason he took another horse. And now Cav must prove his honesty. Only then can he show the Texas cattle drovers that a boy has a place in a cowboy’s world
Лучший западный роман
Leigh Brackett 0.0
Novel featuring James Beckwourth, an African American, who was a fur trader, Indian fighter, and adventurer in the early nineteenth-century American west.

Beckwith was known far and wide as a runaway slave, a renegade, a horse thief, and a fearsome warrior who had taken over a hundred scalps, among other things. But the real James Beckwith was even bigger than his mythic persona. Beckwith was as wild and untamed as the land he loved and conquered. Fiercely proud and bitterly stubborn, he seemed to enjoy making enemies with his displays of harsh courage.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Уилл Генри 0.0
Tells the perilous story of the Lewis and Clark expedition across the American northwest as seen through the eyes of Francois Rivet, a young half French Canadian/half Pawnee novice boatman who accompanies the explorers.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Mari Sandoz 0.0
Young Lance is his father's son when it comes to the daring needed for gaining honors in the war councils of the plains Sioux. Even greater is his seeing medicine. With eyes growing sharper, he watches the warring between tribes, the buffalo hunting, the daily routine—and shows it all in pictures drawn in the dust or on skins with charcoal and color sticks. But catching the story of Sioux society in the 1840s is not for an impetuous and unseasoned youth. Many adventures, sorrows, and hardships must pass before the village sings Lance's new name: Story Catcher, recorder of the history of his people. Rooted in legend, history, and empathetic understanding, The Story Catcher, Sandoz's last novel, won the Levi Strauss Golden Saddleman Award and the Western Writers of America Spur Award.
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Фред Гроув 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
William S. Greever 0.0
Лучший западный роман
Фред Гроув 0.0
Thorndike Press Western Series titles are selected with the classic Western fan in mind, drawn from the work of the acknowledged masters of Western fiction and some contemporary authors writing in the traditional Western style. Also included are anthologies and collections of short works by favorite authors.Actual Large Print covers may be different from those shown.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Natlee Kenoyer 0.0
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Уилл Генри 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
Richard A. Bartlett 0.0
After the Civil War, four geological and geographical surveys, later called the Great Surveys, Undertook the massive task of finding out what lay west of the hundredth meridian in the vast American wilderness. Parties led by Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden, medical doctor turned geologist, Clarence King, aristocrat and intellectual, John Wesley Powell, conqueror of the Colorado River, and Lieutenant George M. Wheeler, determined military man and scientist, roamed over the wild country during the years 1867-79, observing, analyzing, mapping, and at the end of each season, returning to Washington to publish their results.

For the first time in book form, Richard A. Bartlett has recreated for the reader the hardships, both physical and financial, the discoveries, and the high adventures of the bold, headstrong, and often brilliant men of the Great Surveys as they climbed the Rockies, explored the Yellowstone, or battled the Colorado.
Лучший западный роман
Giles A. Lutz 0.0
Ashel Backus could stay a honyocker all his life and starve trying to cultivate his scrubby plot of land, or he could pick up wages working for the despised cattlemen and become a traitor to his people. It was like sitting in on a crooked poker game: no matter how he played his hand, he couldn't win. But at the moment, his main problem was just staying alive.
Лучший западный исторический роман
William Wister Haines 0.0
After Indian chiefs Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Lightnings Friend formed a great federation of tribes, they began delivering humiliating defeats to the U.S. Infantry. Here, William Wister Haines takes us back to a long and hard-fought campaign through the worst winter in Montana history, and delves expertly into the lives of those who risked everything in one of the most grueling battles of the Montana Territory.
Лучшая западная краткая проза
John Prebble 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
Don Russell 0.0
Few western American have been more often written about than William F. Cody, the "Buffalo Bill" of history, the dime novel, and popular lore.

There are several important aspects of this biography. The whole career of the plainsman is presented - it is the only biography, in fact, that contains any major assault on the army records dealing with Cody’s scouting career - and it relates with skill and insight the truths behind the legends exploited in contemporary dime novels, the stage, and the Wild West show.
Лучший западный роман
Will C. Brown, M.M. Berkley 0.0
Brazos McCloud's father is being held by the Cherokee Nation. To secure his release, Brazos will lie, cheat, steal and kill anyone who gets in his way. But will he sacrifice the future of Texas and its people for the life of one man?
Лучший западный исторический роман
Уилл Генри 0.0
This Spur Award-winning novel tells of the 113 days in the summer of 1877 when Chief Joseph reluctantly led his people in a rear-guard action from the Nez Perce reservation in Oregon to Montana, across more than 1,000 miles of trackless country. Here is the saga of loyalty and treachery, tragedy and triumph.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Джинн Уильямс 0.0
Lan, a boy raised as a Comanche during the mid-1800s, has the gift of horse talking. In The Horse Talker, the young protagonist follows a band of mustangers through the territories north of the Rio Grande in search of a legendary white stallion called The Ghost.
"This Indian western is considerably more rounded than many books set in the period."
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Билл Гулик 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
James Chisholm 0.0
"James Chisholm was a staff writer for the Chicago Tribune sent to report on the gold strike made in the late 1860s at one of the great historical features of the continent-South Pass on the western trails. His journal, illustrated by himself, is a graceful, observant narrative full of the real essence of frontier mining camp life."-Library Journal. "Chisholm had a lively sense of humor, an engaging frankness, and a fine eye for landscape. He was also a candid social critic."-Rocky Mountain News. "Lovers of the Old West will buy Chisholm's Journal and never part with it."-Pacific Historical Review. "If South Pass failed to produce gold in the paying quantities James Chisholm's miners thought it would, Chisholm himself produced finer, more lasting gold in his journal account of Wyoming's short-lived gold rush. His journal exudes the smell of sagebrush and scenic panoramas, of torrential rain storms and night packing, of being small in a big land, and of honest, earthy people who, in business-like fashion, went about the task of risking life, limb, health, and what small fortunes they had, to hit the big one. Chisholm sees with unpretentious eyes. His is an honest appraisal from a detached journalist, leavened with self-effacing humor. His prose is clean and clear. It can be read aloud and remembered."-Charles E. Rankin, editor of Montana: The Magazine of Western History. Lola M. Homsher was director of the Wyoming State Archives and Historical Department.
Лучший западный роман
Нельсон К. Най 0.0
Will Howlett had set his guns aside and rode a thousand burning miles from Texas-just to make sure his past stayed far behind him.

But fate and a spunky woman trying to hang on to her bullet-straddled Star Cross Ranch had a different game in mind for him.

Howlett had to take the gungslingers trail again. And this time there would be no turning back.
Лучший западный исторический роман
John Prebble 0.0
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Ramona Maher 0.0
A Novel in the Daughters of Valor Series based on the events in the life of Susanna Dickenson at the siege of the Alamo
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Dale White 0.0
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Noel Loomis 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
Frank Tolbert 0.0
Лучший западный роман
Noel M. Loomis 0.0
Texas was savage - a land of wild rivers, killing storms - alive with Comanches whose barbarism was legend, and white men who'd kill a man for his boots. It took a man like Ross Phillips to tame Texas. Phillips rode north from Mexico at the head of a mighty wagon train laden with bullion worth a million. His aim - to rip from the very guts of the land a short-cut trail to Arkansas. Days swam into weeks and weeks into months, men died and mules dropped - and still Phillips lashed the train north. Waiting for him was Muke-war-rah, cruellest of all the Comanche chiefs, who held as hostage the woman to whom Ross Phillips owed his life.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Amelia Bean 0.0
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Dale White 0.0
A young boy travels up the Missouri during the Civil war. Facats based on History. (Boy is Dave, son of Douglas MacLaren)
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Билл Гулик 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
Mabel Barbee Lee 0.0
Mabel Barbee Lee has written a rousing tale of early days in Cripple Creek, Colorado. She speaks with authority because she arrived there as a child in 1892, and with wide-eyed wonder saw the whole place turn to gold.With his divining rod, Mabel's father tapped gold ore on Beacon Hill but missed becoming a millionaire by selling his claim short. Nonetheless, life was rich for young Mabel in a booming town with points of interest like Poverty Gulch, the Continental Hotel, and a fantastic house called Finn's Folly; with characters around like the promoter Windy Joe and (seen from a distance) the madam Pearl De Vere; with something always going on, whether a celebration or a disastrous fire or train wreck or a no-nonsense miners' strike.

Mabel Lee's book brings back a time and place with affection. The foreword is by Lowell Thomas, who was her pupil when she was a young schoolmarm in Cripple Creek.
Лучший западный роман
Элмер Келтон 0.0
For Gage Jameson, the summer of 1873 has been a poor hunt. A year ago he felled sixty-two buffalo in one stand, but now the great Arkansas River herd is gone, like the Republican herd before it.

In Dodge City, old hide hunters speak is awe of a last great heard to the south--but no hunter who values his scalp dares ride south of the Cimarron and into Comanche territory. None but Gage Jameson....
Лучший западный исторический роман
Dan Cushman 0.0
Two men and a woman, pioneers who journey from rip-roaring frontier camps to desolate mine shafts, from sun-drenched wagon cities to the splendid mansions of the newly rich. But only with uncommon courage and strength will they conquer The Silver Mountain. Winner of the Spur Award for Best Historical Novel.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Jim Kjelgaard 0.0
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Peggy Simson Curry 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
Robert West Howard 0.0
Лучший западный роман
Leslie Ernenwein 0.0
A Spur Award-winning AuthorIt was called Apache Basin, this raw, rough lonely land where the bones of many violently dead men had bleached white beneath a scorching sun. Against Apache Basin Jim Modeen pitted himself - pitted his renegade streak, his cavalry courage, his hard-won savvy of wilderness danger. . . . And pitted his gun.
Лучший западный исторический роман
John Clinton Hunt 0.0
Chetopa county is a bleached expanse of grassland and blackjack trees, thinly peopled and still belonging to the natural domain of sun and wind. Its weathers are various and ever changing, yet really no more than modulations of the dominant natural keys. It is a country where the skies are watched, talked about, despaired of, but never forgotten.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Charley Niehuis 0.0
A wonderful outdoor story that presents an understanding picture of any boy's troubles and how they can be overcome. It is based on actual beaver trapping operations conducted by the Arizona, California and Nevada Fish and Game Commissions.
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Дороти М. Джонсон 0.0
Лучший западный роман
L.P. Holmes 0.0
Riley Haslam had the look of a cold steel hard case. He faced everything that came at him head-on -- with his Colt in his hand. That was why Sylvanus Overdeck hired Riley Haslam as a gunhand for the deadly range war at Big Saddle Pass. But aboard a little puffing four-car train bound for the Deer Creek country, Riley found out he'd be a fool to fight for either side in the vicious land and cattle war that was shaping up ahead. Then he got off the train into a storm of fists and bullets -- some of which killed one of his partners. Only a coward could turn back now.
Лучшая западная краткая проза
С. Омар Баркер 0.0
Лучшая документальная литература
Paul F . Sharp 0.0
Лучший западный исторический роман
John Prescott 0.0
Merchants, farmers, Southern aristocrats, hunters, ex-convicts, and freeloaders pushed westward toward the new green land on the other side of the Rockies. They ate trail dust, fought Indians, starved and thirsted, and killed and died for their dream of a home in the Oregon frontier.
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Stephen Payne 0.0
A young man and his horse.

Cover painting by Charles H. Geer.
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Томас Томпсон 0.0
Нельсон К. Най
Лучший рецензент
Нельсон К. Най / Nelson C. Nye
1 книга
0 в избранном
Лучшая документальная литература
Дэвид Лавендер 0.0
Bent's Fort was a landmark of the American frontier, a huge private fort on the upper Arkansas River in present southeastern Colorado. Established by the adventurers Charles and William Bent, it stood until 1849 as the center of the Indian trade of the central plains. David Lavender's chronicle of these men and their part in the opening of the West has been conceded a place beside the works of Parkman and Prescott.
Лучший западный роман
Lee Leighton 0.0
For eleven years he had been sheriff of this town, yet he wasn't sure he had the qualities it took to do a job of this size. The farmers did not trust him; the ranchers feared him because he stood in their way. Only one thing was certain: if he died tonight, no one else was capable of doing what must be done.In a novel of unusual power, Lee Leighton tells the story of a town torn by seething hatred, and of a sheriff who has staked his life to protect a killer sentenced to hang in the morning.
Лучший западный исторический роман
Lucia Moore 0.0
1847 the white-topped prairie schooners poured out onto the plains and the great Western migration began. This is the saga of the men and women who left home to venture into the west - and of that incredible journey in the summer of 1847, across a continent to tame the wilderness.
Лучший роман для несовершеннолетних
Frank C. Robertson 0.0
The Story of a Colt and the Boy Who Tamed Him.
Лучшая западная краткая проза
Томас Томпсон 0.0
1 2 3