Вручение июль 1990 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: июль 1990 г.

Лучшая первая книга

Элейна Хоторн 0.0
Interior designer Janelle Towers's dream was finally about to come true. She'd soon be leaving the Hookeye Valley--and the townsfolk who wouldn't take her seriously--for good. Her plans were set. But then sexy game warden Adam Rayborn came by to rescue an injured eagle from her yard--and turned Janelle's heart topsy-turvy.

Giving in to her attraction for Adam would only tempt her to stay. She was leaving the Valley--and an emotional entanglement was out--even with a man as handsome, as witty and as charming as Adam. He was making himself very difficult to resist, and soon Janelle discovered that even the best-laid plans go awry when love hits from out of the blue .. . .

Современный короткий роман

Дженнифер Грин 0.0
Man of the Month

Mr. March

Name: Tanner
Kind of Man: A proud, elusive loner who, like the Great Snowy Owl he rescued, prized his freedom above all else.
His Undoing: A woman named Charly.

Carson Tanner lived his life closer to the edge than any sane man should. Then he met Charly Erickson, who bred horses in springtime and orchids in winter--and who seduced him with her sweet femininity. Suddenly, freedom had never seemed lonelier.

But what could Tanner offer her? His world was a dark, dangerous place--where the hunter could become the hunted, and where the long night had no end ....

Романтический саспенс - длинный

Кэтлин Корбел 0.0
TO SLEEP . . .

Nightmares. They'd tormented Jason Mitchell ever since the night his partner had been killed, so he'd fled to the only place he knew to regain peace of mind--his isolated cabin. But, unknown to him, he was being watched by the most ruthless crime lord in the city . . . and into that deadly trap walked Lindsay McDonough.

Lindsay knew she was the last person Mitch wanted to see. She was a psychologist, and she wasn't leaving until she'd made sure he had laid his memories to rest. What she didn't expect was the fierce passion that soon flared between them. And what she didn't know was that she and Mitch had begun a fight . . . for their lives.

Молодежный роман

Вивиан Шурфранц 0.0
Number 30 in the currently out of print Sunfire series by Scholastic books. Set in 1888, Renee faces a deadly blizzard.

Традиционный роман

Мона Ван Вирен 0.0
A Hidden Treasure...

was what New York art exporter Kane Powell found in small-town gardener Jenny McCarthy. Kane was sure that with his advice and guidance, Jenny could develop her green thumb further. So he contracted her to landscape his estate-positive he could convince the mud-streaked beauty that she shouldn't nip her talent in the bud ....

Jenny knew Kane was offering her the opportunity of a lifetime. Her dream of creating a greenery masterpiece was coming true. But she liked herself just the way she was--and she wasn't willing to change-even for a man as handsome as Kane. He wanted her to bloom like one of her flowers . . . but would he want her if she didn't?

Регентский роман

Мэри Джо Патни 4.0
Родня беспутного повесы Реджинальда Дэвенпорта надеялась, что, став владельцем процветающего поместья, он откажется от прежнего образа жизни и образумится. Леди Элис Уэстон, решительная молодая женщина, переодевшись мужчиной, чтобы занять должность управляющего поместьем, стремится укрыться от несправедливости и фальши, с которыми не может мириться. Ни Реджинальд, ни Элис не знают, что встреча не просто изменит их жизнь, но и откроет им новый, ослепительно прекрасный мир истинной, всепоглощающей любви.

Современный несерийный роман

Диана Чемберлен 0.0
Welcome to the Chapel House, the old oceanfront mansion where a group of close friends share their hopes and dreams . . . and where love is sometimes an unexpected guest.

Heartfelt and deeply moving, Private Relations won the 1989 RITA award for Best Single Title Contemporary Novel from the Romance Writers of America.

Лучший роман года

Исторический роман

Джулия Гарвуд 4.1
Юную Джейми, дочь английского барона, по приказу короля отдают в жены могущественному шотландскому лорду Алеку Кинкейду. Но то, что начиналось как брак по принуждению, переросло затем в неистовую страсть, обжигающую сердце. Нерушимые узы связали прекрасную девушку, достойную быть подругой великого воина, и отважного героя с пламенной душой. Такова история великой любви, изменившей человеческие судьбы…