Вручение 1994 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1994 г.

Премия им. Уильяма Кроуфорда

Judith Katz 0.0
Nadine Pagan's dyke sister Jane wants to find her. Her lover Rose wants to marry her. And her mother Fay wants to forget her. All Nadine wants is to stop the buzzing in her head.

Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound follows Nadine's (née Morningstar) adventures as she escapes from her incendiary Jewish family into the lesbian town of New Chelm—and far beyond. This is the novel Isaac Bashevis Singer might have written if he'd been a lesbian with a keen eye for contemporary middle-class assimilation. It's Jewish magical lesbian realism, a good story, and a dynamic piece of writing.

Judith Katz is the author of two published novels, The Escape Artist and Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound, which won the 1992 Lambda Literary Award for Best Lesbian Fiction. She teaches cultural studies and literature courses for the University of Minnesota's Center for Jewish Studies.
Rosanne Daryl Thomas 0.0
Jack Standini of Reliable Shoe Repairs has endured the tragedies life has dealt him to find happiness and contentment carving exquisite angels out of wood in the back room of his apartment. He is 40 and somewhat lonely, years having passed since his beloved wife walked down the stairs to the subway and never returned. Then young Lucille Bixby appears in his shop one day, announces that she does not want to be just another nobody and turns Jack's life upside down.
Noriko Ogiwara 0.0
The forces of the God of Light and the Goddess of Darkness have waged a ruthless war across the land of Toyoashihara for generations. But for 15-year-old Saya, the war is far away and unimportant--until the day she discovers that she is the reincarnation of the Water Maiden and a princess of the Children of the Dark. Raised to love the Light and detest the Dark, Saya must come to terms with her heritage even as she tumbles into the very heart of the conflict that is destroying her country. The armies of the Light and Dark both seek to claim her, for she is the only mortal who can awaken the legendary Dragon Sword, the fearsome weapon destined to bring an end to the war. Can Saya make the dreadful choice between the Light and Dark, or is she doomed--like all the Water Maidens who came before her…? The magatama are stones of destiny, magical amulets passed down to a chosen few. But all knowledge of the stones' true nature has been lost, and each bearer must discover the power of the magatama to calm the Dragon's destructive spirit before it destroys the world.
Марта Уэллс 3.7
Приказ Роланда, повелителя земли Иль - Рьен, был ясен: капитан Томас Бонифас должен арестовать черного мага Грандье. Но Грандье бесследно исчезает - а в его доме Томас обнаруживает заточенного в магический кристалл волшебника Дубелла, некогда обучавшего тайнам своего искусства принцессу Кадье.
Но не Грандье ли принял облик Дубелла, чтобы разрушить защитные чары, оберегающие покой Иль - Рьена?
Не Грандье ли, возжелав абсолютной власти, вызвали из бездны Ада чудовищную силу - Орду черной нечести? Судьба целого мира висит на волоске - и зависит от бесстрашного Томаса и юной Кадье.
Поппи Брайт 4.0
…Они бродят по улицам современных городов.
…Они тусуются по продвинутым рок-клубам.
Вы слушаете, КАК они играют, КАК говорят, КАК смеются.
Вы не поймете — КТО ОНИ ТАКИЕ. Не поймете, пока не станет слишком поздно. Пока поцелуй ВАМПИРА — ночного хищника — не станет последним, что вы почувствовали в жизни.
...Они знают: человеческая душа — просто игрушка для того, кто превратил умение убивать в высокое искусство.
Они потеряли ВСЕ — все, кроме умения не просто отнять у вас жизнь, но сделать это СТИЛЬНО!..
Bev Jafek 0.0
Pushing the limits of literary fantasy, this astonishing first collection marks the debut of a brilliantly subversive new writer. Surreal and audacious, Bev Jafek's writing brings to mind the fantastic short fiction of Borges, Boyle and Calvino - exhibiting an imagination the likes of which is rarely seen. Many of the nine stories have already won the author critical acclaim ranging from The Pushcart Prize and the Carlos Fuentes Award to inclusion in several volumes of The Best American Short Stories. The dangers of intimacy and losing one's identity in a marriage are examined in the title story, a breathtakingly daring work about a wife who is literally devoured by her husband and children as they partake of a neverending sacrament - an ancient ritual to satiate an ancient hunger - in a gleaming Formica kitchen with all the modern conveniences. Talk show host of the future John Q. Slade recounts the edge-of-your-seat excitement of the night Mickey Mouse went philosophical on him on live TV in "You've Come a Long Way, Mickey Mouse." In "Schrodinger's Cat," the theoretical physicist runs into his cat, Young Werther, in the state of alternate reality posited by his theory and is greeted by the cat: "Welcome to nonexistence. It's quite a place." Combining offbeat and wildly intelligent humor with an unerring sense of post-modern absurdity, Bev Jafek offers a bracing look at modern technology, modern relationships and the ever-present threat of the future breathing down our necks.
Patrice Kindl 4.2
I am in love with Mr. Lindstrom, my science teacher. I found out where he lives and every night I perch on a tree branch outside his bedroom window and watch him sleep. He sleeps in his underwear: Fruit of the Loom, size 34.

Owl Tycho, the shape-shifting daughter of "simple witches", is a high school student by day and owl by night. When her nightly vigil over her science teacher is interrupted by the appearance of a mysterious, starving, wild-eyed boy and the inept behavior of a new owl, she soon finds her affections beginning to shift.
Wendy Walker, Wendy Walker 0.0
The Secret Service melds alternative history and speculative physics (morphing) in a fabulist fiction about secret agents turned to objects.
Elizabeth Willey 0.0
Welcome to Argylle -- and its ruling family, a brilliant flighty, civilized, and occasionally dangerous clan of nearly immortal warriors and magicians. Where young Prince Gwydion, stuck with ruling the Dominion, is finding his reign...eventful. Where strange Things keep turning up. Plagues of monsters. The arrival of a ravenous Great Dragon. And where a mysterious young woman who claims to be Gwydion's long-lost -- indeed, quite unsuspected--sister. It's enough, Gwydion thinks, to make a ruler want to find a nice long errand that'll take him away from his homeland for a spell...