Победители — стр. 2

Художественная проза
Глен Дункан 3.5
Если вас увлекает мистика, если вы любите интеллектуальные тексты, черный юмор и оборотней, - эта книга для вас. Глен Дункан вышел за рамки жанра и создал атмосферный и многоформатный роман, исполненный смыслов и философии. Зверски красивые сцены насилия, бешеная эротика, блестяще разыгранный классический сюжет - и главный вопрос: откуда в человеке чудовищное? И как ему с этим жить?

Глен Дункан - жемчужина литературы нуара. Мрачные сюжеты, черный юмор, вечное противостояние добра и зла, борьба человека и чудовища - его книги неизменно входят в топы журналов и премий. Роман "Я, Люцифер" о падшем ангеле был успешно экранизирован в 2010 году. Новая книга "Последний вервольф" - достойный ответ низкопробным вампирским сагам, заполонившим книжный рынок.
Susannah Clements 0.0
Vampires first entered the pop culture arena with Bram Stoker's 1897 novel, Dracula. Today, vampires are everywhere. From Buffy the Vampire Slayer to the Twilight Saga to HBO's True Blood series, pop culture can't get enough of the vampire phenomenon. Bringing her literary expertise to this timely subject, Susannah Clements reveals the roots of the vampire myth and shows how it was originally immersed in Christian values and symbolism. Over time, however, vampires have been "defanged" as their spiritual significance has waned, and what was once the embodiment of evil has turned into a teen idol and the ultimate romantic hero. Clements offers a close reading of selected vampire texts, explaining how this transformation occurred and helping readers discern between the variety of vampire stories presented in movies, TV shows, and novels. Her probing engagement of the vampire metaphor enables readers to make Christian sense of this popular obsession.
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S.M. Stirling 0.0
View our feature on S.M. Stirling s "A Taint in the Blood."First in the new Shadowspan series from the "New York Times" bestselling "master of speculative fiction" ("Library Journal").
Eons ago, Homo Lupens ruled the earth. Possessing extraordinary powers, they were the source of all of the myths and legends of the uncanny. And though their numbers have been greatly reduced, they exist still-though not as purebreds.
Adrian Breze is one such being. Wealthy and reclusive, he is more Shadowspawn than human. But he rebelled against his own kind, choosing to live as an ordinary man. Now, to save humanity, he must battle the dark forces of the world-including those in his own blood..."
John Edgar Browning, Caroline Joan S. Picart 0.0
This is a comprehensive sourcebook on the world's most famous vampire, with more than 700 citations of domestic and international Dracula films, television programs, documentaries, adult features, animated works, and video games, as well as nearly a thousand comic books and stage adaptations. While they vary in length, significance, quality, genre, moral character, country, and format, each of the cited works adopts some form of Bram Stoker's original creation, and Dracula himself, or a recognizable vampiric semblance of Dracula, appears in each. The book includes contributions from Dacre Stoker, David J. Skal, Laura Helen Marks, Dodd Alley, Mitch Frye, Ian Holt, Robert Eighteen-Bisang, and J. Gordon Melton.
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Гильермо дель Торо, Чак Хоган 3.9
…В аэропорту Нью-Йорка совершает посадку трансатлантический лайнер. Все пассажиры мертвы, и единственное, что царит на борту, - это Тьма. В дальнейшем пассажиры оживают, только это уже не люди, а исчадия ада, беспощадные зомби - жуткий кровожадный и кровососущий вирус в человеческом обличье, уничтожающий все живое…
Борьба со Злом будет страшной и непримиримой, книга полна откровенного ужаса, и в то же время это очень человеческая история, рисующая отважных и сопротивляющихся людей в самой отчаянной ситуации - перед лицом всепланетной гибели.
Mary Y. Hallab 0.0
It seems we're awash in vampires these days, in everything from movies, television shows, and novels to role-playing games, rock bands, and breakfast cereals. But what accounts for their enduring popular appeal? In Vampire God, Mary Y. Hallab examines the mythic figure of the vampire from its origins in early Greek and Slavic folklore, its transformation by Romantics like Byron, Le Fanu, and Stoker, and its diverse representations in present-day popular culture. The allure of the vampire, Hallab argues, lies in its persistent undeadness, its refusal to accept its mortal destiny of death and decay. Vampires appeal to our fear of dying and our hope for immortality, and as a focus for our doubts and speculations, vampire literature offers answers to many of our most urgent questions about the meaning of death, the nature of the human soul, and its possible survival after bodily dissolution. Clearly written, with wry humor, Vampire God is a thoroughly researched, ambitious study that draws on cultural, anthropological, and religious perspectives to explore the significance and function of the vampire in relation to the scientific, social, psychological, and religious beliefs of its time and place.
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Джеймс Риз 3.3
В руки лондонских издателей попадает дневник писателя Брэма Стокера, рассказывающий о его жизни еще до выхода знаменитого романа "Дракула". В этом дневнике, дополненном письмами и другими материалами, отражена история странных и даже сверхъестественных отношений Стокера с таинственным американским доктором Тамблти.
Лето 1888 года. Лондон потрясен серией жестоких убийств, совершенных маньяком по прозвищу Джек Потрошитель. По воле случая главным подозреваемым становится Брэм Стокер, которого обнаружили неподалеку от места, где нашли первую жертву (кстати, убитую ножом, принадлежащим Стокеру). Чтобы снять с себя подозрения, Стокер вынужден лично заняться расследованием, для чего заручается поддержкой своих именитых друзей, входящих в тайное общество - "Орден Золотой Зари". Он присутствует на обряде посвящения, в котором участвует также доктор Тамблти, и во время этого действа происходит нечто чудовищное...
Bram Stoker 0.0
Bram Stoker's initial notes and outlines for his landmark horror novel Dracula were auctioned at Sotheby's in London in 1913 and eventually made their way to the Rosenbach Museum and Library in Philadelphia, where they are housed today. Until now, few of the 124 pages have been transcribed or analyzed. This painstaking work reproduces the handwritten notes both in facsimile and in annotated transcription. It also includes Stoker's typewritten research notes and thoroughly analyzes all of the materials, which range from Stoker's thoughts on the novel's characters and settings to a nine-page calendar of events that includes most of the now-familiar story. Ample annotations guide readers through the construction of the novel and the changes that were made to its structure, plot, setting and characters. Nine appendices provide insight into Stoker's personal life, his other works and his early literary influences.
David Keyworth 0.0
Since earliest times man has feared troublesome corpses - the bodies of the dead which do not lie still and decompose, but rise again to revisit the living. European folklore is particularly rich in tales of vampires and reanimated cadavers. The Undead take many forms, as do precautions to avert an attack and methods of destruction should precautions fail.

What distinguishes vampires from other revenants? What metaphysical agencies empower the Undead, and how do theological contortions help explain them? And why did popular belief in the existence of the Undead wane during the eighteenth century? These and other vampiric questions are addressed in David Keyworth's encyclopaedic survey of Troublesome Corpses.
Особое упоминание
Майк Миньола, Кристофер Голден 0.0
From celebrated comic artist Mike Mignola and award-winning novelist Christopher Golden comes a work of gothic storytelling like no other. Reminiscent of the illustrated tales of old, here is a lyrical, atmospheric novel of the paranormal and a chilling allegory for the nature of war.
Why do dead men rise up to torment the living? Captain Henry Baltimore asks the malevolent winged creature. The vampire shakes its head. It was you called us. All of you, with your war. The roar of your cannons shook us from our quiet graves . You killers. You berserkers . You will never be rid of us now.
When Lord Henry Baltimore awakens the wrath of a vampire on the hellish battlefields of World War I, the world is forever changed. For a virulent plague has been unleashed a plague that even death cannot end.
Now the lone soldier in an eternal struggle against darkness, Baltimore summons three old friends to a lonely inn men whose travels and fantastical experiences incline them to fully believe in the evil that is devouring the soul of mankind.
As the men await their old friend, they share their tales of terror and misadventure, and contemplate what part they will play in Baltimore s timeless battle. Before the night is through, they will learn what is required to banish the plague and the creature who named Baltimore his nemesis once and for all."
Художественная проза
Barbara Hambly 0.0
An imaginative novel that puts a fresh and frightening new spin on Bram Stoker's Dracula.

The servant Renfield was the most enigmatic character to stalk in the shadows of Dracula. Now he takes center stage in an ingenious re-imagining of Bram Stoker's classic novel that explores the chilling circumstances of his insane devotion to the Vampire Prince. An inmate of Rushbrook Aylum, the obsessive Renfield's personal mission is to hunt and kill Van Helsing and his companions, setting the stage for a battle between the living and the dead that takes him from Dracula's castle to the darkness of his own madness, and the truth of where it all began. Featuring characters and situations from Dracula, yet filled with new twists, Renfield is a rich, frightening, and astonishing alternate view of Stoker's legendary work.
Bruce McClelland 0.0
The first book to explore the origins of the vampire slayer

“A fascinating comparison of the original vampire myths to their later literary transformations.”
—Adam Morton, author of On Evil

“From the Balkan Mountains to Beverly Hills, Bruce has mapped the vampire’s migration. There’s no better guide for the trek.”
—Jan L. Perkowski, Professor, Slavic Department, University of Virginia, and author of Vampires of the Slavs and The Darkling: A Treatise on Slavic Vampirism

“The vampire slayer is our protector, our hero, our Buffy. But how much do we really know about him—or her? Very little, it turns out, and Bruce McClelland shows us why: because the vampire slayer is an unsettling figure, almost as disturbing as the evil she is set to destroy. Prepare to be frightened . . . and enlightened.”
—Corey Robin, author of Fear: The History of a Political Idea

“What is unique about this book is that it is the first of its kind to focus on the vampire hunter, rather than the vampire. As such, it makes a significant contribution to the field. This book will appeal to scholars and researchers of folklore, as well as anyone interested in the literature and popular culture of the vampire.”
—Elizabeth Miller, author of Dracula and A Dracula Handbook

“Shades of Van Helsing! Vampirologist extraordinaire Bruce McClelland has managed that rarest of feats: developing a radically new and thoroughly enlightening perspective on a topic of eternal fascination. Ranging from the icons of popular culture to previously overlooked details of Balkan and Slavic history and folk practice, he has rethought the borders of life and death, good and evil, saint and sinner, vampires and their slayers. Excellent scholarship, and a story that never flags.”
—Bruce Lincoln, Caroline E. Haskell Professor of History of Religions, University of Chicago, and author of Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship, Authority: Construction and Corrosion, and Death, War, and Sacrifice: Studies in Ideology and Practice
Художественная проза
Элизабет Костова 3.9
Шедевр, которому критики прочат судьбу "Кода да Винчи"…
Интригующая и захватывающая смесь загадок прошлого, мистики и реальности!
Она всего лишь хотела узнать больше о своей семье. И открыла средневековую рукопись… И узнала, что легендарный граф Дракула жив до сих пор!!!

Элизабет Костова писала эту книгу 10 лет. Ее литературный дебют произвел эффект разорвавшейся бомбы. Эта книга переведена на 16 языков и ее триумфальное шествие по миру только начинается!
Jorg Waltje 0.0
What is it about vampires that fascinates the human imagination? Blood Obsession closely scrutinizes theories of Sigmund Freud and Tzvetan Todorov and arrives at a model of the vampire as the perfect representative of genre for a variety of
Художественная проза
Дэвид Сосновски 3.8
Вампиры - это, конечно, хорошо...

Вампирские кланы - это еще лучше.

И только один недостаток есть у принцев и принцесс ночи - не могут они иметь собственных детей!

Впрочем, а на кой тогда нужно столь популярное в Америке усыновление?

Методы героев "королевы нью-орлеанских вампиров" устарели.

Нынче в моде - одинокие отцы и приемные дети-азиаты!

Но вот ведь какая штука - согласно древнему "вампирскому кодексу", завампировать детей моложе восемнадцати лет считается уголовным преступлением.

А спасти девчонку-тинейджера, уверенную, что статус папы-вампира дарует ей полную безнаказанность, от множества опасностей и без предварительного "завампиривания" - ох, как непросто!
Художественная проза
Эндрю Фокс 3.6
Нью-орлеанские вампиры - надменные и стильные красавцы?!
Сказки для детей младшего готского возраста!
Обычные... гм... кровопийцы с обычными проблемами!
Один страдает от избыточного веса!
Другой тщетно мечтает об операции по перемене пола!
Третья, чтобы заработать на квартиру, танцует в дешевом клубе!
Ну а четвертый, рвущийся стать Принцем города, - вообще по совместительству предводитель банды "черных братьев"!
Война, конечно, неминуема...
Но - какой она будет?!
James B. South 0.0
Twenty-three essays by young professional philosophers examine crucial ethical and metaphysical aspects of the Buffyverse (the world of Buffy). Though the show already attracted much scholarly attention, this is the first book to fully disinter the intellectual issues. Designed by Whedon as a multilevel story with most of its meanings deeply buried in heaps of heavy irony, Buffy the Vampire Slayer has replaced The X-Files as the show that explains to Americans the nature of the powerful forces of evil continually threatening to surge into our world of everyday decency and overwhelm it. In the tradition of the classic horror films Buffy the Vampire Slayer addresses ethical issues that have long fascinated audiences. This book draws out the ethical and metaphysical lessons from a pop-culture phenomenon.
Художественная проза
Шарлин Харрис 3.8
Билл и Сьюки.
Вампир и телепатка.
Весьма необычная парочка влюбленных даже для "готского рая" - Французского квартала Нью-Орлеана. Парочка, со скуки взявшая интересное хобби - расследование преступлений, так или иначе связанных с миром Тьмы...
Однако на сей раз им придется нелегко...
Потому что при крайне подозрительных обстоятельствах исчез один из "птенцов" клана не просто средненького мастера вампиров, но - принца Далласа!
Найти беднягу и изничтожить похитителей - дело чести Билла и Сьюки.
Вот только - с чего начать?!
William Patrick Day 0.0
While vampire stories have been part of popular culture since the beginning of the 19th century, it has been in the last decades of the 20th century and the start of the 21st century that they have become a central part of American culture. This volume examines how vampire stories - from Bram Stoker's Dracula to Blacula, from Bela Lugosi to Love at First Bite - have become part of our ongoing debate about what it means to be human. This text looks at how writers and filmmakers as diverse as Anne Rice and Andy Warhol present the vampire as an archetype of human identity, as well as how many post-modern vampire stories reflect our fear and attraction to stories of addiction and violence. He argues that contemporary stories use the character of Dracula to explore modern values, and that stories of vampire slayers, such as the televison series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, integrate both current feminist ideas and the image of the Vietnam veteran into a new heroic version of the vampire story.
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