Вручение 16 июля 2017 г.

Премия за 2016 год.

Страна: США Место проведения: Ридеркон 28, Куинси, Массачусетс Дата проведения: 16 июля 2017 г.


Эмма Клайн 3.8
Северная Калифорния, бурные 1960-е подходят к завершению. В начале лета одинокая, погруженная в себя 14-летняя Эви Бойд видит в парке компанию девочек. Они разительно отличаются от всех, кого Эви знает. Раскованные манеры, небрежная одежда, свобода в каждом движении, в каждом взгляде и аура отдельности от всего остального мира. Эви зачарована ими. А вскоре она сама станет одной из этих девочек, вольется в коммуну, где нет места правилам, где жизнь совершенно не похожа на привычную обыденность, где мир вращается вокруг харизматичного лидера. Увлеченная новой жизнью, одержимая тягой к новой подруге, Эви все ближе и ближе подходит к бездне, к той точке, что поменяет жизнь и смерть местами. «Девочки» — дебютный роман Эммы Клайн, ставший большим литературным событием. За сюжетом угадывается канва истории Чарлза Мэнсона и его коммуны-секты, состоявшей по большей части из юных девушек. Пронизанный атмосферой шестидесятых роман Эммы Клайн — о тайных желаниях, о глубинных комплексах, спрятанных даже от самих себя, о беззащитности и уязвимости юности, о недостатке любви, о том, как далеко могут зайти девочки в поисках этой любви и тепла.
Eleanor Wasserberg 0.0
A chilling, compulsive debut about group mentality, superstition and betrayal – and a utopian commune gone badly wrong
We were the Family, and Foxlowe was our home.

There was me – my name is Green – and my little sister, Blue. There was October, who we called Toby, and Ellensia, Dylan, Liberty, Pet and Egg. There was Richard, of course, who was one of the Founders. And there was Freya.

We were the Family, but we weren’t just an ordinary family. We were a new, better kind of family.

We didn’t need to go to school, because we had a new, better kind of education. We shared everything. We were close to the ancient way of living and the ancient landscape. We knew the moors, and the standing stones. We celebrated the solstice in the correct way, with honey and fruit and garlands of fresh flowers. We knew the Bad and we knew how to keep it away.

And we had Foxlowe, our home. Where we were free.

There really was no reason for anyone to want to leave.
Иэн Рэйд 3.5
Джейк, молодой блестящий ученый, и его подруга попадают в метель и решают переждать непогоду в заброшенном здании школы. Здесь Джейку предстоит узнать кое-что о прошлом девушки, о событиях, которые сильно повлияли на неё. Воспоминания чередуются с выдержками из протоколов и леденящими кровь комментариями о преступлении, которое тогда произошло. Чем глубже читатель погружается в историю, тем подробности становятся всё более ужасающими. Этот напряженный, захватывающий и атмосферный триллер исследует глубины человеческой психики, ставя под сомнение сознание, свободную волю и человеческие отношения.
Michael Thomas Ford 0.0
Lily is a girl who discovers she has the ability to see how others will die simply by touching them. Only she doesn't want this gift, and takes extreme measure to protect herself from it. When her mother--because every fairy tale has to have a wicked (step)mother--sells Lily's services to an evangelical preacher and his wildly popular travelling tent revival, Lily is torn away from the idyllic place she's always known as home and thrust into a world of greed and manipulation that threatens to destroy her unless she can find a way back....if she survives the quest the old witch Baba Yaga has given her...or the attention of the tent revivalist who promises to save her soul. Lily features the eerie artwork of Staven Andersen and the moving words of award-winning author Michael Thomas Ford.
Эмма Донохью 3.9
В этом великолепном романе сплелись воедино нездоровая жажда сенсаций и истинная вера в ЧУДО!
Ирландия середины XIX века. Внимание общественности привлечено к одиннадцатилетней девочке, которая вот уже четыре месяца обходится без еды, но чувствует себя живой и здоровой. В глухую ирландскую деревушку со всего света стекаются желающие поглазеть на чудо. Что на самом деле служит ей пищей для тела и души? Что это — чудо или кто-то манипулирует ребенком, чтобы погубить его?
Впервые на русском языке от автора знаменитого романа «Комната»!
Стивен Грэм Джонс 3.2
Они — "дворняги", оборотни-полукровки с Американского Юга. Каждый их день — отчаянная попытка выжить во враждебном мире, который их не понимает и боится. Десять лет нищеты и скитаний — нигде подолгу не задерживаясь и срываясь с места ночью, чтобы оставаться на шаг впереди закона. Довольно! Близится время, когда дядя Даррен и тетя Либби наконец узнают, похож ли на них племянник. Одной ли он с ними крови. Все вот-вот изменится.


Victor LaValle 3.3
People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn't there.

Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father's head, from Harlem to Flushing Meadows to Red Hook. He knows what magic a suit can cast, the invisibility a guitar case can provide, and the curse written on his skin that attracts the eye of wealthy white folks and their cops. But when he delivers an occult tome to a reclusive sorceress in the heart of Queens, Tom opens a door to a deeper realm of magic, and earns the attention of things best left sleeping.

A storm that might swallow the world is building in Brooklyn. Will Black Tom live to see it break?
Kij Johnson 4.3
Professor Vellitt Boe teaches at the prestigious Ulthar Women’s College. When one of her most gifted students elopes with a dreamer from the waking world, Vellitt must retrieve her.

"Kij Johnson's haunting novella The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe is both a commentary on a classic H.P. Lovecraft tale and a profound reflection on a woman's life. Vellitt's quest to find a former student who may be the only person who can save her community takes her through a world governed by a seemingly arbitrary dream logic in which she occasionally glimpses an underlying but mysterious order, a world ruled by capricious gods and populated by the creatures of dreams and nightmares. Those familiar with Lovecraft's work will travel through a fantasy landscape infused with Lovecraftian images viewed from another perspective, but even readers unfamiliar with his work will be enthralled by Vellitt's quest. A remarkable accomplishment that repays rereading." —Pamela Sargent, winner of the Nebula Award
С. П. Мисковски 0.0
The death of Ruth Parker reunites her daughters, three women scarred by a childhood of mysterious secrets and nightmares. Now they must choose a less violent path—or embrace their mother’s terrifying legacy. Illustrated and with cover art by Dave Felton.
Nina Allan 0.0
Willy Randle is a sensitive young man from a close, loving family. With a place at university and a new girlfriend, he’s happy and confident, his future secure – until a minor accident leaves him with altered perceptions, and his world is shattered. Willy begins to doubt his own senses, convinced that the world and the people around him are not what they seem. Determined to discover the truth about what has happened to him, he sets out on a quest that leads him ever further from the reality he has rejected – and deeper into the nightmarish and labyrinthine secrets of Irongrove Lodge...
Николь Кушинг 2.0
How well do you know the people you chat with on a social network?

Thirty-seven year old Ellie Blake is about to find out. Her Bible Belt community wouldn't dare accept her if she came out as a lesbian. Her husband, her pastor, and her neighbors would be scandalized by such a disclosure. But Ellie's desire for another woman's intimate touch grows stronger with each passing day, as does her desire to be dominant – to tell another woman just how to please her, to tie up another woman so that she'll never, ever leave.

Ashamed of these feelings and hopeless of ever satisfying them, Ellie goes to a secret group on the social network and seeks out a partner for a suicide pact. There, she finds twenty-four year old Lori Morris--a woman who also claims devotion to death and lust. She agrees to meet Ellie in a hotel for an intense night of decadent sex and torture before suicide. But Lori has another agenda, too: to escape an oppressive force that might be God or might be the Devil. A force that even suicide may not allow her to escape. A force that wants Lori, Ellie, and all of humanity broken and brought to its knees.
Brian Evenson 0.0
X doesn’t have a name. He thought he had one—or many—but that might be the result of the failing memories of the personalities imprinted within him. Or maybe he really is called X.

He’s also not as human as he believes himself to be.

But when he discovers the existence of another—above ground, outside the protection of the Warren—X must learn what it means to be human, or face the destruction of their two species.