Вручение июль 2004 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: июль 2004 г.

Лучшая первая книга

Сьюзен Крэндалл 0.0
Sensible, capable, and always in control, Leigh Mitchell is the local sheriff of her sleepy Indiana home town. But Leigh is turning thirty and feeling restless. Something needs to change. She needs to change. So when a sexy stranger asks her to ride the Ferris wheel one moonlit night, she takes a leap of faith-and falls for Will Scott, dangerous secrets and all. By turns passionate and tender, Will reveals little about his past and less about his future, even when the town suspects him of committing a terrible crime. Now on the uncertain back roads of life, take-charge Leigh must learn to let go...and trust not only the cold dictates of the law but the hot-blooded demands of her heart.

Современный длинный роман

Кэтлин Крейтон 0.0
Eight years ago, Jessie Bauer's life had changed forever. Now it was about to change back. For the man she had loved with all her heart and soul - the one she had finally learned to live without - was coming home to her at last. Alive and in one piece - or was he?

Military pilot Tristan Bauer had spent eight years in a living hell, not sure if he was dead or alive, with only the memory of his beautiful Jessie to keep him going. Now she was in front of him, his for the taking. If only he could. Because in every way that mattered, Tristan knew the husband he'd been had died that day. And left his ghost in his place...

Современный короткий роман

Николь Бернем 4.4
Когда очаровательной Изабелле ди Талора, наследной принцессе Сан-Римини, потребовался эксперт по истории королевства, поиски привели ее в Бостон, к таинственному Нику Блэку, знатоку Средневековья и коллекционеру. Но вряд ли принцесса могла предположить, что настоящее имя Ника Блэка – Доминико и в далеком двенадцатом веке он был рыцарем при дворе ее предка, короля Бернардо…

Исторический длинный роман

Кэтлин Гивенс 3.2
Шотландские горцы - исконные враги Англии и английской короны, бунтовщики, готовые на все, чтобы вернуть своей земле свободу и независимость...

Прелестная английская принцесса Эйлин знала об этом с детства, но она и подумать не могла, что однажды вручит свою судьбу одному из "шотландских дикарей" - мужественному лорду Нейлу Маккарри, способному сделать женщину счастливой - но, увы, не способному подарить ей ни дня покоя...

Исторический короткий роман

Лиза Клейпас 3.9
Отважный и хладнокровный лондонский сыщик, не знающий ни любви, ни сострадания, — такая молва шла о Нике Джентри. И женой этого человека согласилась стать невинная Шарлотта Ховард? Увы, да! Ведь только так может она избежать брака с богатым стариком, к которому принуждают ее родители… Однако, пусть и не сразу, Шарлотта угадывает под внешней грубостью и цинизмом Ника совсем другого человека — благородного джентльмена и пылкого, страстного возлюбленного, способного дарить женщине неземное блаженство…

Романтический саспенс - длинный

Нора Робертс 4.2
Лейн Тавиш - хозяйка антикварного магазина в провинциальном городке. По крайней мере, так полагают местные жители. Да и откуда им знать, что на самом деле Лейн - дочь отъявленного мошенника, вынужденная скрываться от закона?
Но прошлое возвращается к ней в образе давно исчезнувшего из ее жизни дядюшки Вилли. Его загадочное появление и внезапная смерть под колесами автомобиля, ограбление дома Лейн - звенья одной цепи таинственных и необъяснимых событий, последовавших в ее жизни. Кто и почему преследует молодую женщину?
Тайна многие годы остается нераскрытой, но новое преступление, расследовать которое берется бесстрашная и неумолимая Ева Даллас, приводит к ее разгадке.

Роман с религиозными или духовными элементами

Гейл Роупер 0.0
Somewhere between wishes and reality...lie dreams. Her mother, father, and nephew all need her—but have Cass's dreams gotten lost in the crunch?

They call it the “sandwich generation.” Daughter, sister, auntie, innkeeper, employer—but has Cass herself gotten lost in the crunch?

The proud proprietor of her own bed-and-breakfast in sleepy Seaside, New Jersey, Cass Merton is intrigued by Dan Harmon who arrives at SeaSong for an extended stay. After witnessing the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York City, the godly finance specialist is rethinking his life, career, and relationships—or lack of them. God, Dan laments, I can’t do this! Forty-four is too old to have no plan for the future!

Whatever possessed me to think I could do this? Cass asks, questioning her consent to care for her easygoing nephew and feisty teenage niece for a whole year while their parents work in the Middle East. Add Cass’s four brothers, who don’t take Dad’s compulsive contest entries and Mom’s increasing dementia one bit seriously, and her emotions swirl like the quickly rising hurricane that’s fast approaching Seaside. But everyday cares aren’t Cass’s only problems. A troubled young employee unknowingly endangers her as well. When an alarm sounds in the middle of the night, bullets fly and Cass is taken hostage by a gunman. Dan looks urgently to the Lord for help and recognizes a new emotion within himself: love.

Паранормальный роман

Линда Уинстэд Джонс, Linda Fallon 0.0

Summoning the man who left her at the altar two years ago is definitely a last resort for Eve Abernathy. But paranormal expert Lucien Thorpe is the only person who can rid her house of the uneasy ghosts--noisy, lovemaking ghosts, no less--who haunt it, and her...

Eve may be ahead of her time as a woman who documents otherworldly activity, but she longs for the kind, sturdy husband and children to raise. Eve knows absentminded genius Lucien is more comfortable with the dead than the living, and better acquainted with his Specter-o-Meter than the longings of a woman's heart. But with his arrival, Eve can't deny that her feelings for him haunt her as restlessly as the shades who have invaded her home--especially when Lucien is doing his utmost to woo her all over again...

Традиционный роман

Марион Леннокс 0.0
Tammy is surprised to learn she's become guardian of her orphaned nephew, Henry, who will one day be crown prince of a European country.... Marc, the darkly handsome prince regent, wants Henry brought up as royalty, and he's not used to hearing "no." But feisty Australian Tammy has no time for titles, and she's determined to give her nephew all the love a baby needs, even if she has to become Marc's stand-in princess....

Регентский роман

Nancy Butler 0.0
Healing Hearts

Repaying a debt of honor by helping the illustrious General Sir Janus Palfry write his memoirs, Morgan Pearce must leave London -- and a most delectable married woman -- behind. And though he's not happy about venturing our to the officer's country estate, the dashing rogue cannot deny the creature comforts of Palfry Park or his instant attraction to a mysterious woman in a Bath chair.

Recovering from a carriage accident, and neglected by her family, Miranda Runyon spends her time alone...until Morgan enters her life. At first, Miranda rebuffs his advances. But when Morgan's attentions begin to transform Miranda in both body and soul, she risks her heart for a love like none she has ever imagined.
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