Вручение 30 апреля 1977 г.

Сценарий (Best Script)
• не присуждалась
• Harlan Ellison "Harlan! Harlan Ellison Reads Harlan Ellison" (аудиокнига на пластинке)
• Бегство Логана (Logan's Run, реж. Майкл Андерсон)
• Человек, который упал на Землю (The Man Who Fell to Earth, реж. Николас Роуг)

Страна: США Дата проведения: 30 апреля 1977 г.


Фредерик Пол 3.4
Для освоения Марса обычный человек не подойдет: слишком трудно и затратно поддерживать человеческую плоть на настолько враждебной планете. Но освоение красного соседа является делом чести одного из государств. И тогда Марс отдадут на откуп "киборгам"- астронавтам, более являющимися марсианами, нежели людьми.
Ларри Нивен, Джерри Пурнель 0.0
"Welcome to Infernoland," an unearthly voice hisses. And the late, great Allen Carpentier plunges into ht efantastic abyss of an ingenious, living hell.

His is a one-way journey through dim nether-regions where flame-colored demons wield diabolically sharp pitchforks . . . where tormented vixens reign forever in a pond of sheer ice.

There, in this land of torment and terror, he discovers the amazing truth of the ultimate adventure that lies beyond the grave.
Marta Randall 0.0
She was different. The immortality treatments had failed. She was destined to grow old, to wither and fade among them - the wondrously beautiful, gloriously vain, Immortals.

After the floods, they rebuilt the earth. Now the Immortals lived in transmutable homes, they traveled the galaxy, they colonized the sea floor. There was no place for her in their sparkling cities. Because she was different - she would die.

Her refuge was aboard ship, on the Ilium. Her ocean-floor exploration of buried islands yielded treasures the Immortals prized. But among the ruins she discovered a dark, enclosed place - a special room which contained a power the Immortals had lost, a power that if she could but learn it, would transform the world forever...
Robert Silverberg 0.0
In the 21st century, a battered world is ruled by a crafty old tyrant, Genghis II Mao IV Khan. The Khan is 93 yers old, his life systems sustained by the skill of Mordecai Shadrach, a brilliant young surgeon whose chief function is to replace the Khan's worn-out organs. Within the vast tower-complex, the most advanced equipment is dedicated to three top-priority projects, each designed to keep the Khan immortal. Most sinister of these is Project Avatar, by which the Khan's mind and persona are to be transferred to a younger body.

Shadrach makes the unsettling discovery that it is his body that is to be used. His friends beg him to flee, but he refuses to panic. Instead, and with startling composure, he evolves a dangerous plan that could change the face of the earth or, if it backfires, mean the end of life.

Shadrach in the Furnace is at once a broad, sweeping novel and a harsh, abrasive, irreverent book about a life-and-death battle between two titans—one the epitome of evil, the other a paragon of idealism—in a society pushed to extremes.
Samuel R. Delany 0.0
The human race has colonized the outer satellites. One of them is Triton, moon of Neptune, where the ideals of universal prosperity are possible. Yet Earth threatens war….

Within this strange climate of complete utopia and certain doom, Bron Helstrom seeks passion and purpose in a gypsy woman whose wisdom and power will forever reverse his life.

THE SPIKE: The woman he loves—-a wandering playwright from Ganymede.

SAM: The man he admires—the handsome, astute chief foreign officer crippled by the responsibility of vast power.

LAWRENCE: His confessor—the master of strategic games.

CHARO and WINDY: The players—cosmic minstrels of the far future.
Kate Wilhelm 5.0
When the first warm breeze of Doomsday came wafting over the Shenandoah Valley, the Sumners were ready. Using their enormous wealth, the family had forged an isolated post-holocaust citadel. Their descendants would have everything they needed to raise food and do the scientific research necessary for survival. But the family was soon plagued by sterility, and the creation of clones offered the only answer. And that final pocket of human civilization lost the very human spirit it was meant to preserve as man and mannequin turned on one another.


Джеймс Типтри-младший 4.0
Космический корабль с командой из трёх человек, совершающий первый в истории человечества облёт Солнца внутри орбиты Меркурия, сталкивается с некой неполадкой и в результате оказывается «закинут» в будущее на триста лет вперёд. Астронавты спасены земным космическим кораблём и вступают в контакт с со своими далёкими потомками. Астронавтам сообщают, что в результате пандемии вымерло почти всё человечество. Теперь оно насчитывает не более двух миллионов человек и построило цивилизацию, очень сильно отличающуюся от культуры, покинутой астронавтами триста лет назад. спойлер В частности, вымерли практически все мужчины. свернуть Новое человечество со страхом и недоверием встречает «гостей из прошлого».
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