Вручение 2015 г.

Страна: Австралия Место проведения: город Мельбурн Дата проведения: 2015 г.

Лучший криминальный роман для взрослых

Лиана Мориарти 4.4
Мадлен, веселая, остроумная, страстная, мать троих детей. Она всегда готова прийти на помощь подруге, защитить тех, кого несправедливо обидели, однако ее возмущает, что ее бывший муж с новой женой поселился рядом, а их общая дочь-подросток, больше любит отца, а не мать.
Селеста, богатая и ослепительно красивая, мать чудесных мальчиков-близнецов. Их с мужем считают самой счастливой парой в городке. Однако за внешне благополучным фасадом их брака скрывается страшная тайна.
Джейн, молодая мать-одиночка, недавно переехала в городок на побережье, а потому ее нередко принимают за няню, а не за мать собственного сына. Близнецы Селесты, младшая дочь Мадлен и сын Джейн учатся в одном подготовительном классе. Селеста и Мадлен опекают Джейн. Казалось, ничто не предвещает беды, но зачастую, когда человек начинает верить в собственную ложь, это приводит к трагедии…

Лучший криминальный роман для молодежи

Элли Марни 4.0
James Mycroft has just left for London to investigate a car accident similar to the one that killed his parents seven years ago...without saying goodbye to Rachel Watts, his 'partner in crime'.

Rachel is furious and worried about his strange behaviour - not that Mycroft's ever exactly normal, but London is the scene of so many of his nightmares. So Rachel jumps on a plane to follow him...and lands straight in a whole storm of trouble.

The theft of a copy of Shakespeare's First Folio, the possible murder of a rare books conservator, and the deaths of Mycroft's parents...Can Watts help Mycroft make sense of the three events - or will she lose him forever?

Sparks fly when Watts and Mycroft reunite in this second sophisticated thriller about the teen sleuthing duo.

Лучший детский криминальный роман

Джудит Росселл 4.0
High on a cliff above the gloomy coastal town of Withering-by-Sea stands the Hotel Majestic. Inside the walls of the damp, dull hotel, eleven-year-old orphan Stella Montgomery leads a miserable life with her three dreadful Aunts. But one night, Stella sees something she shouldn't have... Something that will set in motion and adventure more terrifying and more wonderful than she could ever have hoped for...

Лучший нехудожественная криминальная книга

Caroline Overington 0.0
One woman.
Two husbands.
Four trials.
One bloody execution.
The last woman hanged in New South Wales.

In January 1889, Louisa Collins, a 41-year-old mother of ten children, became the first woman hanged at Darlinghurst Gaol (jail) and the last woman hanged in New South Wales.

Both of Louisa's husbands died suddenly. The Crown was convinced that Louisa poisoned them with arsenic and, to the horror of many in the legal community, put her on trial an extraordinary four times in order to get a conviction. Louisa protested her innocence until the end.

Now, in Last Woman Hanged, writer and journalist Caroline Overington delves into the archives to re-examine the original, forensic reports, court documents, judges notebooks, witness statements and police and gaol (jail) records, in an effort to discover the truth.

Лучшая дебютная криминальная книга

Christine Bongers 0.0
I don't walk past the house next door. I wish the woman who lives in it was dead. Which makes it hard . . . because she was the one who came running when I screamed.

Kat Jones is woken by an Intruder looming over her bed. She's saved by Edwina – the neighbour Kat believes betrayed her dying mother.

Her dad issues an ultimatum. Either spend nights next door, or accept another Intruder in her life – Hercules, the world's ugliest guard dog. It's a no-brainer, even for dog-phobic Kat.

When she meets adorkable Al at the dog park, finally Kat has someone to talk to, someone who cares.

But the prowler isn't finished with Kat. To stop him, she needs Edwina's help . . . and what Kat learns could mend fences – or break her fragile family apart forever.

Выбор читателей

Sandi Wallace 0.0

Picturesque Daylesford has a darker side.

Melbourne writer Georgie Harvey heads to the mineral springs region of central Victoria to look for a missing farmer.

There she uncovers links between the woman's disappearance and her dangerous preoccupation with the unsolved mystery surrounding her husband.

Maverick cop and solo dad John Franklin is working a case that’s a step up from Daylesford’s usual soft crime; a poison-pen writer whose targets are single mothers.

Georgie’s investigation stirs up long buried secrets and she attracts enemies.

When she reports the missing person to the local cops, sparks fly between her and Franklin. Has he dismissed the writer too quickly?

A country cop, city writer, retired farmer and poison-pen stalker all want answers.

What will they risk to get them?

What will be the ultimate cost?