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К. С. Харрис
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К. С. Харрис / C.S. Harris
35 книг
23 в избранном

В своем обосновании решения судьи сказали: «Одно из удовольствий сочинительства Харрис - это ее пристальное внимание к историческим деталям, но что действительно волнует читателя, так это то, как ее сочинение демонстрирует насущные проблемы, которые сохраняются до настоящего времени - права женщин и меньшинств. и дети, иммиграция, политическая коррупция. В ее произведениях одновременно и исторически, и в значительной мере отражается этот момент».

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Энджи Ким 4.1
Небольшой городок в Вирджинии, группа людей, объединенных единственным желанием – они хотят, чтобы их близкие были здоровы. В надежде они прибегают к новому способу – кислородной камере, которая может помочь вылечить все, от бесплодия до аутизма. Но происходит трагедия - взрыв унесший жизни двух человек, в том числе ребенка. Возможно ли, что он был неслучайным? Могла ли мать больного мальчика организовать его, чтобы убить собственного сына? Неужели владельцы надеялись заработать на страховке? Или же протестующие, пытающиеся доказать, что лечение небезопасно, зашли слишком далеко?
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Эмма Копли Айзенбер 5.0
In the afternoon or early evening of June 25, 1980, two young women, Vicki Durian and Nancy Santomero, were killed in an isolated clearing in rural Pocahontas County West Virginia. They were hitchhiking to an outdoor peace festival known as the Rainbow Gathering, but never arrived. Their killings have been called “The Rainbow Murders.”

For thirteen years, no one was prosecuted, though suspicion was cast on a succession of local men. In 1993, the state of West Virginia convicted a local farmer named Jacob Beard and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Later, it emerged that a convicted serial killer and diagnosed schizophrenic named Joseph Paul Franklin had also confessed. With the passage of time, as the truth behind the Rainbow killings seemed to slip away, its toll on this Appalachian community became more concrete—the unsolved murders were a trauma, experienced on a community scale.

Emma Copley Eisenberg spent five years re-investigating these brutal acts, which once captured the national media’s imagination, only to fall into obscurity. A one-time New Yorker who came to live in Pocahontas Country, Eisenberg shows how that crime, a mysterious act of violence against a pair of middle-class outsiders, came to loom over several generations of struggling Appalachians, many of them
laborers who earned a living farming, hauling timber, cutting locust posts, or baling hay—and the investigators and lawyers for whom the case became a white whale.

Part “Serial”-like investigation, part Joan Didion-like meditation, the book follows the threads of this crime through the history of West Virginia, the Back-to-the-Land movement, and the complex reality contemporary Appalachia, forming a searing portrait of America and its divisions of gender and class, and its violence
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Sarah St. Vincent 0.0
In a remote corner of Pennsylvania's Blue Ridge Mountains, a woman befriends a fugitive from Uzbekistan, setting in motion this suspenseful, atmospheric, politically-charged debut

After a freak car accident left her widowed, Kathleen has retreated to Pennsylvania's Blue Ridge Mountains, where she works in an isolated corner of the state park. There she meets a stranger who seems to be hiding from the authorities in his native Uzbekistan. As the violent secrets of their pasts unfold, the difference between good and evil proves more complicated than we might think . . . and a surprising final twist casts Kathleen in a new light altogether.
Эллен Харт
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Эллен Харт / Ellen Hart
1 книга
1 в избранном

Эллен Харт является автором 32 романов в двух сериях, одна из которых началась в 1989 году. Судьи высоко оценили настойчивость Харт в течение долгой и выдающейся издательской карьеры, ее щедрость по отношению к другим писателям и ее успехи в создании правдоподобных и привлекательных персонажей.

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Marcie Rendon 0.0
Cash and Sheriff Wheaton make for a strange partnership. He pulled her from her mother's wrecked car when she was three. He's kept an eye out for her ever since. It's a tough place to live—northern Minnesota along the Red River. Cash navigated through foster homes, and at thirteen was working farms. She's tough as nails—Five feet two inches, blue jeans, blue jean jacket, smokes Marlboros, drinks Bud Longnecks. Makes her living driving truck. Playing pool on the side. Wheaton is big lawman type. Scandinavian stock, but darker skin than most. He wants her to take hold of her life. Get into Junior College. So there they are, staring at the dead Indian lying in the field. Soon Cash was dreaming the dead man's cheap house on the Red Lake Reservation, mother and kids waiting. She has that kind of power. That's the place to start looking. There's a long and dangerous way to go to find the men who killed him. Plus there's Jim, the married white guy. And Longbraids, the Indian guy headed for Minneapolis to join the American Indian Movement.

Marcie R. Rendon is an enrolled member of the White Earth Anishinabe Nation. She is a mother, grandmother, writer, and performance artist. A recipient of the Loft's Inroads Writers of Color Award for Native Americans, she studied under Anishinabe author Jim Northrup. Her first children's book is Pow Wow Summer (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2014). Murder on the Red River is her debut novel.
Луиза Пенни
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Луиза Пенни / Louise Penny
80 книг
209 в избранном

В своем заявлении о выборе лауреата комитет отметил: «Пенни создала мир, в котором большинство из нас хотели бы жить. В деревне Три Сосны, Квебек, читатели находят убежище и восхищение среди его очаровательных жителей. Преступление может иметь место, но оно никогда не одерживает победу, ни когда Гамаш занимается этим делом. Пенни находит свою мантру в словах WH Auden - «Благо существует» - то, о чем нам нужно напомнить в эти времена».

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Труди Нан Бойс 0.0
“A fresh, gritty debut. Boyce unveils one of the best new series characters in ages. . . A book that combines fast-paced suspense with moving insights.”—#1 New York Times-bestselling author Lisa Gardner

From an author with more than thirty years’ experience in the Atlanta Police Department comes a riveting procedural debut introducing an unforgettable heroine.

On her first day as a newly minted homicide detective, Sarah “Salt” Alt is given the cold-case murder of a blues musician whose death was originally ruled an accidental drug overdose. Now new evidence has come to light that he may have been given a hot dose intentionally. And this evidence comes from a convicted felon hoping to trade his knowledge for shortened prison time . . . a man who Salt herself put behind bars.

In a search that will take her into the depths of Atlanta’s buried wounds—among the city’s homeless, its politically powerful churches, commerce and industry, and the police department itself—Salt probes her way toward the truth in a case that has more at stake than she ever could have imagined. At once a vivid procedural and a penetrating examination of what it means to be cop, Out of the Blues is a remarkable crime debut.
Сара Парецки
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Сара Парецки / Sara Paretsky
89 книг
4 в избранном

В своем заявлении о выборе лауреата, комитет отметил: «Уникальное творение Сары Парецки выдержало испытание временем и лояльностью читателей в 19 книгах с тех пор, как она впервые дебютировала в 1982 году. Частный детектив из Чикаго, как и ее создатель, яростен и забавен, и отстаивает все правильные причины. Сара Парецки использовала свои значительные личные литературные дары для дальнейшего обеспечения равных прав для женщин, расовой справедливости, а также для того, чтобы пролить свет на необходимость повышения грамотности и помощи проблемным подросткам и психически больным».

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Кристин Карбо 0.0
A haunting crime novel set in Glacier National Park about a man who finds himself at odds with the dark heart of the wild—and the even darker heart of human nature.

It was a clear night in Glacier National Park. Fourteen-year-old Ted Systead and his father were camping beneath the rugged peaks and starlit skies when something unimaginable happened: a grizzly bear attacked Ted’s father and dragged him to his death.

Now, twenty years later, as Special Agent for the Department of the Interior, Ted gets called back to investigate a crime that mirrors the horror of that night. Except this time, the victim was tied to a tree before the mauling. Ted teams up with one of the park officers—a man named Monty, whose pleasant exterior masks an all-too-vivid knowledge of the hazardous terrain surrounding them. Residents of the area turn out to be suspicious of outsiders and less than forthcoming. Their intimate connection to the wild forces them to confront nature, and their fellow man, with equal measures of reverence and ruthlessness.

As the case progresses with no clear answers, more than human life is at stake—including that of the majestic creature responsible for the attack. Ted’s search for the truth ends up leading him deeper into the wilderness than he ever imagined, on the trail of a killer, until he reaches a shocking and unexpected personal conclusion.

As intriguing and alluring as bestselling crime novels by C.J. Box, Louise Penny, and William Kent Krueger, as atmospheric and evocative as the nature writing of John Krakauer and Cheryl Strayed, The Wild Inside is a gripping debut novel about the perilous, unforgiving intersection between man and nature.
Невада Барр
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Невада Барр / Nevada Barr
36 книг
0 в избранном

В своем заявлении о выборе лауреата комитет отметил: «Невада Барр известна своей приверженностью распространению добрых слов о наших национальных парках и была отмечена Ассоциацией по сохранению национальных парков за ее работу. Рейнджер парка Анна Пиджен, запоминающийся главный герой Барр, является одним из тех стойких и вдохновляющих персонажей, которые показывают, что возможно для женщин - сильных, бесстрашных женщин».

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Adrianne Harun 0.0
The seductive and chilling debut novel from the critically acclaimed author of The King of Limbo

In isolated British Columbia, girls, mostly native, are vanishing from the sides of a notorious highway. Leo Kreutzer and his four friends are barely touched by these disappearances—until a series of mysterious and troublesome outsiders come to town. Then it seems as if the devil himself has appeared among them.

In this intoxicatingly lush debut novel, Adrianne Harun weaves together folklore, mythology, and elements of magical realism to create a compelling and unsettling portrait of life in a dead-end town. A Man Came Out of a Door in the Mountain is atmospheric and evocative of place and a group of people, much in the way that Jesmyn Ward’s Salvage the Bones conjures the South, or Charles Bock’s Beautiful Children provides a glimpse of the Las Vegas underworld: kids left to fend for themselves in a broken world—rendered with grit and poetry in equal measure.
Лаура Липман
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Лаура Липман / Laura Lippman
69 книг
3 в избранном

В своем заявлении о выборе лауреата комитет отметил «Липман - одна из тех писателей, чья преданность своему родному городу Балтимору покорила американских читателей. Она создала сложный персонаж, занимающийся проблемами, с которыми сталкивается каждая современная женщина. Более того, в своих отдельных работах Липман превзошла границы и проблемы жанра, став выдающимся писателем социального реализма. Все это, и у нее злое чувство юмора!»

За дебютный роман
Гвен Флорио 0.0
Foreign correspondend Lola Wicks is pissed. Downsized from her Kabul posting, her editor reassigns her to a stateside suburban beat formerly the province of interns. Arriving in Montana for some R&R at a friend's cabin, her friend is nowhere in sight.

Anger turns to terror when Lola discovers her friend shot dead. She can't get out of Montana fast enough, but finds that she can't as she's held as a potential witness, thwarting her plan to return to Afghanistan on her own and have her editors change their minds. Her best hope lies in solving the case herself. But this surefooted journalist who deftly negotiated Afghanistan's deadly terrain finds herself frighteningly off-balance in this forgotten corner of her own country, plagued by tensions between the locals and citizens of the nearby Blackfeet Nation.

Lola's lone-wolf style doesn't work in a place where the harsh landscape and extreme isolation compel people to rely upon each other in ways she finds unsettling. In her awkward attempts at connection, she forms a reluctant alliance with a local reporter, succumbs to the romantic attentions of a wealthy rancher, and fences warily with the state's first Indian candidate for governor, the subject of her friend's final stories.

Ultimately she comes to truly care about the people she meets in Montana, only to miss the warning signals that her own life is in danger.

While unraveling her friend's terrible fate, Lola joins many Americans in learning the hard lessons of a fraught economy - that circumstances change in a flash, that formerly overlooked places and people can hold deep value, and that human bonds matter more than fleeting career success.