Вручение 27 апреля 2002 г.

Сценарий (Best Script):
«Крадущийся тигр, затаившийся дракон» (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, 2000) сценарий - Хул-Линг Уэнг, Джеймс Шамус, Куо Юнг Тсаи

«Баффи — истребительница вампиров: Тело» 5-й сезон, 16-й эпизод (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Body, 2001) сценарий - Джосс Уидон
«О, где же ты, брат?» (O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 2000) сценарий - Гомер, Итэн Коэн, Джоэл Коэн
«Люди Икс» (X-Men, 2000) сценарий - Дэвид Хэйтер, Том ДеСанто, Брайан Сингер

Страна: США Место проведения: Westin Crown Center Hotel, Канзас-Сити Дата проведения: 27 апреля 2002 г.


Кэтрин Азаро 0.0
A New Adventure in the Saga of the Skolian Empire.

Kamoj Argali is the young ruler of an impoverished province on a backward planet. To keep her people from starving, she has agreed to marry Jax Ironbridge, the boorish and brutal ruler of a prosperous province. But before Argali and Ironbridge are wed, a mysterious stranger from a distant planet sweeps in and forces Kamoj into marriage, throwing her world into utter chaos.
Wil Mccarthy 0.0
No writer stretches the boundaries of science fiction like Wil McCarthy does. Now this acclaimed author has crafted his most wildly ambitious and stunningly original novel yet, an unforgettable tale set in a wondrous future in which the secrets of matter have been unlocked and death itself is but a memory. A future also imperiled by a bitter rivalry between two brilliant scientists: one perhaps the greatest genius in the history of humankind, the other, its greatest monster . . .

In the eighth decade of the glorious reign of Her Majesty Tamra Lutui, the Queendom of Sol enjoys a peace and prosperity even gods might envy. In fact, two awesome technologies have given human beings all the powers--and caprices--of the gods they once worshiped. The first is wellstone, a form of programmable matter capable of emulating almost any substance: natural, artificial, even hypothetical. The second is collapsium, a deadly crystal, composed of miniature black holes, that allows the virtually instantaneous transmission of information and matter--including humans--throughout the solar system.

Bruno de Towaji, royal consort and the inventor of collapsium, dreams of building the arc de fin, an almost mythical device capable of probing the farthest reaches of spacetime. Marlon Sykes, de Towaji's rival in both love and science, is meanwhile hard at work on a vast telecommunications project whose first step consists of constructing a ring of collapsium around the sun. But when a ruthless saboteur attacks the Ring Collapsiter and sends it falling toward the sun, the two scientists must put aside personal animosity and combine their prodigious intellects to prevent the destruction of the solar system . . . and every living thing within it.

In his most daring work yet, Wil McCarthy blasts us into a mythical realm--by turns hilarious, magnificent, and deeply moving--where two archmasters of physics compete for love and honor against a backdrop of stellar catastrophe. The Collapsium is a bold work of the imagination.
Tim Powers 3.5
There are histories beneath history.

After a ten-year hiatus, British academic Andrew Hale is abruptly called back into the Great Game by a terse, cryptic telephone message. Born to "the trade" and recruited at the age of seven by a most secret Secret Service, Hale, in 1963, is forced to confront again the nightmare that has haunted his adult life: a lethal unfinished operation code-named Declare.

Two decades earlier, as a young double agent infiltrating the Soviet spy network in Nazi-occupied Paris, Hale first encountered the incomprehensible rhythms of an invisible world. And from that moment on nothing was ever safe and knowable again. There also, his life became eternally linked with two others' lives that would recurrently intersect his at its most dangerous junctures: his "comrade operative," the fiery and beautiful Communist agent Elena Teresa Ceniza-Bendiga, the object of Hale's undying love, and Kim Philby, the mysterious traitor to the British cause... and perhaps to all humanity. Together they form an unlikely trimuvirate with one shared destiny: Declare.

But the Great Game is greater and far more terrible than Andrew Hale ever imagined. There is another, larger war raging unseen all around him, a cataclysmic secret conflict masked by a "Cold War" of national ideologies. And it is drawing Hale, Elena, and Philby inexorably toward world-shattering consequences on a Biblical mountain in the Middle East... and to a hideous feast of broken minds, destroyed lives, and devoured souls.
Jeffrey A. Carver 0.0
Jeffrey A. Carver, author of The Infinity Link and The Rapture Effect, returns with a new science fiction epic set against a sweeping backdrop of interstellar war, space piracy, and star-spanning conspiracy.

After seven years of captivity at the hands of interstellar pirates, Star Rigger Renwald Legroeder escapes to the Centrist Worlds, thinking himself free to return to rigging.

Instead, he finds himself a target of a conspiracy that stretches across light-years—from the Centrist Worlds to the pirate stars beyond—a conspiracy that has survived interstellar war and claimed the lives of millions, both human and alien.

Legroeder's only hope of escaping the clutches of the conspiracy is to embark on a suicide mission that will plunge him back into the heart of the pirates' stronghold in search of a legend—the phantom rigger Impris, a long-lost ship, known as the Flying Dutchman of space.

Awaiting him at the stronghold is a universe of danger, a cybernetically advanced underground in the dark heart of the conspiracy, and a woman who could prove his downfall...or his salvation...
Geoffrey A. Landis 0.0
Geoffrey A. Landis has been a major figure in hard SF for over a decade. His short fiction has won the Hugo and Nebula Awards and the reader's polls in both Asimov's SF and Analog. He is also the designer and administrator of successful experiments carried by the Mars Pathfinder mission and the holder of a NASA research fellowship.Now at last Landis delivers a novel-length work of SF, an epic of human tenacity and survival in the early days of manned Mars exploration.

In the fourth decade of the twenty-first century, humans have been to Mars twice -- but neither expedition successfully returned. Now, with worldwide interest in manned Mars exploration on the wane, a third expedition has made it by eking out resources from a combination of public and private sponsorship.

But from the moment of their landing, everything begins to go wrong. The astronauts' only hope of survival lies in trekking halfway across the surface of Mars itself ... a journey to the limits of human endurance.
Connie Willis 0.0
One of those rare, unforgettable novels that are as chilling as they are insightful, as thought-provoking as they are terrifying, award-winning author Connie Willis's Passage is an astonishing blend of relentless suspense and cutting-edge science unlike anything you've ever read before.

It is the electrifying story of a psychologist who has devoted her life to tracking death. But when she volunteers for a research project that simulates the near-death experience, she will either solve life's greatest mystery -- or fall victim to its greatest terror.

At Mercy General Hospital, Dr. Joanna Lander will soon be paged -- not to save a life, but to interview a patient just back from the dead. A psychologist specializing in near-death experiences, Joanna has spent two years recording the experiences of those who have been declared clinically dead and lived to tell about it.

It's research on the fringes of ordinary science, but Joanna is about to get a boost from an unexpected quarter. A new doctor has arrived at Mercy General, one with the power to give Joanna the chance to get as close to death as anyone can.

A brilliant young neurologist, Dr. Richard Wright has come up with a way to manufacture the near-death experience using a psychoactive drug. Dr. Wright is convinced that the NDE is a survival mechanism and that if only doctors understood how it worked, they could someday delay the dying process, or maybe even reverse it. He can use the expertise of a psychologist of Joanna Lander's standing to lend credibility to his study.

But he soon needs Joanna for more than just her reputation. When his key volunteer suddenly drops out of the study, Joanna finds herself offering to become Richard's next subject. After all, who better than she, a trained psychologist, to document the experience?

Her first NDE is as fascinating as she imagined it would be -- so astounding that she knows she must go back, if only to find out why this place is so hauntingly familiar. But each time Joanna goes under, her sense of dread begins to grow, because part of her already knows why the experience is so familiar, and why she has every reason to be afraid....

And just when you think you know where she is going, Willis throws in the biggest surprise of all -- a shattering scenario that will keep you feverishly reading until the final climactic page is turned.
Джордж Мартин 4.7
В неприступном замке плетет сети изощренного заговора могущественная чернокнижница... В далеких, холодных землях собирает силы юный властитель Севера Робб от дома Старк... Новые и новые воины сходятся под знамена Даэнерис Бурерожденной, правящей последними из оставшихся в мире драконов... Но ныне в разгорающийся пожар сражений вступают еще и Иные — армия живых мертвецов, коих не остановить ни властью оружия, ни властью магии. БУРЯ МЕЧЕЙ грядет в Семи Королевствах — и многие падут под ударом этой бури...
Patricia A. McKillip 0.0
She saw the knight in the mirror at sunset…

During the wedding festivities of his king, Cyan Dag, a knight of Gloinmere, is sought out by a mysterious bard and told a terrifying tale: that the king has married a false queen—a lie cloaked in ancient and powerful sorcery. Spurred on by his steadfast honor and loyalty, Cyan departs on a dangerous quest to rescue the real queen from her tower prison, to prevent war, and to awaken magic in a land that has lost its way…


Джек Уильямсон 0.0
Очень далекое будущее. Земля превращена в музей-заповедник человечества. Современные люди, наши потомки, очень сильно отличаются от нас, обычных людей. И физически, и умственно. И все это с помощью нанотехнологий. И вот на эту Землю с Луны попадают обычные люди, клоны, выращенные из генетического материала, найденного одним ученым на развалинах Лунной станции... Смогут ли они прижиться в этом, таком чуждом для них мире, где все не так, и все не то, да еще и эти везде присутствующие нанороботы...
© ceh
Jack Dann 0.0
Montana Rockies, 1923: In this homage to "The Great Gatsby," Paul Orsatti's British Moth bi-plane is shot down in a blaze of anti-aircraft fire while investigating rumors of "something goofy" in the mountains. He awakens imprisoned in a luxurious prison beneath a mountain of diamond, surrounded by a group of fellow unfortunate aviators who have suffered the same fate. Their xenophobic warden, the multi-billionaire Randolph Estes Jefferson, will do anything to conceal the existence of his secret mountain of diamond, and apologizes to his prisoners while bestowing lavish comfort upon them in their prison of luxury. When Paul meets Jefferson's beautiful daughter, Phoebe, he see an opportunity to plan his escape.
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