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Трейси Лиен 0.0
They claim they saw nothing. She knows they’re lying.
1996 – Cabramatta, Sydney
‘Just let him go.’
Those are words Ky Tran will forever regret. The words she spoke when her parents called to ask if they should let her younger brother Denny out to celebrate his high school graduation with friends. That night, Denny – optimistic, guileless Denny – is brutally murdered inside a busy restaurant in the Sydney suburb of Cabramatta, a refugee enclave facing violent crime, and an indifferent police force.
Returning home for the funeral, Ky learns that the police are stumped by her brother’s case. Even though several people were present at Denny’s murder, each bystander claims to have seen nothing, and they are all staying silent.
Determined to uncover the truth, Ky tracks down and questions the witnesses herself. But what she learns goes beyond what happened that fateful night. The silence has always been there, threaded through the generations, and Ky begins to expose the complex traumas weighing on those present the night Denny died. As she peels back the layers of the place that shaped her, she must confront more than the reasons her brother is dead. And once those truths have finally been spoken, how can any of them move on?
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Fleur Ferris 0.0
Seven days to solve a century-old crime. Seven days to unearth the treasure. Seven days to survive...

The countdown is on.

A fast-paced, action-packed story of how the past catches up to us, from bestselling and award-winning author Fleur Ferris.
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Charlie Archbold 0.0
Bernie mutters to me. ‘No way. Who’d go into the mangroves at night?’
I swallow. Not me. Not into Sebastian land. No one would head into crocodile heartland in the middle of a dark night. No one, unless they had a very good reason.

Andy and his best friend Eli live in a small coastal town in far north Queensland.
When Eli’s cousin Jacob is arrested for a jewellery theft, Andy and Eli both know he is innocent.

The police have evidence. But something is not right, and Andy and Eli need to work out what, and fast or Jacob will end up in jail. So, with the help of twins Bernice and Fletcher (AKA Bernie and Fletch) and Andy’s trusty sausage dog, Washington, they set out to hunt for clues to what really happened. The trail points to a mysterious red-bottomed boat rumoured to be hidden deep in the mangroves.

Does it hold the evidence they need to prove Jacob’s innocence? Can they find it without getting lost forever? And how will they outwit Sebastian, the legendary gigantic saltwater crocodile?

Charlie Archbold’s action-packed new middle-grade adventure is a fun story of sleuthing, courageous deeds, the triumph of good over evil – and the power of friendship.
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Меган Норрис 0.0
Out of the Ashes is the inspirational story of an Australian mother’s journey back from hell after the 12 October 2002 Bali bombings. The deadly terrorist attacks on Paddy’s Irish Bar and the Sari Club in Kuta’s party precinct claimed the lives of 202 innocent people, and maimed and injured hundreds more.
The holiday of a lifetime turned into their worst nightmare for Australian nurses Bronwyn Cartwright and Therese Fox. Tragically, Bronwyn, 28, perished in the deadly bomb blast which ripped through Paddy’s Irish Bar. Therese survived, but suffered such horrific burns that doctors believed she would not survive a flight home to Australia.
This is the story of her fight to get home to her children, and her long road to recovery. Therese’s story is interwoven with the tales of others who were there, detailing the horrors of that night and the long journey of healing for all those involved – and their families.
Out of the Ashes is ultimately a story of hope, belief in the power of love, friendships forged in fire, and the extraordinary courage of a woman doctors nicknamed The Miracle of Bali.
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Хейли Скривенор 4.0
My best friend wore her name, Esther, like a queen wearing her crown at a jaunty angle. We were twelve years old when she went missing.

On a sweltering Friday afternoon in Durton, best friends Ronnie and Esther leave school together. Esther never makes it home.

Ronnie's going to find her, she has a plan. Lewis will help. Their friend can't be gone, Ronnie won't believe it.

Detective Sergeant Sarah Michaels can believe it, she has seen what people are capable of. She knows more than anyone how, in a moment of weakness, a person can be driven to do something they never thought possible.

Lewis can believe it too. But he can't reveal what he saw that afternoon at the creek without exposing his own secret.

Five days later, Esther's buried body is discovered.

What do we owe the girl who isn't there?

Character-rich and propulsive, with a breathtakingly original use of voice and revolving points of view, Hayley Scrivenor delves under the surface, where no one can hide. With emotional depth and sensitivity, this stunning debut shows us how much each person matters in a community that is at once falling apart and coming together.

Esther will always be a Dirt Town child, as we are its children, still.
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Vikki Petraitis 0.0
'So you believed the alleged rapists over the alleged victim?' Jane's voice took on an indignant pitch. 'Girls lie sometimes.' I nodded. 'And rapists lie all the time.'

When Senior Detective Antigone Pollard moves to the coastal town of Deception Bay, she is still in shock and grief. Back in Melbourne, one of her cases had gone catastrophically wrong, and to escape the guilt and the haunting memories, she'd requested a transfer to the quiet town she'd grown up in.

But there are some things you can't run from. A month into her new life, she is targeted by a would-be rapist at the pub, and realises why there have been no convictions following a spate of similar sexual attacks in the surrounding district. The male witnesses in the pub back her attacker and even her boss doesn't believe her.

Hers is the first reported case in Deception Bay, but soon there are more. As Antigone searches for answers, she encounters a wall of silence in the town built of secrets and denial and fear. The women of Deception Bay are scared and the law is not on their side. The nightmare has followed her home.

Chilling, timely and gripping, The Unbelieved takes us behind the headlines to a small-town world that is all too real - and introduces us to a brilliant new voice in crime fiction.
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Шарлотта Макконахи 4.3
Инти Флинн прибывает в Шотландию вместе со своей сестрой-близняшкой Эгги, чтобы возглавить команду биологов, цель которых — вернуть к жизни лес и спасти местную популяцию серых волков от вымирания. Для героини возможность повлиять на сохранение стремительно меняющегося ландшафта Северо-Шотландского нагорья — это еще и попытка разобраться в собственной драматичной судьбе, разрушенной ужасными тайнами, приведшими их с сестрой в Европу из далекой Аляски.

Инти уже не та, кем была когда-то. Боль и страдания, которые люди причинили не только ей, но и окружающей природе, навеки изменили женщину. Однако, воодушевленная первыми успехами эксперимента с волками, она начинает возрождаться и верить в лучшее. Может, и у нее есть шанс на счастье?

Ситуация меняется, когда местного фермера находят мертвым. Все население готово ополчиться против волков, но героиня уверена, что они здесь ни при чем. Инти решает во что бы то ни стало защитить животных. Но если дело не в волках, кто тогда виновен в гибели человека? И как она поступит, узнав, что к убийству может быть причастен ее новый возлюбленный?

Захватывающая и увлекательная история женщины, отчаянно пытающейся спасти тех, кто ей дорог, пока ее окончательно не поглотила природная стихия, некогда служившая надежным убежищем.
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Лиэнн Холл 0.0
What does it mean to be the one left behind?

When sixteen-year-old Yin Mitchell is abducted, the news reverberates through the whole Year Ten class at Balmoral Ladies College. As the hours tick by, the girls know the chance of Yin being found alive is becoming smaller and smaller.

Police suspect the abduction is the work of a serial offender, with none in the community safe from suspicion. Everyone is affected by Yin’s disappearance—even scholarship student Chloe, who usually stays out of Balmoral drama, is drawn into the maelstrom. And when she begins to form an uneasy alliance with the queen of Year Ten, Natalia, things get even more complicated.

Looking over their shoulders at every turn, Chloe and Natalia must come together to cope with their fear and grief as best they can. A tribute to friendship in all its guises, The Gaps is a moving examination of vulnerability and strength, safety and danger, and the particular uncertainty of being a young woman in the world.
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Nicki Greenberg 0.0
For as long as she can remember, Pepper Stark has wanted one thing: to join her father, the Captain, aboard the magnificent RMS Aquitania on a voyage to New York. She has never been allowed to set foot on her father’s ship – until now.

From the decadent food to the star-studded passenger list, travelling First Class on Aquitania is every bit as glamorous as Pepper had imagined. And most dazzling of all is American stage sensation Perdita West, wearing the world-famous Saffron Diamond around her neck. When the priceless jewel disappears mid-voyage, Pepper unexpectedly finds herself entangled in the crime.

With the Captain’s reputation at stake, Pepper and her new friends set out to solve the mystery. But finding a missing diamond isn’t so easy on Aquitania, where everyone has something to hide …

A thrilling adventure from award-winning author Nicki Greenberg, The Detective’s Guide to Ocean Travel is perfect for fans of Murder Most Unladylike and The Good Thieves.
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Kate Holden 0.0
On a country road in Croppa Creek, farmer Ian Turnbull faced environmental officer Glen Turner. What happened next shocked Australia. An epic true story of greed, power and a desire for legacy from an acclaimed Australian storyteller. July 2014, a lonely road at twilight outside Croppa Creek, New South Wales: 80-year-old farmer Ian Turnbull takes out a .22 and shoots environmental officer Glen Turner in the back. On one side, a farmer hoping to secure his family's wealth on the richest agricultural soil in the country. On the other, his obsession: the government man trying to apply environmental laws. The brutal killing of Glen Turner splits open the story of our place on this land. Is our time on this soil a tale of tragedy or triumph - are we reaping what we've sown? Do we owe protection to the land, or does it owe us a living? And what happens when, in pursuit of a legacy, a man creates terrible consequences? Kate Holden brings her discerning eye to a gripping tale of law, land and inheritance. It is the story of Australia.
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Жаклин Баблиц 3.4
Элис приехала в Нью-Йорк в свой восемнадцатый день рождения, имея при себе лишь украденную камеру и шестьсот долларов наличными. Она хочет начать все с чистого листа, но спустя месяц… становится последней неопознанной жертвой убийства.
Руби Джонс тоже пытается начать жизнь сначала; она объехала полмира, но не стала счастливее, а наоборот, почувствовала себя еще более одинокой. А потом она нашла тело Элис у реки.
И между двумя девушками возникла неразрывная связь.

Элис уверена, что Руби — ключ к разгадке тайны ее жизни… и смерти. А Руби, изо всех сил пытающаяся забыть то, что она видела тем утром, обнаруживает, что не может отпустить Элис. По крайней мере до тех пор, пока ее душа не успокоится и не найдет то, что ей необходимо.
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Жаклин Баблиц 3.4
Элис приехала в Нью-Йорк в свой восемнадцатый день рождения, имея при себе лишь украденную камеру и шестьсот долларов наличными. Она хочет начать все с чистого листа, но спустя месяц… становится последней неопознанной жертвой убийства.
Руби Джонс тоже пытается начать жизнь сначала; она объехала полмира, но не стала счастливее, а наоборот, почувствовала себя еще более одинокой. А потом она нашла тело Элис у реки.
И между двумя девушками возникла неразрывная связь.

Элис уверена, что Руби — ключ к разгадке тайны ее жизни… и смерти. А Руби, изо всех сил пытающаяся забыть то, что она видела тем утром, обнаруживает, что не может отпустить Элис. По крайней мере до тех пор, пока ее душа не успокоится и не найдет то, что ей необходимо.
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Салли Хэпворс 4.2
У каждого из нас есть темная сторона. Но мы никогда не знаем, кто включит в ней свет.

Роуз и Ферн – сестры-близнецы, но их жизни сложились по-разному. У Роуз есть дом, муж и страстное желание стать матерью. Ферн работает в библиотеке, не любит яркий свет и боится громких звуков.

Когда Роуз сообщает, что не может забеременеть, Ферн понимает, что должна помочь сестре. Даже если для этого придется родить самой… Она готова пойти на все, ведь много лет назад Ферн сделала кое-что очень-очень плохое, и все эти годы хорошая сестра надежно хранила ее секрет.

Очень скоро Ферн начинает понимать, что совсем не знала свою сестру, и тогда причудливое сплетение их судеб превращается в петлю.
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Christie Nieman 0.0

Seventeen-year-old Anna is running into the night. Fleeing her boyfriend, her mother, and everything she has known.

She is travelling into the country, to the land and the grandparents she has never met, looking for answers to questions that have never been asked.

For every family has secrets.

But some secrets - once laid bare - can never be forgiven.

A dark, deeply compelling, coming-of-age YA novel from the author of As Stars Fall.
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Lian Tanner 0.0

Clara wants to be a famous detective with her own TV show. She can read claw marks, find missing feathers and knows Morse code and semaphore.

There's just one problem. She's a small scruffy chook, and no one takes her seriously.

But when she teams up with Olive, the daughter of the local policeman, they might just be able to solve the crimes that have been troubling the town of Little Dismal.

A puzzling and hilarious mystery from bestselling author, Lian Tanner.
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Луиза Миллиган 0.0
From the best-selling author of CARDINAL comes a searing examination of the power imbalance in our legal system - where exposing the truth is never guaranteed and, for victims, justice is often elusive.
A masterful and deeply troubling expose, Witness is the culmination of almost five years' work for award-winning investigative journalist Louise Milligan. Charting the experiences of those who have the courage to come forward and face their abusers in high-profile child abuse and sexual assault cases, Milligan was profoundly shocked by what she found.

During this time, the #MeToo movement changed the zeitgeist, but time and again during her investigations Milligan watched how witnesses were treated in the courtroom and listened to them afterwards as they relived the associated trauma. Then she was a witness herself in the trial of the decade, R v George Pell.

She interviews high-profile members of the legal profession, including judges and prosecutors. And she speaks to the defence lawyers who have worked in these cases, discovering what they really think about victims and the process, and the impact that this has on their own lives. Milligan also reveals never-before-published court transcripts, laying bare the flaws that are ignored, and a court system that can be sexist, unfeeling and weighted towards the rich and powerful.

Witness is a call for change. Milligan exposes the devastating reality of the Australian legal system where truth is never guaranteed and, for victims, justice is often elusive. And even when they get justice,
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Leah Swann 0.0
Emotional, powerful, unforgettable. From a stunning new literary talent, you won't be able to put down this novel about a mother's love for her children - it will break your heart.

'With visceral prose and a tense narrative arc that unfolds over just three days, speeding towards a dramatic conclusion .... Sheerwater is a propulsive read with an acute emotional core ... likely to hold appeal for readers of both literary and crime fiction, and fans of writers such as Emily Maguire, Emma Viskic and Sofie Laguna.' Bookseller + Publisher

Ava and her two young sons, Max and Teddy, are driving to their new home in Sheerwater, hopeful of making a fresh start in a new town, although Ava can't help but keep looking over her shoulder. They're almost at their destination when they witness a shocking accident - a light plane crashing in the field next to the road. Ava stops to help, but when she gets back to the car, she realises that somehow, among the smoke, fire and confusion, her sons have gone missing ...

From a substantial new Australian writing talent, Sheerwater is tense, emotional, unforgettable. Perfect for readers of Mark Brandi's Wimmera and Stephanie Bishop's The Other Side of the World, this is a beautifully written, propulsive, gut-wrenching and unputdownable novel - an aching, powerful story of the heroic acts we are capable of in the name of love.

'Sheerwater is that rare gift of a book that balances gorgeous, glittering language with breathless pace. Leah Swann writes with devastating honesty ... This is an extraordinary novel - I tore through it, captivated by the imagery and the setting, desperately hoping for a happy ending.' Rebecca Starford, author of Bad Behavior

'Heart-in-mouth story ... Swann's language is sinewy and pointed; the book is trim and every sentence is necessary...a complex and horribly believable story with tremendous flair.' The Age

'Sheerwater is a haunting story built on conflict. Freedom and control, tenderness and violence, hope and fear, love and hate. It shows the strength of a mother's love and the yearning for something more ... This novel is full of beautifully gripping prose and deeply powerful emotions told through sublime pacing. I found it triggered a peculiar mix of wanting to dwell in the darkly emotive prose while needing to urgently push through it to find resolution. It will be one of those books that lingers in your mind, the memory of which may even be mistaken for a story read in the news.' Booktopia

'Sheerwater is compelling reading ... There is an urgency in the writing that makes you read on because you must know what the conclusion is - no matter which way it goes ... This is an extraordinary literary debut; the writing is beautifully evocative and the intertwining narratives of the main characters seamless. It's tender, it's suspenseful and you'll be wanting to see so much more from Leah Swann - I ignored everything for a day to rip through the pages and loved every minute of it.' Better Reading
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Кэтрин Ковачич 0.0
Art dealer Alex Clayton travels to Victoria's Western District to value the MacMillan family's collection. At their historic sheep station, she finds an important and previously unknown colonial painting - and a family fraught with tension. There are arguments about the future of the property and its place in an ancient and highly significant indigenous landscape.

When the family patriarch dies under mysterious circumstances and the painting is stolen, Alex decides to leave; then a toddler disappears and Alex's faithful dog Hogarth goes missing. With fears rising for the safety of both child and hound, Alex and her nest friend John, who has been drawn into the mystery, join searchers scouring the countryside. But her attempts to unravel the MacMillan family secrets have put Alex in danger, and she's not the only one. Will the killer claim another victim? Or will the landscape reveal its mysteries to Alex in time?
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Мэг Манделл 0.0
Fleeing their pandemic-stricken homelands, a shipload of migrant workers departs the UK, dreaming of a fresh start in prosperous Australia. For nine-year-old Cleary Sullivan, deaf for three years, the journey promises adventure and new friendships; for Glaswegian songstress Billie Galloway, it’s a chance to put a shameful mistake firmly behind her; while impoverished English schoolteacher Tom Garnett hopes to set his future on a brighter path. But when a crew member is found murdered and passengers start falling gravely ill, the Steadfast is plunged into chaos. Thrown together by chance, and each guarding their own secrets, Cleary, Billie and Tom join forces to survive the journey and its aftermath.

The Trespassers is a beguiling novel that explores the consequences of greed, the experience of exile, and the unlikely ways strangers can become the people we hold dear.
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Сьюзен Хёрли 0.0
A brilliant young doctor is dead ... and someone has to take the blame.

Former refugee David Tran becomes the Golden Boy of Australian medical research and invents a drug that could transform immunology. Eight volunteers are recruited for the first human trial, a crucial step on the path to global fame for David and windfall gains for his investors. But when David dies in baffling circumstances, motives are put under the microscope.

With its origins in a real-life drug trial that ended in tragedy, EIGHT LIVES is told from the perspectives of David’s friends, family and business associates, who all played a role in his downfall.
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Дервла Мактирнан 4.3
It's been twenty years since Cormac Reilly discovered the body of Hilaria Blake in her crumbling Georgian home. But he's never forgotten the two children she left behind...

When Aisling Conroy's boyfriend Jack is found in the freezing black waters of the river Corrib, the police tell her it was suicide. A surgical resident, she throws herself into study and work, trying to forget - until Jack's sister Maude shows up. Maude suspects foul play, and she is determined to prove it.

DI Cormac Reilly is the detective assigned with the re-investigation of an 'accidental' overdose twenty years ago - of Jack and Maude's drug- and alcohol-addled mother. Cormac is under increasing pressure to charge Maude for murder when his colleague Danny uncovers a piece of evidence that will change everything...

This unsettling crime debut draws us deep into the dark heart of Ireland and asks who will protect you when the authorities can't - or won't. Perfect for fans of Tana French and Jane Casey.
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Сара Эпштейн 0.0
We don’t pick and choose what to be afraid of. Our fears pick us.

Tash Carmody has been traumatised since childhood, when she witnessed her gruesome imaginary friend Sparrow lure young Mallory Fisher away from a carnival. At the time nobody believed Tash, and she has since come to accept that Sparrow wasn’t real. Now fifteen and mute, Mallory’s never spoken about the week she went missing.

As disturbing memories resurface, Tash starts to see Sparrow again. And she realises Mallory is the key to unlocking the truth about a dark secret connecting them. Does Sparrow exist after all? Or is Tash more dangerous to others than she thinks?

Small Spaces is a gripping young adult thriller from debut Australian author Sarah Epstein, perfect for 14+ fans of Fleur Ferris and Rebecca James. Read more about the author and her novel at www.sarahepsteinbooks.com

“A beautifully crafted psychological thriller. I couldn’t put it down.” Fleur Ferris

“This gripping debut messes with your head and makes you doubt your own senses. Sarah Epstein smashes it out of the park.” Ellie Marney

“A deliciously creepy YA thriller that reeled me in, made my heart race and kept me guessing to the very end.” Rachael Craw
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Джудит Росселл 4.3
Stella Montgomery is in disgrace. The Aunts have sent her to Wakestone Hall, a grim boarding school where the disobedient are tamed and the wilful are made meek. But when a friend disappears, Stella is determined to find her -- no matter the danger ...

Soon Stella is thrown deeper into the mysteries of Wakestone ... and her own past. Will Stella save her friend in time? And will she discover -- at long last -- where she truly belongs?
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Хлоя Хупер 0.0
On the scorching February day in 2009 that became known as Black Saturday, a man lit two fires in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, then sat on the roof of his house to watch the inferno. In the Valley, where the rates of crime were the highest in the state, more than thirty people were known to police as firebugs. But the detectives soon found themselves on the trail of a man they didn’t know.

The Arsonist takes readers on the hunt for this man, and inside the strange puzzle of his mind. It is also the story of fire in this country, and of a community that owed its existence to that very element. The command of fire has defined and sustained us as a species – understanding its abuse will define our future.

A powerful real-life thriller written with Hooper’s trademark lyric detail and nuance, The Arsonist is a reminder that in an age of fire, all of us are gatekeepers.
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Бри Ли 0.0
'Scorching, self-scouring: a young woman finds her steel and learns to wield it' - Helen Garner

EGGSHELL SKULL: A well-established legal doctrine that a defendant must 'take their victim as they find them'. If a single punch kills someone because of their thin skull, that victim's weakness cannot mitigate the seriousness of the crime.

But what if it also works the other way? What if a defendant on trial for sexual crimes has to accept his 'victim' as she comes: a strong, determined accuser who knows the legal system, who will not back down until justice is done?

Bri Lee began her first day of work at the Queensland District Court as a bright-eyed judge's associate. Two years later she was back as the complainant in her own case.

This is the story of Bri's journey through the Australian legal system; first as the daughter of a policeman, then as a law student, and finally as a judge's associate in both metropolitan and regional Queensland-where justice can look very different, especially for women. The injustice Bri witnessed, mourned and raged over every day finally forced her to confront her own personal history, one she'd vowed never to tell. And this is how, after years of struggle, she found herself on the other side of the courtroom, telling her story.

Bri Lee has written a fierce and eloquent memoir that addresses both her own reckoning with the past as well as with the stories around her, to speak the truth with wit, empathy and unflinching courage. Eggshell Skull is a haunting appraisal of modern Australia from a new and essential voice.

'Brutal, brave and utterly compelling . . . I can't remember a book I devoured with such intensity, nor one that moved me so profoundly' Rebecca Starford, author of Bad Behaviour and co-founder of Kill Your Darlings

'Courageous, heartbreaking and ultimately hopeful' Liam Pieper, author of The Toymaker

'Sensitive and clear-eyed' Jessica Friedmann, author of Things That Helped

'A page-turner of a memoir, impossible to put down' Krissy Kneen, author of An Uncertain Grace
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Джейн Харпер 4.2
Квинсленд, самые жаркие и засушливые территории Австралии.
Два брата, Натан и Баб Брайт, впервые за несколько лет встречаются на границе своих обширных владений. У могильного камня, настолько старого, что никто уже не вспомнит, кто именно там похоронен, они находят тело их среднего брата, Кэмерона. Нет ни следов борьбы, ни каких-либо улик. Все говорит о том, что причиной смерти стали жара и обезвоживание. Что же заставило Кэмерона выйти под палящее солнце? Какую загадочную цель он преследовал? Натан пытается найти ответы, и одна за другой начинают вскрываться давно забытые и тщательно скрываемые семейные тайны.
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Эмма Вискич 0.0
Deaf since early childhood, Caleb Zelic is used to meeting life head-on. Now, he’s struggling just to get through the day. His best mate is dead, his ex-wife, Kat, is avoiding him, and nightmares haunt his waking hours.

But when a young woman is killed, after pleading for his help in sign language, Caleb is determined to find out who she was. The trail leads Caleb back to his hometown, Resurrection Bay. The town is on bushfire alert, and simmering with racial tensions. As Caleb delves deeper, he uncovers secrets that could ruin any chance of reuniting with Kat, and even threaten his life. Driven by his own demons, he pushes on. But who is he willing to sacrifice along the way?

'I love the world that Emma Viskic has created, in all its complexity and in all its truth’ – Christos Tsiolkas

'Emma Viskic is a terrific, gutsy writer with great insight into the murkiness of both criminal and heroic motivations' – Emily Maguire

The second Caleb Zelic thriller from the author of Resurrection Bay – Winner of the Ned Kelly Award for Best First Fiction, and Davitt Awards for Best Novel, Best Debut and Reader’s Choice.
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Викки Уэйкфилд 0.0
Everyone knows seventeen-year-old Grace Foley is a bit mad. She’s a prankster and a risk-taker, and she’s not afraid of anything—except losing. As part of the long-running feud between two local schools in Swanston, Grace accepts a challenge to walk the pipe.

That night she experiences something she can’t explain. The funny girl isn’t laughing anymore. She’s haunted by voices and visions—but nobody believes a girl who cries wolf.

As she’s drawn deeper into a twenty-year-old mystery surrounding missing girl Hannah Holt, the thin veil between this world and the next begins to slip. She can no longer tell what’s real or imagined—all she knows is the ghosts of Swanston, including that of her own mother, are restless. It seems one of them has granted her an extraordinary gift at a terrible price.

Everything about her is changing—her body, her thoughts, even her actions seem to belong to a stranger. Grace is losing herself, and her friends don’t understand. Is she moving closer to the truth? Or is she heading for madness?
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Эллисон Рашби 0.0
History and mystery wrapped in a thrilling supernatural plot, The Turnkey is perfect for kids aged 9+.

Flossie Birdwhistle is the Turnkey at London's Highgate Cemetery. As Turnkey, Flossie must ensure all the souls in the cemetery stay at rest. This is a difficult job at the best of times for a twelve-year-old ghost, but it is World War II and each night enemy bombers hammer London. Even the dead are unsettled. When Flossie encounters the ghost of a German soldier carrying a mysterious object, she becomes suspicious. What is he up to? Before long, Flossie uncovers a sinister plot that could result in the destruction of not only her cemetery, but also her beloved country. Can Flossie stop him before it is too late?
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Габриэлла Кослович 0.0
"It was a cause célèbre: the biggest case of alleged art fraud to come before the Australian criminal justice system, a $4.5 million sting drawing in one of the country's most gifted and ultimately tragic artists, Brett Whiteley, a heroin addict who died alone in 1992.

It started with suspicions raised about artworks being produced in the style of Whiteley in a Melbourne art restorer's studio. Secret photographs were taken as the paintings took form.

A jury finds two men guilty of faking Whiteleys, but a year later the appeal bench sensationally acquits them. The paintings are returned to their owners, leaving the legitimacy of the artworks in limbo.

Whiteley on Trial investigates this remarkable case and exposes the avarice of the art world, the disdain for connoisseurship and the fragility of authenticity."
Лучшая дебютная криминальная книга
Сара Бэйли 0.0
In a suspense thriller to rival Paula Hawkins and Tana French, a detective with secrets of her own hunts the killer of a woman who was the glamorous star of their high school.

Rose was lit by the sun, her beautiful face giving nothing away. Even back then, she was a mystery that I wanted to solve.

The lead homicide investigator in a rural town, Detective Sergeant Gemma Woodstock is deeply unnerved when a high school classmate is found strangled, her body floating in a lake. And not just any classmate, but Rosalind Ryan, whose beauty and inscrutability exerted a magnetic pull on Smithson High School, first during Rosalind's student years and then again when she returned to teach drama.

As much as Rosalind's life was a mystery to Gemma when they were students together, her death presents even more of a puzzle. What made Rosalind quit her teaching job in Sydney and return to her hometown? Why did she live in a small, run-down apartment when her father was one of the town's richest men? And despite her many admirers, did anyone in the town truly know her?

Rosalind's enigmas frustrate and obsess Gemma, who has her own dangerous secrets—an affair with her colleague and past tragedies that may not stay in the past.
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Джейн Харпер 3.8
Пять женщин отправляются в поход, организованный их компанией. Через несколько дней из леса вышли только четверо. Федеральный агент Аарон Фальк берется выяснить, что случилось с Элис Рассел, его информатором в расследовании об отмывании денег. Элис знала не только о махинациях в компании, но и темные секреты своих коллег, с которыми отправилась в это путешествие. Вместе со своей напарницей Фальк едет на место происшествия, чтобы провести собственное расследование. У каждой из четырех выживших своя версия произошедшего. Сопоставляя порой противоречивые показания, Фальк постепенно узнает подробности жуткой истории, замешанной на дружбе, профессиональном соперничестве, предательстве и страхе.
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Джейн Харпер 4.1
Австралия, фермерский городок Кайверра второй год не видел дождя. Аарон Фальк, сделавший блестящую карьеру в мельбурнской полиции, приезжает в эти измученные палящим солнцем края, где он не был двадцать лет, на похороны своего когда-то лучшего друга Люка Хэдлера. Смерть Люка нельзя назвать легкой: если верить результатам расследования, то он убил свою жену и шестилетнего сына, а потом застрелился. Но стоит ли им верить?..

Фальку предстоит глубоко погрузиться в большие секреты маленького города, жители которого каждый день борются за выживание, и на своем опыте узнать, что выстоять в этой борьбе суждено не всем...
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Shivaun Plozza 0.0
Shivaun Plozza’s debut novel, Frankie, is a genre-hopping, darkly funny novel about searching for the truth, finding yourself, and falling in love

Frankie Vega is angry. Just ask the guy whose nose she broke. Or the cop investigating the burglary she witnessed, or her cheating ex-boyfriend, or her aunt who's tired of giving second chances.

When a kid shows up claiming to be Frankie's half brother, it opens the door to a past she doesn't want to remember. And when that kid goes missing, the only person willing to help is a boy with stupidly blue eyes, a criminal record, and secrets of his own.

Frankie's search for the truth could change her life, or cost her everything.
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Джудит Росселл 4.4
When Stella Montgomery returned to the Hotel Majestic cold and wet but exhilarated by adventure, the Aunts were furious.

Now they are sending Stella away to the old family home at Wormwood Mire, where she must live with two strange cousins and their governess.

But within the overgrown grounds of the mouldering house, dark secrets slither and skulk, and soon Stella must be brave once more if she's to find out who - or what - she really is ...

From bestselling writer-illustrator Judith Rossell comes the thrilling and magical sequel to her multi-award-winning novel, Withering-by-Sea.
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Меган Норрис 0.0
One Australian woman is hospitalised every three hours and two more lose their lives each week as a result of family violence. But for some women there is a punishment more enduring than injury or their own death.
This book is a timely exploration into the evil done by vengeful fathers who kill their own flesh and blood in order to punish wives who have chosen to end abusive relationships.
Focussing on seven different but equally harrowing cases of ‘spousal revenge’, author Megan Norris draws on her own observations as a former court and crime reporter, examining the murders of thirteen innocent children who became collateral damage in callous crimes committed by angry dads whose real targets were the children’s mothers.
From the harrowing 1993 kidnap and murder of three-year-old Kelly East in WA, to the chilling murder of Darcey Freeman whose dad hurled her from Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge in 2009, these stories highlight the chilling connection between intimate partner abuse and retaliatory homicide. They show it’s not only mothers who are in danger when domestic violence turns deadly
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Cath Ferla 0.0
'Get on with things. That was how Wendy had met her death. She'd been hiding something and no one had noticed. Everyone had been too busy getting on with things. Sophie knew this pattern like a favourite tune. Move on, get on. Make a ghost.'

Winter in Sydney. The city is brimming with foreign students. Sophie Sandilands takes a job teaching at an English language school. When one of her students leaps to her death it becomes clear that lurking within the psyche of this community is a deep sense of despair and alienation. When it is revealed that the dead woman on the pavement has stolen another's identity, Sophie is drawn into the mystery.

Unable to resist the investigative instincts that run in her blood, Sophie finds herself unravelling a sinister operation that is trawling the foreign student market for its victims. But as Sophie works on tracking down the criminals it becomes evident that someone has knowledge of her and the disappearances in her own past. Will Sophie solve the mystery before she too becomes a ghost?

Ghost Girls richly evokes the sights, smells, tastes and sounds of Sydney's Chinatown, and imagines dark exploitative demands behind closed suburban doors.
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Джейн Харпер 4.1
Австралия, фермерский городок Кайверра второй год не видел дождя. Аарон Фальк, сделавший блестящую карьеру в мельбурнской полиции, приезжает в эти измученные палящим солнцем края, где он не был двадцать лет, на похороны своего когда-то лучшего друга Люка Хэдлера. Смерть Люка нельзя назвать легкой: если верить результатам расследования, то он убил свою жену и шестилетнего сына, а потом застрелился. Но стоит ли им верить?..

Фальку предстоит глубоко погрузиться в большие секреты маленького города, жители которого каждый день борются за выживание, и на своем опыте узнать, что выстоять в этой борьбе суждено не всем...
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Эмма Вискич 3.0
Caleb Zelic, profoundly deaf since early childhood, has always lived on the outside - watching, picking up telltale signs people hide in a smile, a cough, a kiss. When a childhood friend is murdered, a sense of guilt and a determination to prove his own innocence sends Caleb on a hunt for the killer. But he can’t do it alone. Caleb and his troubled friend Frankie, an ex-cop, start with one clue: Scott, the last word the murder victim texted to Caleb. But Scott is always one step ahead.

This gripping, original and fast-paced crime thriller is set between a big city and a small coastal town, Resurrection Bay, where Caleb is forced to confront painful memories. Caleb is a memorable protagonist who refuses to let his deafness limit his opportunities, or his participation in the investigation. But does his persistence border on stubbornness? And at what cost? As he delves deeper into the investigation Caleb uncovers unwelcome truths about his murdered friend – and himself.
Лучший детский криминальный роман
R.A. Spratt 0.0
Friday Barnes, girl detective, is... under arrest?!

Getting arrested was the last thing Friday expected after solving the swamp-yeti mystery at her boarding school. But she better clear her name fast! She’s got new cases to investigate, like a scandalous quiche bake-off, a decades old mystery buried in her school’s backyard, and why the new boy, Christopher, is being so nice to her.

More adventures and intrigue ensue in Friday Barnes, Under Suspicion, the second book in the illustrated Friday Barnes mystery series, starring a genius detective with the brains (and social skills) of Sherlock Holmes.

Don’t miss Book 1, Friday Barnes, Girl Detective!
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Alecia Simmonds 0.0
In April 2012 a man was shot dead by police on a remote farm in New South Wales called the School of Happiness. The victim, who was high on a cocktail of drugs and who suffered from mental illness, had been threatening attendees of a hippie festival with a crossbow and hunting knife. When the police finally arrived, they tried to subdue him but, ultimately, fatal shots were fired.

In Wild Man Alecia Simmonds follows the coronial inquest into the police killing. She reveals what really happened that night and unravels the web of issues entangled in this fascinating, bizarre and, undoubtedly, tragic case: a cultural clash between hippies and hunters; drug use, violence, masculinity and psychosis. She asks how family members, as well as police, came to work on the frontline of mental health. This spectacular book is a clear-eyed look at some of the most pressing problems facing contemporary Australia.
Лучшая дебютная криминальная книга
Эмма Вискич 3.0
Caleb Zelic, profoundly deaf since early childhood, has always lived on the outside - watching, picking up telltale signs people hide in a smile, a cough, a kiss. When a childhood friend is murdered, a sense of guilt and a determination to prove his own innocence sends Caleb on a hunt for the killer. But he can’t do it alone. Caleb and his troubled friend Frankie, an ex-cop, start with one clue: Scott, the last word the murder victim texted to Caleb. But Scott is always one step ahead.

This gripping, original and fast-paced crime thriller is set between a big city and a small coastal town, Resurrection Bay, where Caleb is forced to confront painful memories. Caleb is a memorable protagonist who refuses to let his deafness limit his opportunities, or his participation in the investigation. But does his persistence border on stubbornness? And at what cost? As he delves deeper into the investigation Caleb uncovers unwelcome truths about his murdered friend – and himself.
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Fleur Ferris 0.0
Taylor and Sierra have been best friends for their whole lives. But Taylor’s fed up. Why does Sierra always get what – and who – she wants? From kissing Taylor’s crush to stealing the guy they both met online for herself, Sierra doesn’t seem to notice when she hurts her friends.

So when Sierra says Jacob Jones is the one and asks her friends to cover for her while she goes to meet him for the first time, Taylor rolls her eyes.

But Sierra doesn’t come back when she said she would.

One day. Two days. Three . . .

What if Taylor’s worrying for nothing? What if Sierra’s just being Sierra, forgetting about everyone else to spend time with her new guy?

When Taylor finally tells Sierra’s mum that her daughter is missing, Taylor and her friends are thrown into a dark world they never even knew existed.

Can Taylor find Sierra’s abductor in time? Or should she be looking for a killer?
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Эмма Вискич 3.0
Caleb Zelic, profoundly deaf since early childhood, has always lived on the outside - watching, picking up telltale signs people hide in a smile, a cough, a kiss. When a childhood friend is murdered, a sense of guilt and a determination to prove his own innocence sends Caleb on a hunt for the killer. But he can’t do it alone. Caleb and his troubled friend Frankie, an ex-cop, start with one clue: Scott, the last word the murder victim texted to Caleb. But Scott is always one step ahead.

This gripping, original and fast-paced crime thriller is set between a big city and a small coastal town, Resurrection Bay, where Caleb is forced to confront painful memories. Caleb is a memorable protagonist who refuses to let his deafness limit his opportunities, or his participation in the investigation. But does his persistence border on stubbornness? And at what cost? As he delves deeper into the investigation Caleb uncovers unwelcome truths about his murdered friend – and himself.
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Лиана Мориарти 4.4
Мадлен, веселая, остроумная, страстная, мать троих детей. Она всегда готова прийти на помощь подруге, защитить тех, кого несправедливо обидели, однако ее возмущает, что ее бывший муж с новой женой поселился рядом, а их общая дочь-подросток, больше любит отца, а не мать.
Селеста, богатая и ослепительно красивая, мать чудесных мальчиков-близнецов. Их с мужем считают самой счастливой парой в городке. Однако за внешне благополучным фасадом их брака скрывается страшная тайна.
Джейн, молодая мать-одиночка, недавно переехала в городок на побережье, а потому ее нередко принимают за няню, а не за мать собственного сына. Близнецы Селесты, младшая дочь Мадлен и сын Джейн учатся в одном подготовительном классе. Селеста и Мадлен опекают Джейн. Казалось, ничто не предвещает беды, но зачастую, когда человек начинает верить в собственную ложь, это приводит к трагедии…
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Элли Марни 4.0
James Mycroft has just left for London to investigate a car accident similar to the one that killed his parents seven years ago...without saying goodbye to Rachel Watts, his 'partner in crime'.

Rachel is furious and worried about his strange behaviour - not that Mycroft's ever exactly normal, but London is the scene of so many of his nightmares. So Rachel jumps on a plane to follow him...and lands straight in a whole storm of trouble.

The theft of a copy of Shakespeare's First Folio, the possible murder of a rare books conservator, and the deaths of Mycroft's parents...Can Watts help Mycroft make sense of the three events - or will she lose him forever?

Sparks fly when Watts and Mycroft reunite in this second sophisticated thriller about the teen sleuthing duo.
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Джудит Росселл 4.0
High on a cliff above the gloomy coastal town of Withering-by-Sea stands the Hotel Majestic. Inside the walls of the damp, dull hotel, eleven-year-old orphan Stella Montgomery leads a miserable life with her three dreadful Aunts. But one night, Stella sees something she shouldn't have... Something that will set in motion and adventure more terrifying and more wonderful than she could ever have hoped for...
Лучший нехудожественная криминал...
Caroline Overington 0.0
One woman.
Two husbands.
Four trials.
One bloody execution.
The last woman hanged in New South Wales.

In January 1889, Louisa Collins, a 41-year-old mother of ten children, became the first woman hanged at Darlinghurst Gaol (jail) and the last woman hanged in New South Wales.

Both of Louisa's husbands died suddenly. The Crown was convinced that Louisa poisoned them with arsenic and, to the horror of many in the legal community, put her on trial an extraordinary four times in order to get a conviction. Louisa protested her innocence until the end.

Now, in Last Woman Hanged, writer and journalist Caroline Overington delves into the archives to re-examine the original, forensic reports, court documents, judges notebooks, witness statements and police and gaol (jail) records, in an effort to discover the truth.
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Christine Bongers 0.0
I don't walk past the house next door. I wish the woman who lives in it was dead. Which makes it hard . . . because she was the one who came running when I screamed.

Kat Jones is woken by an Intruder looming over her bed. She's saved by Edwina – the neighbour Kat believes betrayed her dying mother.

Her dad issues an ultimatum. Either spend nights next door, or accept another Intruder in her life – Hercules, the world's ugliest guard dog. It's a no-brainer, even for dog-phobic Kat.

When she meets adorkable Al at the dog park, finally Kat has someone to talk to, someone who cares.

But the prowler isn't finished with Kat. To stop him, she needs Edwina's help . . . and what Kat learns could mend fences – or break her fragile family apart forever.
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Sandi Wallace 0.0

Picturesque Daylesford has a darker side.

Melbourne writer Georgie Harvey heads to the mineral springs region of central Victoria to look for a missing farmer.

There she uncovers links between the woman's disappearance and her dangerous preoccupation with the unsolved mystery surrounding her husband.

Maverick cop and solo dad John Franklin is working a case that’s a step up from Daylesford’s usual soft crime; a poison-pen writer whose targets are single mothers.

Georgie’s investigation stirs up long buried secrets and she attracts enemies.

When she reports the missing person to the local cops, sparks fly between her and Franklin. Has he dismissed the writer too quickly?

A country cop, city writer, retired farmer and poison-pen stalker all want answers.

What will they risk to get them?

What will be the ultimate cost?
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Honey Brown 0.0
It's Christmas morning on the edge of the rugged Mortimer Ranges. Sarah Barnard saddles Tansy, her black mare. She is heading for the bush, escaping the reality of her broken marriage and her bankrupted trail-riding business.

Sarah seeks solace in the ranges. When a flash flood traps her on Devil Mountain, she heads to higher ground, taking shelter in Hangman's Hut.

She settles in to wait out Christmas.

A man, a lone bushwalker, arrives. Heath is charming, capable, handsome. But his story doesn't ring true. Why is he deep in the wilderness without any gear? Where is his vehicle? What's driving his resistance towards rescue? The closer they become the more her suspicions grow.

But to get off Devil Mountain alive, Sarah must engage in this secretive stranger's dangerous game of intimacy.
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Карен Фоксли 0.0
Quiet misfit Rose doesn't expect to fall in love with the sleepy beach town of Leonora. Nor does she expect to become fast friends with beautiful, vivacious Pearl Kelly, organizer of the high school float at the annual Harvest Festival parade. It's better not to get too attached when Rose and her father live on the road, driving their caravan from one place to the next whenever her dad gets itchy feet. But Rose can't resist the mysterious charms of the town or the popular girl, try as she might.

Pearl convinces Rose to visit Edie Baker, once a renowned dressmaker, now a rumored witch. Together Rose and Edie hand-stitch an unforgettable dress of midnight blue for Rose to wear at the Harvest Festival—a dress that will have long-lasting consequences on life in Leonora, a dress that will seal the fate of one of the girls. Karen Foxlee's breathtaking novel weaves friendship, magic, and a murder mystery into something moving, real, and distinctly original.
Лучший детский криминальный роман
Jen Storer 0.0
Tan and the Chosen Few have another mystery on their hands... The ′stonies′ (stone animal statues) around Peppercorn Valley have been mysteriously disappearing. But who would steal them? What could the thief want with a stone emu or flamingo?

This mystery is truly baffling! It′s a good thing Tan has the mind of a Great Detective...

A brilliant chapter series for fans of Alice-Miranda, Judy Moody and The Famous Five.

Ages: 8-12
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Anna Krien 0.0
'The Pies beat the Saints and the city of Melbourne was still cloaked in black and white crepe paper when the rumour of a pack rape by celebrating footballers began to surface. By morning, the head of the sexual crimes squad confirmed to journalists that they were preparing to question two Collingwood players ... And so, as police were confiscating bed sheets from a townhouse in South Melbourne, the trial by media began.'

What does a young footballer do to cut loose? At night, some play what they think of as pranks, or games. Night games with women. Sometimes these involve consensual sex, but sometimes they don't, and sometimes they fall into a grey area.

In the tradition of Helen Garner's The First Stone comes a closely observed, controversial book about sex, consent and power. In Night Games, Anna Krien follows the rape trial of an Australian Rules footballer. She also takes a balanced and fearless look at the dark side of footy culture – the world of Sam Newman, Ricky Nixon, Matty Johns and the Cronulla Sharks.

Both a courtroom drama and a riveting piece of narrative journalism, this is a breakthrough book from one of the young leading lights of Australian writing.
Лучшая дебютная криминальная книга
Ханна Кент 4.2
Исландия, начало XIX века. Молодая женщина Агнес Магнусдоттир приговорена к смертной казни за убийство возлюбленного. В ожидании утверждения приговора Агнес отправляют на отдаленный хутор, где ей предстоит прожить несколько месяцев в обычной семье. Изможденную и закованную в цепи, поначалу крестьяне воспринимают ее как монстра, но с течением времени начинают понимать, что реальная история гораздо сложнее, чем представленная на суде... «Вкус дыма» – это книга о том, чем стали месяцы совместного проживания для Агнес и тех, кто ее приютил. Это психологическая драма, разворачивающаяся на фоне суровых северных пейзажей, среди немногословных и сдержанных людей, способных, тем не менее, на отчаян­ные поступки.
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Ханна Кент 4.2
Исландия, начало XIX века. Молодая женщина Агнес Магнусдоттир приговорена к смертной казни за убийство возлюбленного. В ожидании утверждения приговора Агнес отправляют на отдаленный хутор, где ей предстоит прожить несколько месяцев в обычной семье. Изможденную и закованную в цепи, поначалу крестьяне воспринимают ее как монстра, но с течением времени начинают понимать, что реальная история гораздо сложнее, чем представленная на суде... «Вкус дыма» – это книга о том, чем стали месяцы совместного проживания для Агнес и тех, кто ее приютил. Это психологическая драма, разворачивающаяся на фоне суровых северных пейзажей, среди немногословных и сдержанных людей, способных, тем не менее, на отчаян­ные поступки.
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