Вручение июль 1998 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: июль 1998 г.

Лучшая первая книга

Элизабет Бойл 0.0
Giles Corliss, Lord of Trahern, races through the streets after the sapphire-eyed Brazen Angel, determined to catch London's most audacious thief. Unknown to the lord, the masked mistress leads a double life as the beautiful, fragile Lady Sophia d'Artiers...Giles' intended.

Современный короткий роман

Дженнифер Грин 0.0
Риган презирала мужчин, избегала с ними встреч, и разговоры о любви вызывали у нее приступы смеха — она не верила в любовь.

Но встреча с Алексом изменила все…

Исторический длинный роман

Мэгги Осборн 3.9
К Дженни Джонс, ожидающей казни за убийство, совершенное в целях самозащиты, приходит неожиданное спасение. Но взамен спасительница, умирающая богатая мексиканка, берет с девушки обещание позаботиться о ее дочери. Исполнить обещание оказывается нелегко, ибо маленькая Грасиела - единственное, что стоит между алчными негодяями - родственниками и семейным состоянием. Загнанная, затравленная наемными убийцами Дженни находит опору и поддержку в лице мужественного ковбоя Тая Сандерса...

Исторический короткий роман

Барбара Сэмюел 0.0
Britain, 1351. After an arduous exile to flee the darkness and danger sweeping her lands, Lady Elizabeth D'Auvers returns home to Woodell Castle, yearning only for her looms and her quiet life. To her astonishment, she finds the castle and farmlands thriving, thanks to Lord Thomas of Roxburgh, a knight errant whose size and strength offer protection to Elizabeth's castle and its people. Yet chilling thoughts trouble her mind--for there is something mysterious about this man.

Романтический саспенс - длинный

Ингрид Уивер 0.0
She met Mr. Right.


Lauren Abbot would have perished had it not been for handsome lawman Nick Strada. Though everyone claimed Nick had died in the crash, Lauren knew better. That hardheaded, sexy man had faked his death. And she'd never been so happy in her fortuitous life.

Nick was "playing dead" to catch a killer. And he needed Lauren's help. Her apartment would become his hiding place, and she would become his new partner. But Nick hadn't realized that working--and living--with the beautiful, independent woman would present him with a situation more confusing than his own supposed death.

Were they on the way to a wedding of their own?

Роман с религиозными или духовными элементами

Мелоди Карлсон 0.0
Fleeing hectic San Francisco, Meg Lancaster returns to the Oregon coast where she fights to make peace with her family -- and discovers love in the process. Winner of the 1997 Rita Award for best inspirational romance novel!

Паранормальный роман

Жюстин Дэвис 0.0
The RITA(r) Award winning final book in "The Hawk Trilogy"! (standalone novel)
RT Best Historical Fantasy Romance Winner
She'll become the warrior's woman to save her people.
In a time of legends, wizards, mists, and magic, the Hawk clan's ancient spell of protection surrounding their secluded and peaceful forest is weakening. When a vicious warlord threatens the clan's existence, their only hope lies in finding a great warrior with the skills to save them. The task falls to Jenna, but convincing a legendary warrior who has buried his sword to save her people will cost her everything.
Kane has a past filled with betrayal and a prophecy that warns him taking up the sword again will mean his death. Despite the danger, he's unable to completely refuse Jenna's plea for help. He agrees to train her in the arts of war in return for her innocence. All too late he realizes he's made a fool's bargain; he wants much more than her body. She owns his soul, and that may cost him his life.
Author of more than sixty books, Justine Dare Davis is a four-time winner of the coveted RWA RITA(r) Award, and has been inducted into the RWA Hall of Fame. Her books have appeared on national bestseller lists, including "USA Today."

Традиционный роман

Люси Гордон 0.0
Donna is thrilled when her lover, a younger Italian man, proposes to her. Toni is a little irresponsible, but he can give her the family she’s always wanted. But when the two of them visit his family home together to announce their marriage, Donna learns the startling truth: his family home is a mansion! His family is so wealthy, it's like they live in another world. That's when Toni's arrogant older brother, Rinaldo, tries to pay Donna to break off the relationship, convinced that she's a gold-digger. And when he realizes he can't drive Donna off with money…he tries to seduce her!

Регентский роман

Джин Росс Юинг 0.0
Caught between a known rake and his mysterious older brother, with her outraged father demanding that she marry one of them, Lady Joanna Acton is at her wit's end. A marriage of convenience seems a high price to pay for her rebellious bid for freedom--until a warm, stolen kiss offers the promise of love.

Современный несерийный роман

Сьюзен Элизабет Филлипс 4.1
Независимая Джейн Дарлингтон, посвятившая свою жизнь науке, решила во что бы то ни стало зачать ребенка от красавца спортсмена Кэла Боннера - а потом расстаться с отцом младенца. Но самые хитроумные планы имеют обыкновение разлетаться в пух и прах, когда в дело вмешивается любовь. Кэл вовсе не так прост, как кажется, и не позволит спокойно уйти той единственной женщине, о которой мечтал всю жизнь...

Любимая книга RWA

Susan Elizabeth Phillips 4.1
Physics professor Dr. Jane Darlington spends her 34th birthday in tears. She wants a baby,but not a husband. Where can she find an average or, preferably, stupid man? She decides that Cal Bonner, legendary quarterback for the Chicago Stars is perfect. Jane sets her plan into action and after some trail and error she succeeds. But the results are more than she bargained for when Cal discovers her duplicity. How can a football player with an interfering family and a nerdy professor who has never known family love ever fall in love? With lots of honesty, understanding and a whole lot of humor. Don't miss this one! It's filled with engaging characters, laughs galore and a feel-good ending. If you enjoy it as much as I did, try Phillips's Heaven, Texas. Jane hasn't counted on: he's no dumb jock. And he's not about to get used and abused by a baby-mad schemer.