Вручение 4 мая 2016 г.

Премия присуждена за книги, опубликованные в 2015 году.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 4 мая 2016 г.


Yuri Herrera, Юрі Еррера 3.8
"Signs Preceding the End of the World" is one of the most arresting novels to be published in Spanish in the last ten years. Yuri Herrera does not simply write about the border between Mexico and the United States and those who cross it. He explores the crossings and translations people make in their minds and language as they move from one country to another, especially when there’s no going back.

Traversing this lonely territory is Makina, a young woman who knows only too well how to survive in a violent, macho world. Leaving behind her life in Mexico to search for her brother, she is smuggled into the USA carrying a pair of secret messages – one from her mother and one from the Mexican underworld.
Жузе Эдуарду Агуалуза 3.8
В юности Луду пережила психологическую травму. С годами она пришла в себя, но боязнь открытых пространств осталась с ней навсегда. Даже в магазин она ходит с огромным черным зонтом, отгораживаясь им от внешнего мира. После того, как сестра вышла замуж и уехала в Анголу, Луду тоже покидает родную Португалию, чтобы осесть в Африке. Она не подозревает, что ее ждет. Когда в Анголе начинается революция, столицу Луанду охватывают беспорядки. Оставшись одна Луду, предпринимает единственный шаг, который может защитить ее от ужаса открытых пространств: она замуровывает дверь в свое жилище. Отныне ее жизнь будет протекать в полной изоляции, за жизнью вне стен ее жилища Луду может лишь подглядывать со своего верхнего этажа.

«Всеобщая теория забвения» – книга о памяти и беспамятстве, о жизни наедине с собой и о мире, который не позволяет человеку оставаться одному, о попытках забыть при одновременном стремлении помнить все. В 2017 году роман получил престижную Дублинскую премию, а годом ранее номинировался на Международного Букера.
Элена Ферранте 4.4
Заключительная часть неаполитанского квартета возвращает Лену и Лилу в родной квартал — с его грязью, невежеством и жестокостью. Элена уезжает из Флоренции с Нино Сарраторе в надежде, что тот оставит ради нее свою семью. Лила с Энцо открывают компьютерную фирму. Постепенно Лила становится негласным лидером квартала — к большому неудовольствию братьев Солара, которым совсем не хочется выпускать власть из рук. Заклятые подруги входят в пору зрелости. Соперничество осталось в прошлом, теперь Лила и Лену знают, кто они друг для друга и не пытаются это изменить. Жизнь все расставляет по своим местам — но на некоторые вопросы так и не дает ответов.
Сэмюэл Арчибальд 0.0
Finalist for the 2015 Giller Prize

One of Quill & Quire’s Books of the Year, 2015

A twenty-five-thousand-copy bestseller in Quebec, Arvida, with its stories of innocent young girls and wild beasts, attempted murder and ritual mutilation, haunted houses and road trips heading nowhere, is unforgettable. Like a Proust-obsessed Cormac McCarthy, Samuel Archibald's portrait of his hometown, a model town design by American industrialist Arthur Vining Davis, does for Quebec's North what William Faulkner did for the South, and heralds an important new voice in world literature.

Samuel Archibald teaches contemporary popular culture at the University of Quebec in Montreal, where he lectures on genre fiction, horror movies, and video games, among other subjects.
Георги Господинов 3.5
Аз сме. Едно момче говори - от подземния лабиринт на Минотавъра, от мазе в края на Войната, от приземна квартира през през 70-те и 80-те, от старо бомбоубежище утре.
Роман за емпатията и нейното чезнене, за световната есен, за минотаврите, заключени в нас, за възвишеното, което може да е навсякъде, за елементарните частици на тъгата и вечното време на детството, което ни предстои. Роман с преплитащи се коридори, отклонения и стаи, който смесва минало и настояще, мит и документ. Събира истории и животни от всеки род, прави капсули на нетрайното заради онзи, който има да идва – постапокалиптичен читател, бог или охлюв.
Ако "Естествен роман" беше "машина за истории" (Le Courrier), то във "Физика на тъгата" машината е пусната на пълни обороти.

Георги Господинов (1968) е автор на книги с поезия, проза, пиеси, трагикомикс и др. Неговият "Естествен роман" е публикуван на 19 езика, сред които английски, немски, френски, испански. Получава отзиви в "Ню Йоркър", "Гардиан", "Таймс", "Франкфуртер Алгемайне Цайтунг". Книгата му с разкази "И други истории" е преведена на 8 езика, американското ѝ издание е в номинациите на най-голямата международна награда в жанра "Франк О'Конър". Участва в антологията "Best European Fiction 2010", публикувана в САЩ.
Йоэль Гофман 0.0
Yoel Hoffmann―“Israel’s celebrated avant-garde genius” (The Forward)―supplies the magic missing link between the infinitesimal and the infinite
Part novel and part memoir, Yoel Hoffmann’s Moods is flooded with feelings, evoked by his family, losses, loves, the soul’s hidden powers, old phone books, and life in the Galilee―with its every scent, breeze, notable dog, and odd neighbor. Carrying these shards is a general tenderness, accentuated by a new dimension brought along by “that great big pill of Prozac.” Beautifully translated by Peter Cole, Moods is fiction for lovers of poetry and poetry for lovers of fiction―a small marvel of a book, and with its pockets of joy, a curiously cheerful book by an author who once compared himself to “a praying mantis inclined to melancholy.”
Clarice Lispector 4.4
Clarice Lispector’s Complete Stories, 85 in all, are an epiphany, among the important books of this―or any―year

The recent publication by New Directions of five Lispector novels revealed to legions of new readers her darkness and dazzle. Now, for the first time in English, are all the stories that made her a Brazilian legend: from teenagers coming into awareness of their sexual and artistic powers to humdrum housewives whose lives are shattered by unexpected epiphanies to old people who don’t know what to do with themselves. Clarice’s stories take us through their lives―and ours.

From one of the greatest modern writers, these stories, gathered from the nine collections published during her lifetime, follow an unbroken time line of success as a writer, from her
Valeria Luiselli 0.0
Valeria Luiselli's "Faces in the Crowd" won the 2014 Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum First Fiction Award and was a National Book Foundation's 5 Under 35 and Indies Next Pick.

Highway is a late-in-life world traveler, yarn spinner, collector, and legendary auctioneer. His most precious possessions are the teeth of the "notorious infamous" like Plato, Petrarch, and Virginia Woolf. Written in collaboration with the workers at a Jumex juice factory, "Teeth" is an elegant, witty, exhilarating romp through the industrial suburbs of Mexico City and Luiselli's own literary influences.

Valeria Luiselli was born in Mexico City in 1983 and grew up in South Africa. Her work has been translated into many languages and has appeared in publications including the "New York Times", "Granta", and "McSweeney's".
Mercè Rodoreda 0.0
Featured on Jeff VanderMeer's "Epic List of Favorite Books Read in 2015"

"Rodoreda had bedazzled me by the sensuality with which she reveals things within the atmosphere of her novels."—Gabriel García Marquez

"Rodoreda plumbs a sadness that reaches beyond historic circumstances . . . an almost voluptuous vulnerability."—Natasha Wimmer, The Nation

"It is a total mystery to me why [Rodoreda] isn't widely worshipped; along with Willa Cather, she's on my list of authors whose works I intend to have read all of before I die. Tremendous, tremendous writer."—John Darnielle, The Mountain Goats

Despite its title, there is little of war and much of the fantastic in this coming-of-age story, which was the last novel Mercè Rodoreda published during her lifetime.

We first meet its young protagonist, Adrià Guinart, as he is leaving Barcelona out of boredom and a thirst for freedom, embarking on a long journey through the backwaters of a rural land that one can only suppose is Catalonia, accompanied by the interminable, distant rumblings of an indefinable war. In vignette-like chapters and with a narrative style imbued with the fantastic, Guinart meets with numerous adventures and peculiar characters who offer him a composite, if surrealistic, view of an impoverished, war-ravaged society and shape his perception of his place in the world.

As in Rodoreda's "Death in Spring", nature and death play an fundamental role in a narrative that often takes on a phantasmagoric quality and seems to be a meditation on the consequences of moral degradation and the inescapable presence of evil.

Mercè Rodoreda (1908–1983) is widely regarded as the most important Catalan writer of the twentieth century. Exiled in France and Switzerland following the Spanish Civil War, Rodoreda began writing the novels and short stories— "Twenty-Two Short Stories", "The Time of the Doves", "Camellia Street", "Garden by the Sea" — that would eventually make her internationally famous.
Gabrielle Wittkop 0.0
In the last days of the Venetian Republic, the successive wives of Count Alvise Lanzi suffer mysterious, agonizing deaths. Murder Most Serene offers a cruel portrait of a beautiful but corrupt city-state and its equally extravagant and corrupt inhabitants. Redolent of darkness, death, poison and transgression, it is also an over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek Venetian romp. Rich in historical detail and bursting with bejeweled putrescence, Gabrielle Wittkop's chilling memento mori eschews the murder mystery in which it is garbed for a scintillating depiction of physical, moral, societal and institutional corruption, in which the author plays the role of puppeteer--"present, masked as convention dictates, while in a Venice on the brink of downfall, women gorged with venom burst like wineskins."
Self-styled heir to the Marquis de Sade, Gabrielle Wittkop (1920-2002) was a French author who wrote a remarkable series of novels and travelogues, all laced with sardonic humor and dark sexuality, with recurrent themes of death, disease and decrepitude. After meeting Justus Wittkop, a German deserter, in Paris under the Occupation, she hid him from the Nazis and then married him after the war, in what she described as an "intellectual alliance," given he was homosexual. He would commit suicide in 1986, with her approval, after being diagnosed with Parkinson's. Her first novel, The Necrophiliac, appeared in 1972, but a number of her books have only been made available since her own suicide in 2002, after she was diagnosed with


Angélica Freitas 0.0
'Rilke shake', livro de estreia da autora, a situa na família de poetas como Adília Lopes, Paulo Leminski e Cacaso, em cuja obra o humor às vezes escrachado carrega em si uma dimensão trágica, de tristeza, deslocamento e inviabilidade.
Yi Lu 0.0
Influenced by both the “gray, sinister sea” that came ashore where her artist parents were sent during the Cultural Revolution, and the beauty of the sea in the books she read as a child, Sea Summit is a collection of paradox and questioning. The sea is an impossible force to the poet: It is both a destructive force that predates man, and something to carry with us wherever we go, to be put “by an ancient rattan chair,” so we can watch “it’s waves toss” from above. Exploring the current ecological crisis and our complicated relationship to the wildness around us, Yi Lu finds something more complicated than a traditional nature poet might in the uneasy connection between herself and the forces of nature represented by the boundless ocean.Translated brilliantly by the acclaimed poet Fiona Sze-Lorrain, this collection of poems introduces a major contemporary Chinese poet to English-language readers.