Вручение ноябрь 2012 г.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: ноябрь 2012 г.

Премия Гиллер

Уилл Фергюсон 3.9
Смерть отца в случайной автомобильной аварии буквально потрясла Лору Кёртис. Но тщательное расследование показало, что авария не случайность, а хорошо спланированное убийство. В компьютере Генри Кёртиса обнаружена странная переписка, и след корреспондента покойного ведет на другую сторону океана, на западный берег Африки. Лора поклялась, что найдет виновных, где бы они ни находились и что бы ей это ни стоило…
Аликс Олин 0.0
When Grace, an exceedingly competent and devoted therapist in Montreal, stumbles across a man who has just failed to hang himself, her instinct to help kicks in immediately. Before long, however, she realizes that her feelings for this charismatic, extremely guarded stranger are far from straightforward. In the meantime, her troubled teenage patient, Annie, runs away from home and soon will reinvent herself in New York as an aspiring and ruthless actress, as unencumbered as humanly possible by any personal attachments.

And Mitch, Grace’s ex-husband, who is a therapist as well, leaves the woman he’s desperately in love with to attend to a struggling native community in the bleak Arctic. We follow these four compelling, complex characters from Montreal and New York to Hollywood and Rwanda, each of them with a consciousness that is utterly distinct and urgently convincing.

With razor-sharp emotional intelligence, Inside poignantly explores the many dangers as well as the imperative of making ourselves available to—and responsible for—those dearest to us.