Вручение сентябрь 2015 г.

Страна: Австралия Дата проведения: сентябрь 2015 г.

Золотой Inky

Габриэль Тозер 0.0
Josie Browning dreams of having it all.

A stellar academic record, an amazing career in journalism - and for her current crush to realise she actually exists. The only problem? Josie can’t get through twenty-four hours without embarrassing her sister Kat or her best friend Angel, let alone herself.

Josie’s luck changes though when she lands an internship at the glossy fashion magazine Sash. A coveted columnist job is up for grabs, but Josie’s got some tough competition in the form of two other interns. Battle lines are drawn and Josie quickly learns that the magazine industry is far from easy, especially under the reign of powerful editor, Rae Swanson.

From the lows of coffee-fetching and working 10-hour days, to the highs of mingling with celebrities, scoring endless free beauty products (plus falling for her cousin’s seriously gorgeous flatmate James) this is one year Josie will never forget.

Totally fresh and funny, this debut novel from industry insider Gabrielle Tozer reveals just what is behind the seeming glamour and sparkle of the magazine industry.
Garth Nix 4.0
Clariel is the daughter of one of the most notable families in the Old Kingdom, with blood relations to the Abhorsen, and to the King. When her family moves to the city of Belisaere, Clariel finds herself at the centre of sorcery and intrigue: a plot is brewing against the old and withdrawn King Orrikan; her parents want to marry her off to a killer; and a dangerous Free Magic creature is loose in the city. When Clariel is drawn into the efforts to find and capture the creature, she finds hidden sorcery within herself, yet it is magic that carries great dangers. Can she rise above the temptation of power, escape the unwanted marriage and save the King?

Set approximately six hundred years before the birth of Sabriel, Clariel will delight Old Kingdom fans as well as new readers hungry for epic fantasy adventure.
Джастин Ларбалестьер 0.0
The setting: Razorhurst, 1932. The fragile peace between two competing mob bosses—Gloriana Nelson and Mr Davidson—is crumbling. Loyalties are shifting. Betrayals threaten.

Kelpie knows the dangers of the Sydney streets. Ghosts have kept her alive, steering her to food and safety, but they are also her torment.

Dymphna is Gloriana Nelson’s ‘best girl’, experienced in surviving the criminal world, but she doesn’t know what this day has in store for her.

When Dymphna meets Kelpie over the corpse of Jimmy Palmer, Dymphna’s latest boyfriend, she pronounces herself Kelpie’s new protector. But Dymphna’s life is in danger too, and she needs an ally. And while Jimmy’s ghost wants to help, the dead cannot protect the living . . .
Melissa Keil 0.0
Alba loves her life just as it is. She loves living behind the bakery, and waking up in a cloud of sugar and cinnamon. She loves drawing comics and watching bad TV with her friends.

The only problem is she’s overlooked a few teeny details:

Like, the guy she thought long gone has unexpectedly reappeared.
And the boy who has been her best friend since forever has suddenly gone off the rails.
And even her latest comic-book creation is misbehaving.

Also, the world might be ending – which is proving to be awkward.

As Doomsday enthusiasts flock to idyllic Eden Valley, Alba’s life is thrown into chaos. Whatever happens next, it’s the end of the world as she knows it. But when it comes to figuring out her heart, Armageddon might turn out to be the least of her problems.
Клэр Аткинс 0.0
Rosie and Nona are sisters. Yapas.

They are also best friends. It doesn’t matter that Rosie is white and Nona is Aboriginal: their family connections tie them together for life.

Born just five days apart in a remote corner of the Northern Territory, the girls are inseperable, until Nona moves away at the age of nine. By the time she returns, they’re in Year 10 and things have changed. Rosie has lost interest in the community, preferring to hang out in the nearby mining town, where she goes to school with the glamorous Selena, and Selena’s gorgeous older brother Nick.

When a political announcement highlights divisions between the Aboriginal community and the mining town, Rosie is put in a difficult position: will she be forced to choose between her first love and her oldest friend?
Элис Пунг 0.0
Laurinda is an exclusive school for girls. At its hidden centre of power is The Cabinet, a triangle of girls who wield power over their classmates – and some of their teachers.

Entering this world of wealth and secrets is Lucy Lam, a scholarship girl with sharp eyes and a shaky sense of self. As she watches The Cabinet in action, and is courted by them – as she learns about power and repression – Lucy finds herself in a battle for her identity and integrity.

Серебряный Inky

Рэйнбоу Рауэлл 3.9
Кэт — яростная фанатка серии книг о волшебнике Саймоне Сноу. (Вам это никого не напоминает?) И в этом нет ничего необычного: все подростки фанатеют от Саймона Сноу. Кэт и ее сестра-близнец Рен зачитывались этими книгами в детстве. Они помогли сестрам выжить в трудную пору, когда их покинула мать.

Но вот девушки выросли, поступили в университет, и Рен оставила мир Саймона Сноу, отказалась жить в одной комнате с сестрой и с головой окунулась в студенческую жизнь. Однако Кэт никак не может забыть любимого героя. Она читает и перечитывает книги, зависает на форумах, а потом начинает писать фанфики, которые быстро становятся популярными среди таких же, как она, фанатов. Сумеет ли Кэт выжить одна во враждебном, как ей кажется, мире без поддержки близкого ей человека? Готова ли она вступить во взрослую жизнь? Удастся ли ей писать свои собственные произведения? Ведь для этого Кэт придется оставить своего кумира в прошлом…

Впервые на русском языке.
John Corey Whaley 5.0

Travis Coates has a good head…on someone else’s shoulders. A touching, hilarious, and wholly original coming-of-age story from John Corey Whaley, author of the Printz and Morris Award–winning Where Things Come Back.

Listen—Travis Coates was alive once and then he wasn’t.
Now he’s alive again.
Simple as that.

The in between part is still a little fuzzy, but Travis can tell you that, at some point or another, his head got chopped off and shoved into a freezer in Denver, Colorado. Five years later, it was reattached to some other guy’s body, and well, here he is. Despite all logic, he’s still sixteen, but everything and everyone around him has changed. That includes his bedroom, his parents, his best friend, and his girlfriend. Or maybe she’s not his girlfriend anymore? That’s a bit fuzzy too.

Looks like if the new Travis and the old Travis are ever going to find a way to exist together, there are going to be a few more scars.

Oh well, you only live twice.
Скотт Вестерфельд 3.7
Дарси Патель, выпускница старшей школы, решила отложить на год поступление в колледж, чтобы стать писательницей. Подписав контракт на свой первый роман, девушка переезжает в Нью-Йорк, где у нее нет ни квартиры, ни друзей, ни идей. Но к счастью для нее она быстро оказывается принята в обществе таких же как она – писателей-дебютантов, которые показывают ей город и закулисье издательского мира. Первый роман Дарси, написанный столь стремительно, будто ей кто-то диктовал текст, полностью ее поглощает. «Загробные миры» рассказывают о девушке, которой удается выжить во время террористического нападения на аэропорт. Лиззи, главная героиня, попадает в загадочное место между миром живых и миром мертвых, где ей предстоит пережить странные и ужасающие события.
Andrew Smith 4.2

If you're a fan of John Green, Michael Grant, Stephen King or David Levithan, get your pincers stuck into this. In the small town of Ealing, Iowa, Austin and his best friend Robby have accidentally unleashed an unstoppable army. An army of horny, hungry, six-foot-tall praying mantises that only want to do two things. This is the truth. This is history. It's the end of the world. And nobody knows anything about it. Funny, intense, complex and brave, Grasshopper Jungle is a groundbreaking, genre-bending, coming-of-age stunner.
Морган Мэтсон 4.3
Лето создано для того, чтобы веселиться и воплощать в жизнь самые смелые фантазии. Две лучшие подруги – застенчивая Эмили и неугомонная Слоан – все делают вместе. И это лето должно стать лучшим в их жизни. Внезапно Слоан бесследно исчезает, оставляя лишь небольшую подсказку в виде списка смелых планов на каникулы, который, возможно, поможет вернуть подругу. Но решится ли Эмили на все безумства, которые приготовила для нее Слоан?
Э. Локхарт 3.8
В этой книге вы встретите чудесную семью Синклер, живущую на частном острове, обдуваемом ветрами. Четверых друзей, верных друг другу, несмотря ни на что. Много остроумных подшучиваний. И отчаянную истинную любовь. А также... семейные тайны, галлюцинации, ужасающий несчастный случай и золотых ретриверов. Это книга напряженная и романтичная. Это современная запутанная история-саспенс. Это блестящий роман. Издание содержит новый материал.
Sally Green 3.8
In modern-day England, witches live alongside humans: White witches, who are good; Black witches, who are evil; and fifteen-year-old Nathan, who is both. Nathan's father is the world's most powerful and cruel Black witch, and his mother is dead. He is hunted from all sides. Trapped in a cage, beaten and handcuffed, Nathan must escape before his sixteenth birthday, at which point he will receive three gifts from his father and come into his own as a witch--or else he will die. But how can Nathan find his father when his every action is tracked, when there is no one safe to trust--not even family, not even the girl he loves?
Рэйчел Кроу 0.0
Evie doesn’t have a choice.

One day she’s an ordinary seventeen year old, grieving for her mother. The next, she’s a Shield, the result of a decades-old experiment gone wrong, bound by DNA to defend her best friend from an unknown killer.

The threat could come at home, at school, anywhere. All Evie knows is that it will be a fight to the death.

And then there’s Jamie. irresistible. off-limits
Laurie Halse Anderson 2.0
For the past five years, Hayley Kincaid and her father, Andy, have been on the road, never staying long in one place as he struggles to escape the demons that have tortured him since his return from Iraq. Now they are back in the town where he grew up so Hayley can attend school. Perhaps, for the first time, Hayley can have a normal life, put aside her own painful memories, even have a relationship with Finn, the hot guy who obviously likes her but is hiding secrets of his own.

Will being back home help Andy’s PTSD, or will his terrible memories drag him to the edge of hell, and drugs push him over? The Impossible Knife of Memory is Laurie Halse Anderson at her finest: compelling, surprising, and impossible to put down.