Вручение 1994 г.

Премия за 1993г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1994 г.

Премия Джеймса Типтри-младшего

Nicola Griffith 0.0
Change or die. These are the only options available on the planet Jeep. Centuries earlier, a deadly virus shattered the original colony, killing the men and forever altering the few surviving women. Now, generations after the colony has lost touch with the rest of humanity, a company arrives to exploit Jeep–and its forces find themselves fighting for their lives. Terrified of spreading the virus, the company abandons its employees, leaving them afraid and isolated from the natives. In the face of this crisis, anthropologist Marghe Taishan arrives to test a new vaccine. As she risks death to uncover the women’s biological secret, she finds that she, too, is changing–and realizes that not only has she found a home on Jeep, but that she alone carries the seeds of its destruction. . .
Элинор Арнасон 0.0
Представьте себе цивилизацию, в которой мужчина не может причинить вред женщине или ребенку. В которой кланы ведут войны по жестким правилам, а тех, кто их нарушает, совместными усилиями вырезают до последнего человека. Мир, в котором воюют мужчины, но управляют — женщины. Мир, в котором гетеросексуальная любовь — извращение. С точки зрения этого мира, единственный способ оградить женщин и детей от насилия — это отправить мужчин далеко от дома. Но люди отличаются тем, что их половой аппарат функционирует постоянно, и организм требует периодической разрядки. Как быть, если мужчины отделены от женщин? Ответ понятен. Женщины — у очага. Мужчины охраняют его кольцом мечей на периметре своих владений. Порядочна лишь однополая любовь, гетеросексуальная же — извращение, допустимое лишь для животных, да еще для людей при продления рода. Человеческая цивилизация в своей экспансии сталкивается с цивилизацией Чужих, живущих по описанным выше правилам. Сталкиваются два мира, каждый из которых считает другой непристойным. Вопрос — сойдутся ли они в кажущейся неизбежной схватке? Ведь на самом деле для Чужих убийство женщины не является безусловным табу — достаточно лишь объявить противника не-человеком, животным, после чего истребить его, как истребляют садовых вредителей. Но возможно ли иное решение? И как быть человеку, мужчине, попавшему в плен и ставшему любовником вражеского генерала?
Margaret Atwood 4.4
Even Zenia’s name is enough to provoke the old sense of outrage, of humiliation and confused pain. The truth is that at certain times—early mornings, the middle of the night—she finds it hard to believe that Zenia is really dead.’ Zenia is beautiful, smart and greedy; by turns manipulative and vulnerable, needy and ruthless; a man’s dream and a woman’s nightmare. She is also dead. Just to make absolutely sure Tony, Roz and Charis are there for the funeral. But five years on, as the three women share a sisterly lunch, the impossible happens: ‘with waves of ill will flowing out of her like cosmic radiation’, Zenia is back ...
This is the wise, unsettling, drastic story of three women whose lives share a common wound: Zenia, a woman they first met as university students in the sixties. Zenia is smart and beautiful, by turns manipulative, vulnerable—and irresistible. She has entered into their separate lives to ensnare their sympathy, betray their trust, and exploit their weaknesses. Now Zenia, thought dead, has suddenly reappeared. In this richly layered narrative, Atwood skilfully evokes the decades of the past as she retraces three women’s lives, until we are back in the present—where it’s yet to be discovered whether Zenia’s ‘pure, free-wheeling malevolence’ can still wreak havoc. The Robber Bride reports from the farthest reaches of the sex wars and is one of Margaret Atwood’s most intricate and subversive novels yet.
Exploring the paradox of female villainy, this tale of three fascinating women is another peerless display of literary virtuosity by the supremely gifted author of Cat's Eye and The Handmaid's Tale. Roz, Charis and Tony all share a wound, and her name is Zenia. Beautiful, smart and hungry, by turns manipulative and vulnerable, needy and ruthless, Zenia is the turbulent center of her own neverending saga. She entered their lives in the sixties, when they were in college. Over the three decades since, she has damaged each of them badly, ensnaring their sympathy, betraying their trust, and treating their men as loot. Then Zenia dies, or at any rate the three women—with much relief -- attend her funeral. But as The Robber Bride begins, Roz, Charis and Tony have come together at a trendy restaraunt for their monthly lunch when in walks the seemingly resurrected Zenia...

In this consistently entertaining and profound new novel, Margaret Atwood reports from the farthest reaches of the war between the sexes with her characteristic well-crafted prose, rich and devious humor, and compassion.
Paul Park 0.0
A human diplomat from Earth falls in love with an alien who has undergone plastic surgery to make her appear human, in a novel by the author of the acclaimed trilogy, The Starbridge Chronicles.