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Attica Locke 0.0
The thrilling follow-up to the award-winning Bluebird, Bluebird: Texas Ranger Darren Matthews is on the hunt for a boy who's gone missing - but it's the boy's family of white supremacists who are his real target
9-year-old Levi King knew he should have left for home sooner; now he's alone in the darkness of vast Caddo Lake, in a boat whose motor just died. A sudden noise distracts him - and all goes dark.

Darren Matthews is trying to emerge from another kind of darkness; after the events of his previous investigation, his marriage is in a precarious state of re-building, and his career and reputation lie in the hands of his mother, who's never exactly had his best interests at heart. Now she holds the key to his freedom, and she's not above a little maternal blackmail to press her advantage.

An unlikely possibility of rescue arrives in the form of a case down Highway 59, in a small lakeside town where the local economy thrives on nostalgia for ante-bellum Texas - and some of the era's racial attitudes still thrive as well. Levi's disappearance has links to Darren's last case, and to a wealthy businesswoman, the boy's grandmother, who seems more concerned about the fate of her business than that of her grandson.

Darren has to battle centuries-old suspicions and prejudices, as well as threats that have been reignited in the current political climate, as he races to find the boy, and to save himself.

Attica Locke proves that the acclaim and awards for Bluebird, Bluebird were justly deserved, in this thrilling new novel about crimes old and new.
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Саманта Харви 3.6
1491-й год, деревушка Оукэм, затерянная средь английских лесов, отрезанная от центров цивилизации бурной рекой. Ранним утром приходит весть – погиб деревенский богач Томас Ньюман. Убийство, самоубийство, несчастный случай? А может, он и вовсе не умер, а исчез? Священник Джон Рив, которому как духовнику известны многие секреты жителей деревни, пытается разобраться, что же произошло с Ньюманом, человеком не только самым богатым в Оукэме, но и самым трудолюбовым, самым образованным и полным всевоможных идей. И что же будет, если случившееся с ним так и останется загадкой? История, рассказываемая священником, медленно, извилисто движется назад, от финала к ее началу, открывая микрокосм средневекового бытия с его страхами, надеждами, причудливыми верованиями, дикостью и неуютом, бытия аскетичного и невероятно красочного. Четыре дня масленичной недели полны тревоги, странных теней, тайн и непроясненных вопросов. Священник Джон Рив, воюющий с собственными инстинктами и страстями, с паствой, с самим устройством мира, пытается понять не только что произошло с его другом, но и пытается осознать, где заканчивается человек и начинается Бог, как дело рук человеческих сопрягается с наивысшей Господней волей.
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Джок Серонг 0.0
Amid the furious ocean there was no human sound on deck: some people standing, watching the wave, but no one capable of words. On the Java Ridge, skipper Isi Natoli and a group of Australian surf tourists are anchored beside an idyllic reef off the Indonesian island of Dana. In the Canberra office of Cassius Calvert, Minister for Border Integrity, a Federal election looms and (not coincidentally) a hardline new policy is being announced regarding maritime assistance to asylum-seeker vessels in distress.A few kilometres away from Dana, the Takalar is having engine trouble. Among the passengers fleeing from persecution are Roya and her mother, and Roya’s unborn sister.The storm now closing in on the Takalar and the Java Ridge will mean catastrophe for them all.With On the Java Ridge Jock Serong, bestselling author of The Rules of Backyard Cricket, brings us a literary novel with the pace and tension of a political thriller—and some of the most compelling, heartstopping writing about the sea since Patrick O’Brian.