Вручение 19 мая 2018 г.

Премия Рэя Брэдбери (Ray Bradbury Award):
«Прочь» (Get Out, 2017) сценарий - Джордан Пил

«В лучшем мире: Майкл Гамбит» 1-й сезон, 13-й эпизод (The Good Place: Michael’s Gambit, 2017) сценарий - Майкл Шур

«Логан» (Logan, 2017) сценарий - Джеймс Мэнголд, Скотт Фрэнк, Майкл Грин

«Форма воды» (The Shape of Water, 2017) сценарий - Гильермо дель Торо, Ванесса Тейлор

«Звёздные войны: Последние джедаи» (Star Wars: The Last Jedi, 2017) сценарий - Райан Джонсон

«Чудо-женщина» (Wonder Woman, 2017) сценарий - Аллан Хейнберг

Страна: США Место проведения: Pittsburgh Marriott City Center, Питтсбург, Пенсильвания Дата проведения: 19 мая 2018 г.


N. K. Jemisin 3.9
The Moon will soon return. Whether this heralds the destruction of humankind or something worse will depend on two women.

Essun has inherited the power of Alabaster Tenring. With it, she hopes to find her daughter Nassun and forge a world in which every orogene child can grow up safe.

For Nassun, her mother's mastery of the Obelisk Gate comes too late. She has seen the evil of the world, and accepted what her mother will not admit: that sometimes what is corrupt cannot be cleansed, only destroyed.

Lara Elena Donnelly 3.5
Welcome to Amberlough City, the illustrious but corrupt cosmopolitan beacon of Gedda. The radical One State Party—nicknamed the Ospies—is gaining popular support to unite Gedda's four municipal governments under an ironclad, socially conservative vision.

Not everyone agrees with the Ospies' philosophy, including master spy Cyril DePaul and his lover Aristide Makricosta, smuggler and emcee at the popular Bumble Bee Cabaret. When Cyril's cover is blown on a mission, however, he must become a turncoat in exchange for his life. Returning to Amberlough under the Ospies' watchful eye, Cyril enters a complex game of deception. One of his concerns is safeguarding Aristide, who refuses to let anyone—the crooked city police or the homophobic Ospies—dictate his life.

Enter streetwise Cordelia Lehane, top dancer at the Bee and Aristide’s runner, who could be the key to Cyril’s plans—if she can be trusted. As the twinkling lights of nightclub marquees yield to the rising flames of a fascist revolution, these three will struggle to survive using whatever means—and people—necessary. Including each other.
Теодора Госс 3.6
Это роман, основанный на произведениях, относящихся к классике научной фантастики и литературы ужасов. Он посвящён группе замечательных женщин, объединивших усилия, чтобы раскрыть секрет серии жестоких убийств и ещё более великую тайну собственного происхождения. Мэри Джекил, одинокая и оставшаяся без гроша после смерти родителей, интересуется загадочным прошлым своего отца. Единственным ключом служат намёки на то, что где-то поблизости может обретаться бывший друг и убийца отца Эдвард Хайд; к тому же за сведения, способствующие его поимке, назначена награда... которая решила бы все насущные финансовые проблемы Мэри. Однако преследование приводит её к дочке Хайда Диане, злобной девочке, выросшей у монахинь. С помощью Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона Мэри продолжает искать неуловимого Хайда, и скоро ей удаётся сдружиться с другими женщинами. Все они появились на свет в результате ужасных экспериментов: Беатриче Рапачини, Кэтрин Моро и Джастин Франкенштейн. Когда их расследование приводит к раскрытию тайного общества аморальных, помешанных на власти учёных, ужасы прошлого возвращаются. Теперь чудовищам предстоит одолеть чудовищное зло.
Daryl Gregory 4.3
Teddy Telemachus is a charming con man with a gift for sleight of hand and some shady underground associates. In need of cash, he tricks his way into a classified government study about telekinesis and its possible role in intelligence gathering. There he meets Maureen McKinnon, and it’s not just her piercing blue eyes that leave Teddy forever charmed, but her mind—Maureen is a genuine psychic of immense and mysterious power. After a whirlwind courtship, they marry, have three gifted children, and become the Amazing Telemachus Family, performing astounding feats across the country. Irene is a human lie detector. Frankie can move objects with his mind. And Buddy, the youngest, can see the future. Then one night tragedy leaves the family shattered.

Decades later, the Telemachuses are not so amazing. Irene is a single mom whose ear for truth makes it hard to hold down a job, much less hold together a relationship. Frankie’s in serious debt to his dad’s old mob associates. Buddy has completely withdrawn into himself and inexplicably begun digging a hole in the backyard. To make matters worse, the CIA has come knocking, looking to see if there’s any magic left in the Telemachus clan. And there is: Irene’s son Matty has just had his first out-of-body experience. But he hasn’t told anyone, even though his newfound talent might just be what his family needs to save themselves—if it doesn’t tear them apart in the process.

Harnessing the imaginative powers that have made him a master storyteller, Daryl Gregory delivers a stunning, laugh-out-loud new novel about a family of gifted dreamers and the invisible forces that bind us all.
Мер Лафферти 3.8
Звездолет с пассажирами в анабиозе летит с перенаселенной Земли колонизировать новую планету Артемиду. Путешествие займет 400 лет. В экипаже всего шестеро. Все они клоны, в них загружается сознание владельца в случае гибели старого тела. После очередной репликации обнаруживается, что предыдущие копии были зверски убиты, а корабельный ИскИн поврежден. Кто-то из шестерых – убийца, но распутать этот клубок космических интриг будет непросто, ведь каждому из экипажа есть что скрывать, каждый в чем-то виновен и, следовательно, под подозрением.
Fonda Lee 4.1
Нефритовый город. Здесь современные технологии смешались с древними традициями, и только здесь добывают магический нефрит — минерал, дающий необыкновенные силы. Семья — это долг, Нефрит — сила, но Честь — превыше всего. Так считают кланы братства Зеленых Костей. Жажда власти толкает главу одного из кланов пойти против кодекса чести нефритовых воинов. Разгорается война Зеленых Костей, ставкой в которой становится сама жизнь.
Аннали Ньюиц 2.9
Земля, 2144. Джек — ученый, ставший пиратом, пересекает мир в подводной лодке как фармацевтический Робин Гуд и изготавливает дешёвые лекарства для бедных. Но её последний рейд оставил след смертельных передозировок, когда люди зацикливаются на работе, пока не сходят с ума. По её следам идёт странная пара: Элиаз, мрачный военный агент, и его робот-партнер Паладин. По мере того как они приближаются к беглецу, они начинают обнаруживать необычную связь, которую ни один из их не может понять. И в основе всего этого лежит один фундаментальный вопрос: возможна ли свобода в культуре, в которой все, даже люди, кому-то принадлежат?


Martha Wells 4.1
"As a heartless killing machine, I was a complete failure."

In a corporate-dominated spacefaring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. Exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids, for their own safety.

But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern.

On a distant planet, a team of scientists are conducting surface tests, shadowed by their Company-supplied ‘droid ― a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module, and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.” Scornful of humans, all it really wants is to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is.

But when a neighboring mission goes dark, it's up to the scientists and their Murderbot to get to the truth.
Sarah Gailey 3.0
In the early 20th Century, the United States government concocted a plan to import hippopotamuses into the marshlands of Louisiana to be bred and slaughtered as an alternative meat source. This is true.

Other true things about hippos: they are savage, they are fast, and their jaws can snap a man in two.

This was a terrible plan.

Contained within this volume is an 1890s America that might have been: a bayou overrun by feral hippos and mercenary hippo wranglers from around the globe. It is the story of Winslow Houndstooth and his crew. It is the story of their fortunes. It is the story of his revenge.
Ellen Klages 4.0
San Francisco in 1940 is a haven for the unconventional. Tourists flock to the cities within the city: the Magic City of the World's Fair on an island created of artifice and illusion; the forbidden city of Chinatown, a separate, alien world of exotic food and nightclubs that offer "authentic" experiences, straight from the pages of the pulps; and the twilight world of forbidden love, where outcasts from conventional society can meet.

Six women find their lives as tangled with each other's as they are with the city they call home. They discover love and danger on the borders where magic, science, and art intersect.

Inspired by the pulps, film noir, and screwball comedy, Passing Strange is a story as unusual and complex as San Francisco itself from World Fantasy Award winning author Ellen Klages.
Sarah Pinsker 0.0
When physicist Sarah Pinsker is murdered at PinskerCon — an interdimensional convention where everyone is Sarah Pinsker from a different alternate timeline — only insurance investigator Sarah Pinsker can solve the case.
Lawrence M. Schoen 0.0
Barry's Deal is the fourth novella-length adventure from multiple Hugo and Nebula nominee Lawrence M. Schoen and the next installment in the ongoing tales of galaxy-travelling stage hypnotist, the Amazing Conroy, and Reggie, his alien companion animal, a buffalo dog who can eat anything and expels pure oxygen when he passes gas. In this sequel to BARRY'S TALE (2014 Nebula nominee) Conroy and his buffalito, Reggie are travelling to Triton, to a casino hotel with old friend LeftJohn Mocker, a professional gambler with a double Coltrane rating. Why Triton? Well, there is an illegal auction scheduled there where Conroy hopes to win a bottle of Stonefish liquer, and the Mocker was on his way there anyway at the request of the Probability Guild to investigate allegations of cheating. It looks like everyone will get what they want except... the cheater turns out to be none other than Angela Colson, an eleven-year old girl of incredible power. Conroy saved her life five years earlier with her plushie buffalito, Barry. Somehow she is back, somehow appears to be in her late teens, and somehow has taken the casino for over ten million bucks! Throw in an evil psychometrist portmaster with a grudge against LeftJohn Mocker, a stinky alien with a secret, and a terrorist with a suitcase-sized nuke, and the state is set for hypnotic hijinks and some fine dining as only The Amazing Conroy can command.
JY Yang 3.5
Mokoya and Akeha, the twin children of the Protector, were sold to the Grand Monastery as children. While Mokoya developed her strange prophetic gift, Akeha was always the one who could see the strings that moved adults to action. While his sister received visions of what would be, Akeha realized what could be. What's more, he saw the sickness at the heart of his mother's Protectorate.

A rebellion is growing. The Machinists discover new levers to move the world every day, while the Tensors fight to put them down and preserve the power of the state. Unwilling to continue to play a pawn in his mother's twisted schemes, Akeha leaves the Tensorate behind and falls in with the rebels. But every step Akeha takes towards the Machinists is a step away from his sister Mokoya. Can Akeha find peace without shattering the bond he shares with his twin sister?

Короткая повесть

Kelly Robson 4.0
A disturbing horror novelette about a British expatriate at loose ends who is hired by her friend to temporarily care for his young, orphaned nephew in a remote castle-like structure in Germany.
Jonathan P. Brazee 0.0
Staff Sergeant Gracie Medicine Crow, United Federations Marine Corps sniper, is pulled off of the front lines to provide security for a meeting between the Marine leadership and the local population. Along with her new spotter, Lance Corporal Christopher Irving, this should be a routine mission. “Should be” are the operative words. Modern warfare, however, rarely discerns between combat and supposedly secure areas. When insurgents attack to disrupt the meeting, it is up to Gracie and her spotter to somehow hold off the assault until reinforcements can arrive.
Sarah Pinsker 0.0
It's a generation ship story full of fiddles and history and questions about what we carry with us.
K. M. Szpara 0.0
A trans man discovers that becoming a vampire has more consequences than he had expected.


Ребекка Роанхорс 3.8
Когда великий роман об американских индейцах наконец напишут, все бледнолицые в нём будут индейцами, а все индейцы — призраками.
Шерман Алекси
«Как написать великий роман об американских индейцах»
Vina Jie-Min Prasad 0.0
Computron feels no emotion towards the animated television show titled Hyperdimension Warp Record (超次元 ワープ レコード). After all, Computron does not have any emotion circuits installed, and is thus constitutionally incapable of experiencing “excitement,” “hatred,” or “frustration.” It is completely impossible for Computron to experience emotions such as “excitement about the seventh episode of HyperWarp,” “hatred of the anime’s short episode length” or “frustration that Friday is so far away.”
Fran Wilde 0.0
Your guide takes you through an exhibit of curiosities—what once would have been called a freak show.
Matthew Kressel 0.0
“The Last Novelist (or A Dead Lizard in the Yard)” by Matthew Kressel is a science fiction story about a dying writer who is trying to finish one final novel on the distant planet he settles on for his demise. His encounter with a young girl triggers a last burst of creativity.
Caroline M. Yoachim 0.0
One night, when I was winding down to sleep, I asked Papa, “How come I don’t get the same number of turns every day?”
“Sometimes the maker turns your key more, and sometimes less, but you can never have more than your mainspring will hold. You’re lucky, Zee, you have a good mainspring.” He sounded a little wistful when he said it. He never got as many turns as I did, and he used most of them to do boring grown-up things.
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