Вручение 29 апреля 1978 г.

Сценарий (Best Script)
• Звездные войны: Эпизод 4 — Новая надежда (Star Wars, реж. Джордж Лукас)

Страна: США Дата проведения: 29 апреля 1978 г.


Фредерик Пол 3.8
Богатство... или смерть. Вот выбор предлагаемый Вратами.
Людьми был открыт искусственный астероид, полный межзвездными кораблями, брошенными загадочными Хичи. Пункты назначения всех кораблей предопределены. Кораблями легко управлять, но невозможно менять их маршруты. Некоторые смельчаки возвращаются назад с открытиями, которые делают их богачами, однако чаще возвращаются ни с чем, а иногда не возвращаются вовсе.
Хотя это похоже на русскую рулетку, но в этом будущем с его нехваткой ресурсов отчаянных добровольцев предостаточно...
Terry Carr 0.0
Millennia in the future, Earth has become a backwater planet, ignored by others in the galaxy. Its one jewel is Cirque - the city on the Abyss, a city of love and harmony, with inspiring religious rites.

But in the Abyss there lives the Beast, formed from the castoff hates of the Cirquians: a beast whose body is refuse, whose mind is black as sin. Feeble weapons are no match for the Beast.

And now, after centuries, it's climbing out of the Abyss to claim its own...
Gregory Benford 3.0
In the closing years of this century, a new comet is discovered—and computations of its orbit indicate that it will approach Earth. But unlike other comets, Icarus is a solid body, and its impact would create a disaster worse than any fusion bomb could create. Astronaut Nigel Walmsley is sent out to intercept and vaporize Icarus…but what he finds beneath its barren surface moves him to defy orders and risk the destruction of most of the world’s civilization.

Nigel’s mutiny, and the world-wide panic it raised, should have destroyed his career—but, as the century turned, then moved into its second decade, he kept a foothold in the space program, insulating himself from the steady erosion of the quality of life on this planet with his work and his prickly but rich relationships with two very different women.

Two events tore the insulation away: an alien spacecraft looping inward from the Solar System…and signaling intelligently; and the sentence of death the doctor pronounced on his beloved Alexandria, poisoned by what the world’s air had become.

For Nigel, the only sense, sanity, and hope left was in the approaching spacecraft and what it might mean—and then the authorities gave him the mission of destroying it.

The adventures and discoveries in this novel are in the finest traditions of modern science fiction, but the story is enriched by the equally gripping development of Nigel as a man who finds he must seek something others cannot conceive of—whose true home is in the limitless ocean of night between the stars.
David Gerrold 0.0
A tale of a world where children must choose the gender they are to become, and one child's decision may decide her world's fate.


Спайдер Робинсон, Джинн Робинсон 0.0
Шера — уникальная танцовщица, которая создала новое направление в танцевальном искусстве, «Звёздный танец».

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