Вручение июль 1992 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: июль 1992 г.

Лучшая первая книга

Christina Dodd 3.4
Two lovers ignite a world of darkness with their wild, breathless passion.

Raven-haired Lady Saura of Roget was the loveliest maiden in all Christendom, unrivalled in face and figure. Yet her fortune and her day-to-day existence were controlled by her unscrupulous stepfather. She lived a life of lonely servitude until she was summoned to the castle of Sir William of Miraval, the magnificent knight sworn to live--or perish--by the sword. But that was before his world exploded in agonizing darkness.

Bound by their need, they came together in a blaze of passion --Saura, the proud Norman beauty, and William, the golden warrior who laid siege to her heart. Yet blackest danger awaited them just beyond the castle walls, and Saura and her beloved soon found themselves fighting for their lives against a treacherous enemy, even as they surrendered to a love that would consume them in its brilliant flame.

Современный короткий роман

Гленда Сандерс 0.0
Pursuing justice...and love

Meredith Quinn had gone through pregnancy and childbirth alone. Evicted from her home, she'd been forced to live with her one-month-old daughter in her car. So suing her ex-lover for child support and working temporarily as a housekeeper for Mr. Cool, her attorney, was nothing to fear in comparison. Right?

Kyle Brooks felt he had been saddled with Meredith and her baby. He didn't want to become involved in her plight--only in the legal aspects of her lawsuit. After all, gaunt women with haunted eyes were not his type. But it was hard to deny the effect of Meredith's human touch on his body...and soul.

Романтический саспенс - длинный

Нора Робертс 3.8
Силла О'Роарки, успешная ведущая ночного эфира на радио, становится жертвой угроз телефонного маньяка. Не придав поначалу звонкам особого значения, девушка через некоторое время вынуждена обратиться в полицию с просьбой о помощи. Назначенный в защитники Бойд Флетчер влюбляется в Силлу и делает все возможное, чтобы завоевать ее, но она, пережив гибель родителей и боясь новых потерь, не желает строить серьезные отношения, хотя и чувствует, что в глубине души зарождается ответное чувство.

Паранормальный роман

Жюстин Дэвис 0.0

Alexandra Logan was at her wits' end! She was nearly broke, her farm was failing, and the local townspeople were angry at her boarders. So she looked to the skies for help...and it miraculously arrived in the very pleasing form of Michael Justice. But Michael was like no man Alexandra had ever met....

Michael had been sent to earth to help those in need, and Alexandra certainly fit that category. But in no time he was having feelings for her that had much more to do with body than soul! Yet how could he ever tell her the truth--that he was no mere mortal, but an angel in disguise?

Молодежный роман

Лурлин МакДэниел 0.0
Sometimes Carrie Blake feels she just can't stand life's problems or pain. At fifteen, she's had leukemia for three years, and although the disease is in remission, she's never sure when things might change. Her parents, whose bitter divorce has left Carrie feeling torn between them, don't seem to understand how much harder they make her daily life.

When Carrie meets Keith Gardner at a cancer support group, everything seems brighter. Keith and his loving, supportive family are wonderful to Carrie. Then Keith's illness worsens and he knows he can no longer fight off dying. Armed with love of family and friends, Keith chooses to participate in a hospice program, which allows him to remain at home instead of in the hospital. Carrie feels helpless as she watches Keith slip away. Will Keith's courage help Carrie to face her own uncertain future?

Традиционный роман

Бетани Кэмпбелл 0.0
A Christmas honeymoon--without a husband

Mollie was supposed to be celebrating the yuletide season in sultry New Orleans--on her honeymoon.

The aspiring actress was in New Orleans, all right, but the Big Easy wasn't so hot. In fact, it was covered in ice. And the man she was with--Pearce Goddard--was a blind stranger she'd befriended on the flight from New York. Was nothing going to go right? She'd been jilted by her fiance, robbed in the airport and now she had nowhere to stay.

But when Pearce offered her lodgings in return for her guidance around the icy city, Mollie sensed there was one thing more she could lose--her heart.

Регентский роман

Современный несерийный роман

Эйлин Драйер 0.0
St. Louis Trauma nurse Casey McDonough thinks her life is interesting enough. Her best friend still drops acid, her ex-husband is a cross-dressing psychiatrist, and her mother has turned the third floor of the family home into the Chapel of Eternal Vigilance.

Then, things begin to really go wrong when OB/Gyn Dr. Dale Hunsacker arrives. Handsome, wealthy and charismatic, the good doctor is enchanting the patients of the St. Louis hospital. But, Cassy believes he is a serial killer. And the only person who takes her seriously, is Hunsacker himself.

Caught in a spiral of suspicion and intimidation, Casey approaches ex-Marine, ex-Jesuit homicide sergeant Jack Scanlan for help. All she has are hunches for proof, but she'll do anything to stop the monster walking the halls of her hospital

Лучший роман года

Диана Гэблдон 4.0
Это сага, которая завоевала сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире. Это сага о великой любви Клэр Рэндолл и Джейми Фрэзера,— любви, которой не страшны пространство и время. Это сага о женщине, которая, оказавшись в совершенно непостижимой ситуации, нашла в себе силы и мужество противостоять обстоятельствам. Люди исчезают. Исчезают значительно чаще, чем вы думаете. Многих потом находят живыми или мертвыми. И обычно всему имеется объяснение. Обычно — но не всегда. Одно мимолетное прикосновение к камню из древнего святилища — и Клэр Рэндолл необъяснимым образом переносится из XX века в 1743 год, в то время, когда Шотландию раздирала кровавая междоусобная война. То, что произойдет потом в этой варварской для человека из XX века стране, не только поставит под угрозу жизнь Клэр, но и разобьет ее сердце, ведь здесь, в Шотландии, она встретит мужчину своей мечты.

Исторический роман