Вручение 25 ноября 2019 г.

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 25 ноября 2019 г.

Стойкая книга

Саманта Харви 3.6
1491-й год, деревушка Оукэм, затерянная средь английских лесов, отрезанная от центров цивилизации бурной рекой. Ранним утром приходит весть – погиб деревенский богач Томас Ньюман. Убийство, самоубийство, несчастный случай? А может, он и вовсе не умер, а исчез? Священник Джон Рив, которому как духовнику известны многие секреты жителей деревни, пытается разобраться, что же произошло с Ньюманом, человеком не только самым богатым в Оукэме, но и самым трудолюбовым, самым образованным и полным всевоможных идей. И что же будет, если случившееся с ним так и останется загадкой? История, рассказываемая священником, медленно, извилисто движется назад, от финала к ее началу, открывая микрокосм средневекового бытия с его страхами, надеждами, причудливыми верованиями, дикостью и неуютом, бытия аскетичного и невероятно красочного. Четыре дня масленичной недели полны тревоги, странных теней, тайн и непроясненных вопросов. Священник Джон Рив, воюющий с собственными инстинктами и страстями, с паствой, с самим устройством мира, пытается понять не только что произошло с его другом, но и пытается осознать, где заканчивается человек и начинается Бог, как дело рук человеческих сопрягается с наивысшей Господней волей.
Лоуренс Осборн 0.0
Lawrence Osborne brings one of literature's most enduring detectives back to life – as Private Investigator Philip Marlowe returns for one last adventure.

The year is 1988. The place, Baja California. And Philip Marlowe – now in his seventy-second year – is living out his retirement in the terrace bar of the La Fonda hotel. Sipping margaritas, playing cards, his silver-tipped cane at the ready. When in saunter two men dressed like undertakers, with a case that has his name written all over it.

For Marlowe, this is his last roll of the dice, his swan song. His mission is to investigate the death of Donald Zinn – supposedly drowned off his yacht, and leaving behind a much younger and now very rich wife. But is Zinn actually alive? Are the pair living off the spoils?

Set between the border and badlands of Mexico and California, Lawrence Osborne’s resurrection of the iconic Marlowe is an unforgettable addition to the Raymond Chandler canon.
Brenda Brooks 0.0
How far would you go for love?

As 24-year-old Nicole Hewett mourns at her father’s grave, she worries about her mother, badly injured in the car accident that killed him, and whether they’ll be able to make ends meet. Then she sees her beloved childhood friend, Honey, standing beside her old Cadillac. As Honey approaches, Nicole realizes how numb she’s felt ever since Honey fled their hometown without explanation six years earlier. Before long, Nicole’s old fascination with Honey is reignited, along with a new desire for her wild, charismatic friend. But the prodigal has returned bearing secrets and troubles, and when Honey disappears again Nicole must decide: Is her lover in peril? Or is she the peril?

Honey is a thrilling modern noir novel with a classic refrain: nothing is more dangerous than love.
Ханнелоре Кайре 3.0
Meet Patience Portefeux, fifty-three, an underpaid Franco–Arab judicial interpreter for the Ministry of Justice who specialises in telephone tapping. Widowed after the sudden death of her husband, Patience is now wedged between university fees for her two grown-up daughters and nursing home costs for her ageing mother. She’s laboured for twenty-five years to keep everyone’s heads above water.

Happening upon an especially revealing set of police wiretaps ahead of all other authorities, Patience makes a life-altering decision that sees her intervening in – and infiltrating – the machinations of a massive drug deal. She thus embarks on an entirely new career path: Patience becomes ‘the Godmother’.

This is not life in the French idyll of postcards and stock photos. With a gallery of traffickers, dealers, police officers and politicians who are more real than life itself, a sharp and amusing gaze on everyday survival in contemporary France, and an unforgettable woman at its centre, Hannelore Cayre’s bestselling novel shines a torchlight on a European criminal underground that has rarely been seen.
August Thomas 2.0
In this brilliant debut thriller, reminiscent of the works of John le Carre and Olen Steinhauer and infused with the authenticity of the author’s travels, a young American State Department intern based in Turkey becomes “the woman who knows too much” and is marked for death.

Penny Kessler, an intern at the US Embassy in Ankara, Turkey, wakes up in a hospital on the morning of July 5th to find herself at the center of an international crisis. The day before, the Embassy was the target of a devastating terrorist attack that killed hundreds of Penny’s friends and colleagues. Not only has a photograph of Penny as she emerged from the rubble become the event’s defining image, but for reasons she doesn’t understand, her bosses believe she’s a crucial witness.

Suddenly, everyone is intensely interested in what Penny knows. But what does she know? And whom can she trust? As she struggles to piece together her memories, she discovers that Zach Robson, the young diplomat she’d been falling for all summer, went missing during the attack. And one of the CIA’s most powerful officials, Christina Ekdahl, wants people to believe Zach was a traitor.

What actually happened?

Penny barely has time to ask before she discovers that her own government wants her dead. Soon, with only a single ally—a rookie intelligence officer fresh out of the Navy—she is running a perilous gauntlet, ruthlessly pursued by Turkey’s most powerful forces and by the CIA.

To survive, Penny must furiously improvise. Tradecraft takes a lifetime to master. She has less than thirty-six hours. And she’s only twenty-one years old. This is her first real test—one she can’t fail.