Вручение 12 мая 2007 г.

Сценарий (Best Script):
«Ходячий замок» (ハウルの動く城 / Hauru no ugoku shiro, 2004) сценарий - Хаяо Миядзаки

«Бэтмен: Начало» (Batman Begins, 2005) сценарий - Дэвид С. Гойер, Кристофер Нолан, Боб Кэйн

«Звездный крейсер Галактика: Неоконченные дела» 3-й сезон, 9-й эпизод (Battlestar Galactica: Unfinished Business, 2006) сценарий - Майкл Тейлор

«Доктор Кто: Девушка в камине» 2-й сезон, 4-й эпизод (Doctor Who: The Girl in the Fireplace, 2006) сценарий - Стивен Моффат

Страна: США Место проведения: Marriott Financial Center, Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: 12 мая 2007 г.


Джек Макдевит 4.1
От издателя
Все началось с обычной керамической чашки, ничем особо не примечательной, кроме того, что она с легендарного звездного корабля «Искатель», вывезшего когда-то с Земли беженцев из Соединенных Штатов. За время, прошедшее после этого события, таинственная колония Марголия, которую основали беженцы, стала для всех неким подобием Атлантиды - никто не знает ни где она находится, ни какова судьба ее обитателей. Но чем безнадежнее задача, которую ставит перед собой Алекс Бенедикт, торговец антиквариатом, тем сильнее азарт и желание докопаться до истины, какой бы неприглядной она в результате не оказалась…
На русском языке роман публикуется впервые.
Jo Walton 4.2
One summer weekend in 1949 - but not our 1949 - the well-connected "Farthing set", a group of upper-crust English families, enjoy a country retreat. Lucy is a minor daughter in one of those families; her parents were both leading figures in the group that overthrew Churchill and negotiated peace with Herr Hitler eight years before.
Despite her parents' evident disapproval, Lucy is married - happily - to a London Jew. It was therefore quite a surprise to Lucy when she and her husband David found themselves invited to the retreat. It's even more startling when, on the retreat's first night, a major politician of the Farthing set is found gruesomely murdered, with abundant signs that the killing was ritualistic.
It quickly becomes clear to Lucy that she and David were brought to the retreat in order to pin the murder on him. Major political machinations are at stake, including an initiative in Parliament, supported by the Farthing set, to limit the right to vote to university graduates. But whoever's behind the murder, and the frame-up, didn't reckon on the principal investigator from Scotland Yard being a man with very private reasons for sympathizing with outcasts…and looking beyond the obvious.
As the trap slowly shuts on Lucy and David, they begin to see a way out - a way fraught with peril in a darkening world.
Richard Bowes 0.0
Greek gods are posing as humans and pulling humanity's strings in this mosaic novel about time travel, alternate worlds, and the making of a president. The Time Rangers, Apollo's chosen servants, are in charge of preserving the peace and harmony along the Time Stream, the pathway between various worlds and times, but Apollo has given them a new task—to protect Timothy Macauley, the chosen one who must become the president of the United States or else witness the destruction of humankind. Standing in the Rangers's way are other gods: Mercury, who's working his wiles in the world of public relations; Diana, cruising New York City in the guise of an NYPD detective; Pluto, who is in the process of grooming his successor; and Dionysus, who has caused the annihilation of an alternate world. Nonstop action keeps the story rolling from the 1950s to the present day, through this world and others. The author shares his insights into, and the history of, the mosaic novel in the afterworld.
Джеффри Форд 3.8
Отгремели "веселые" 1920-е: закончилась эпоха джаза, "Великого Гэтсби" и роковых женщин, купающихся в деньгах и шампанском. Ветер перемен наполняет паруса корабля предприимчивого мастера-иллюзиониста Томаса Шелла Ветер: он устраивает спиритические сеансы для заскучавших миллионеров. Пока однажды не случается невероятное: вызывая очередных духов, он видит в оконном стекле образ девочки, молящей о помощи. Ничуть не обманываясь в истинной природе своего "дара", Шелл вызывается помочь родителям пропавшего ребенка - и увязает в лабиринте смертельных тайн...
Ellen Kushner 4.9
From the award-winning author of Swordspoint comes a witty, wicked coming-of-age story that is both edgy and timeless. . . .

Welcome to Riverside, where the aristocratic and the ambitious battle for power and prestige in the city’s labyrinth of streets and ballrooms, theatres and brothels, boudoirs and salons. Into this alluring and alarming world walks a bright young woman ready to take it on and make her fortune. A well-bred country girl, Katherine knows all the rules of conventional society. Her biggest mistake is thinking they apply.

Katherine’s host and uncle, Alec Campion, the capricious and decadent Mad Duke Tremontaine, is in charge here—and to him, rules are made to be broken. When he decides it would be far more amusing for his niece to learn swordplay than to follow the usual path to ballroom and husband, her world changes forever. And there’s no going back. Blade in hand, it’s up to Katherine to find her own way through a maze of secrets and betrayals, nobles and scoundrels—and to gain the power, respect, and self-discovery that come to those who master. . . .
Wil McCarthy 0.0
In the conclusion to this epic interstellar adventure by Nebula Award nominee Wil McCarthy, humanity stands at a crossroads as the heroes who fashioned a man-made heaven must rescue their descendants from eternal damnation….


Once the Queendom of Sol was a glowing monument to humankind’s loftiest dreams. Ageless and immortal, its citizens lived in peaceful splendor. But as Sol buckled under the swell of an immorbid population, space itself literally ran out….

Conrad Mursk has returned to Sol on the crippled starship Newhope. His crew are the frozen refugees of a failed colony known as Barnard’s Star. A thousand years older, Mursk finds Sol on the brink of rebellion, while a fanatic necro cult is reviving death itself. Now Mursk and his lover, Captain Xiomara “Xmary” Li Weng, are sent on a final, desperate mission by King Bruno de Towaji–one of the greatest terraformers of the ages–to literally crush the moon. If they succeed, they’ll save
billions of lost souls. If they fail, they’ll strand humanity between death–and something unimaginably worse….


Джеймс Патрик Келли 3.0
Старейшина Винтер купил целую планету, чтобы построить Совершенное Государство. Его граждане ведут простой сельский образ жизни. А заодно, выживают оставшееся местное население, которое отвечает поджогами лесов. Никто не называет это войной, хотя с обеих сторон гибнут люди.
William Shunn 0.0
Jude Plane is a teenage boy who lives in a cloistered religious enclave on a giant space station. Jude's faith forbids him from using advanced technology, but that resolve is put to the test when his father sends him to work outside the enclave, unloading freight at the station's hub. There Jude makes friends stranger than any he's known, and finds himself confronted by choices he couldn't have imagined just days earlier, including whether to embrace his new life or his old.
Пол Мелкоу 3.9
Главный герой встречает своего двойника, который предлагает ему путешествие по иным мирам.
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