Вручение 2013 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2013 г.

Лучшая история

Лиз Пичон 4.3
Seeing Delia without her sunglasses on is a BIG shock, but that's nothing compared with the surprise Dad has in store for me with his new found fitness regime. He says he's going to compete aty Sport's Day. Shame! Meanwhile Derek, Norman and I keep practicing in DOGZOMBIES so we're really ready for the school Talent Show.
Shirley Hughes 0.0
From much-loved author Shirley Hughes comes a thrilling World War II novel for children aged 10 and up. It is 1944 and Florence, Italy, is occupied by Nazi German forces. The Italian resistance movement has not given up hope, though – and neither have Paolo and his sister, Constanza. Both are desperate to fight the occupation, but what can two siblings do against a whole army with only a bicycle to help them? In extraordinary circumstances, people are capable of extraordinary things…
Дэвид Алмонд 4.0
Жизнь Стена Эрунда, еще вчера обыкновенного мальчишки, изменилась в одночасье: подъем в 6:00 и — рыба, рыба, рыба...Чисти ее, потроши, закатывай в консервные банки. С утра до ночи. И никаких каникул.

Даже побег не спасает от кошмара. Стен попадает на ярмарку, в опасный мир балаганов и магии, и уже готовится нырнуть в аквариум с кровожадными пираньями... Куда ты, одумайся! Они тебя сожрут!

Новую (2012) повесть известного британского писателя Дэвида Алмонда сравнивают с детскими книгами Роальда Даля — добрыми и одновременно дерзкими, полными неожиданных поворотов сюжета, опасностей, которые чаще всего причиняет глупость и недалекость взрослых, завершающихся обретением героем или героями награды.

" — Знаешь, что я думаю? — произнес Достоевски. — Я думаю, что ты слишком долго сидел взаперти. Ты, малой, созрел. Готов к приключениям. Я прав или неправ?"

Лучшая книга с фактами

Ник Арнольд 0.0
House of Horrors HOUSE OF HORRORS lifts the roof on the disgusting details of domestic life as only HORRIBLE SCIENCE. Who lives in a house like this? Just about everyone. This book will have the cleanest of neat freaks running for cover when they discover what they'll never be able to get out of the carpet. Full description
Michael Rosen 0.0
How did a young boy from a small town in Wales grow up to become one of the world's greatest storytellers—the creator of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, and Matilda? From his days at boarding school to his love of chocolate and endless storytelling, Roald Dahl's life, just like his books, was nothing short of extraordinary.

Now the award-winning writer Michael Rosen explores Roald Dahl's own story to discover what made his writing so fantastic.