Вручение 2003 г.

Номинация "Журналы":
Журнал "All Hallows: The Journal of the Ghost Story Society"
Журнал "The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction"
Журнал "Cemetery Dance"
Журнал "The Third Alternative"
Журнал "Video Watchdog"

Номинация "Художник":
Каниглиа (Caniglia)
Дэйв МакКин (Dave McKean)
Эдвард Миллер (aka Les Edwards) (Edward Miller)
Тодд Шорр (Todd Schorr)
Берни Райтсон (Bernie Wrightson)

Номинация "Фильм":
Паук (реж. Дэвид Кроненберг)
Бабба Хо-Теп (реж. Дон Коскарелли)
Идентификация (реж. Джеймс Мэнголд)
Монстр (реж. Пэтти Дженкинс)
Таинственная река (реж. Клинт Иствуд)

Номинация "Телевизионный Показ":
Карнавал (реж. Родриго Гарсия, Джереми Подесва, Джек Бендер)
Ангел (реж. Джосс Уидон, Джеймс А. Контнер, Дэвид Гринуолт)
Мертвые, как я (реж. Дэвид Гроссман, Джеймс Уитмор мл., Питер Лоэр)
Клиент всегда мертв (реж. Алан Болл, Дэниэл Эттиэс, Родриго Гарсия)
Мёртвая зона (реж. Джеймс Хэд, Джефри Леви, Майкл Робисан)

Страна: США Место проведения: Всемирный конвент ужасов в Фениксе, штат Аризона (10 апреля 2004 года) Дата проведения: 2003 г.


Peter Straub 3.4
A woman kills herself for no apparent reason. A week later, her teenage son disappears. The vanished boy's uncle, Tim Underhill, returns to his home town of Millhaven to discover what he can. A madman known as the Sherman Park Killer has been haunting the neighbourhood, but Underhill believes that Mark's obsession with a local abandoned house is at the root of his disappearance.
He fears that Mark came across its last and greatest secret - a lost girl, one who has coaxed Mark deeper and deeper into her mysterious domain. Only by following in their footsteps will Underhill uncover the shocking truth.
Tananarive Due 0.0
The home that belonged to Angela Toussaint's late grandmother is so beloved that townspeople in Sacajawea, Washington, call it the Good House. But that all changes one summer when an unexpected tragedy takes place behind its closed doors...and the Toussaint's family history -- and future -- is dramatically transformed. Angela has not returned to the Good House since her son, Corey, died there two years ago. But now, Angela is finally ready to return to her hometown and go beyond the grave to unearth the truth about Corey's death. Could it be related to a terrifying entity Angela's grandmother battled seven decades ago? And what about the other senseless calamities that Sacajawea has seen in recent years? Has Angela's grandmother, an African American woman reputed to have "powers," put a curse on the entire community?

A thrilling exploration of secrets, lies, and divine inspiration, "The Good House" will haunt readers long after its chilling conclusion.
Стивен Кинг 4.4
Странствие Роланда Дискейна и его друзей продолжается...
И теперь на пути их лежит маленький городок Калья Брин Стерджис, жители которого раз в поколение платят страшную дань посланникам Тьмы — Волкам Кальи!
Stewart O'Nan 2.0
A ghost story that begins in everyday tragedy, from a distinctly American master of both forms: a "scary, sad, funny . . . mesmerizing read" (Stephen King)

At Midnight on Halloween in a cloistered New England suburb, a car carrying five teenagers leaves a winding road and slams into a tree, killing three of them. One escapes unharmed, another suffers severe brain damage. A year later, summoned by the memories of those closest to them, the three that died come back on a last chilling mission among the living.

A strange and unsettling ghost story, The Night Country creeps through the leaf-strewn streets and quiet cul-de-sacs of one bedroom community, reaching into the desperately connected yet isolated lives of three people changed forever by the accident: Tim, who survived yet lost everything; Brooks, the cop whose guilty secret has destroyed his life; and Kyle's mom, trying to love the new son the doctors returned to her. As the day wanes and darkness falls, one of them puts a terrible plan into effect, and they find themselves caught in a collision of need and desire, watched over by the knowing ghosts.

Macabre and moving, The Night Country elevates every small town's bad high school crash into myth, finding the deeper human truth beneath a shared and very American tragedy. As in his highly-prized Snow Angels and A Prayer for the Dying, once again Stewart O'Nan gives us an intimate look at people trying to hold on to hope, and the consequences when they fail.
Стив Резник Тем 0.0
The author’s second novel, The Book of Days consists of a short story told each day by a man trying to talk himself back to sanity. A kind of literary sampler quilt, these daily inventions emulate the styles of everything from traditional ghost stories to the works of O’Henry and James Whitcomb Riley, from westerns to fifties science fiction to boy’s own adventure stories. As a sequence illustrating the narrator’s deep internal struggle, these dark stories take on additional weight, making each one a sharp shock that builds to an electrifying whole.

Дебютный роман

Matthew B.J. Delaney 0.0
It is May 1943. On the remote island of Bougainville, in the South Pacific, a squad of United States Marines beats their way through the thick jungle. They've landed to do battle with the Japanese soldiers on the island, but in short order, they begin to realize that the forbidding battleground holds an ancient secret a hundred times more terrifying than any enemy army---especially when they start finding the bodies.

Flash-forward to July 2008. In the slums---and the skyscrapers---of Boston, a new kind of depraved serial killer is stalking human prey and terrifying the city. The bodies have been found posed and mutilated in bizarre ways that the two police officers in charge of the case have never seen before---and never want to see again. Are the two scenarios connected?

Detectives Jefferson and Brogan have no idea that to solve the biggest case of their careers, their investigation must take them around the world and through time and history---from a mysterious salvaged submarine with a shocking secret, to an inhumane prison where the inmates are even more scared than usual of "the Pit,"and finally back to the beginning: the sinister island in the South Seas where something inhuman has been biding its time
Кирстен Дж. Бишоп 0.0
Fleeing the ghosts of their violent past, two former revolutionaries - the roguish, rakish Gwynn and the taciturn Raule - escape from the ruined and deserted Copper Country to the tropical city of Ashamoil. As they salvage new lives from the rubble of the old, they discover that the ghosts of the past are also the ghosts of the future.
Майкл Грубер 3.9
На самом деле Джейн Доу антрополог и эксперт по шаманизму. Но сейчас она никто, просто тень. Разыграв собственное самоубийство, она живет под вымышленным именем в Майами вместе с больной маленькой девочкой, которую подобрала на улице.
В Майами происходит серия ритуальных убийств, из-за которых город находится на грани паники. Расследованием занимается детектив Джимми Паз, которому удается разыскать свидетелей, находившихся на месте преступления. Но они все как один ничего не могут вспомнить. Паз приходит к малоутешительному выводу - на них просто наложили заклятие.
К собственному сожалению, он оказывается прав, ведь события в современном цивилизованном городе все больше напоминают адский коктейль из смеси заклинаний африканских колдунов и магии вуду.
Matthew Pearl 3.9
A New York Times Bestseller
Words can bleed.

In 1865 Boston, the literary geniuses of the Dante Club—poets and Harvard professors Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, and James Russell Lowell, along with publisher J. T. Fields—are finishing America’s first translation of The Divine Comedy and preparing to unveil Dante’s remarkable visions to the New World. The powerful Boston Brahmins at Harvard College are fighting to keep Dante in obscurity, believing that the infiltration of foreign superstitions into American minds will prove as corrupting as the immigrants arriving at Boston Harbor.

The members of the Dante Club fight to keep a sacred literary cause alive, but their plans fall apart when a series of murders erupts through Boston and Cambridge. Only this small group of scholars realizes that the gruesome killings are modeled on the descriptions of Hell’s punishments from Dante’s Inferno. With the lives of the Boston elite and Dante’s literary future in America at stake, the Dante Club members must find the killer before the authorities discover their secret.

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and an outcast police officer named Nicholas Rey, the first black member of the Boston police department, must place their careers on the line to end the terror. Together, they discover that the source of the murders lies closer to home than they ever could have imagined.

The Dante Club is a magnificent blend of fact and fiction, a brilliantly realized paean to Dante’s continued grip on our imagination, and a captivating thriller that will surprise readers from beginning to end.
Джефф Вандермеер 3.9
Подземный Венисс. Проклятый, запретный Город Тьмы.
Город загадочной Королевы, обращающей людей в игрушки и чудовища.
Город, в который нет хода чужим.
Так было всегда. Но теперь в Подземный Венисс прорвались трое обреченных. Трое из медленно умирающего внешнего мира. Им необходимо встретиться с королевой - и ради этой цели они готовы рискнуть и собственной жизнью, и сотнями жизней чужих...

"Завораживающе мрачная фантастика!"


Joyce Carol Oates 4.2
Teena Maguire should not have tried to shortcut her way home that Fourth of July. Not after midnight, not through Rocky Point Park. Not the way she was dressed in a tank top, denim cutoffs, and high-heeled sandals. Not with her twelve-year-old daughter Bethie. Not with packs of local guys running loose on hormones, rage, and alcohol. A victim of gang rape, left for dead in the park boathouse, the once vivacious Teena can now only regret that she has survived. At a relentlessly compelling pace punctuated by lonely cries in the night and the whisper of terror in the afternoon, Joyce Carol Oates unfolds the story of Teena and Bethie, their assailants, and their unexpected, silent champion, a man who knows the meaning of justice. And love.


Брайан Ходж 2.7
В восточноевропейской стране начинается гражданская война. Ее полноценными участниками становятся военные корреспонденты. Им предстоит понять, что же на самом деле является искусством войны.
Лэрд Баррон 2.9
Ветеран ЦРУ получает задание возглавить отряд, посланный охранять место секретного эксперимента. Хорошо спланированная операция идет наперекосяк. Постепенно главный герой понимает, что он столкнулся не с происками русских, а с чем-то совершенно иным...
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