Вручение июль 1987 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: г. Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: июль 1987 г.

Современный длинный роман

Нора Робертс 3.6
Превосходный фотограф, автор репортажей из горячих точек мира, признанный, успешный и богатый, Шейд Колби давно уже сам определял сумму своих гонораров и по-прежнему работал в одиноч­ку. Когда престижный журнал предложил ему сделать фоторепортаж о современной Америке, он готов был согласиться, но его смущало, что на этот раз работать придется в паре с другим фотомастером. Брайан Митчелл специализировалась на снимках богатых и знаме­нитых, ее интересовала красивая сторона жизни, а Шейда - реаль­ная жизнь. Ничего хорошего от встречи с гламурным фотографом Колби не ждал. Брайан оказалась настоящей красоткой и весьма ре­шительной молодой особой. Колби решил взяться за это задание и за три месяца совместного путешествия выяснить, как он относится к этой женщине...

Современный короткий роман

Кэтлин Крейтон 0.0
Determined to face her fear of water, Maddy Gordon signed up for beginner swimming, and found herself surrounded by seven-year-olds! And why did her instructor have to be golden-muscled Olympic swimmer Zack London, whose grin still gave her goose bumps? Stunned by the emotions Zack aroused in her, Maddy sought refuge behind her puppets. Perfect for her work with children, they also helped keep other people at arm's length--a barely safe distance where Zack was concerned! Zack knew Maddy had to face what scared her before she could return his love, but would she trust him enough to conquer her ghosts?

Молодежный роман

Кетлин Гарви 0.0
Film and video should have been Nell's favorite class, but it was spoiled for her by the insistent, infuriating comments of Daniel McEnroe, who seemed to think of himself as Mr.Video in person. As a budding scriptwriter, Nell was convinced that script was the most important element in making a movie; Daniel, though, was totally hung up on the visual aspects.
When their teacher suggested the two of them collaborate in making a video to enter in the contest they both objected. They had fought in every class discussion-how could they ever get on in the real world?

Традиционный роман

Сэнди Денглер 0.0
"Peter, hurry home quickly. I need you."

Four months after Polly Chase married an Australian, Peter, he went off to the War. Now, five years later, she is still waiting for his return. Coming back from town to her farm she encounters an itinerant, Colm Stawell, and lends him a needed hand. In gratitude he gives her a blue opal, alive with the sparkling "fire" that makes the best opals so valuable. He stays on as protection because her friend Maggie was attacked by no-goods. His friend David Kulgarra, an Aborigine, joins the party. When Colm seeks his fortune in the opal fields up north, Polly goes there as well to sell her handmade lace and build a nest-egg toward Peter's return. Polly has remained true in thought and deed to her Peter. Now she learns he is a vegetable, a war casualty in the vets hospital in Melbourne. Faced with the situation, she must decide whether God would have her annul her union with an insensate man to seek happiness with Colm or accept the responsibility of a promise made five years ago and destroy both her happiness and Colm's.

Регентский роман

Аманда Скотт 0.0
Adam Fortescue, the Sixth Earl of Abberley, was the scandal of the country, having let his estate and himself go to ruin. Miss Margaret Caldecourt needs Abberley's help to restore her birthright, but first, she'll have to restore him to respectability--whether he wants it or not.

Современный несерийный роман

SHARON, Tom Curtis 0.0
Could their explosive love bridge the chasm between two impossibly different worlds?

He thought there were no surprises left in the world...but the sudden appearance of young Amish widow Susan Peachey was astonishing—and just the shock cynical Alan Wilde needed. She was a woman from another time, innocent, yet wise in ways he scarcely understood.

Irresistibly, Susan and Alan were drawn together to explore their wildly exotic differences. And soon they would discover something far greater—a rich emotional bond that transcended both of their worlds and linked them heart-to-heart...until their need for each other became so overwhelming that there was no turning back. But would she have to sacrifice all she cherished for the uncertain joy of their forbidden love?

Исторический роман

Робин Карр 0.0
Edward, the Black Prince, eager to reward his friend Sir Hyatt Laidley, as well as to use his talents to claim and subdue land in France, sends him to conquer De la Noye. In the battle, Giles, lord of De la Noye, dies, and Hyatt claims Giles's widow, Aurelie, by right of conquest. She resists him and bitterly resents him, thinking him responsible for Giles's death, and lamenting her own loss of power. But both her own strong sexual attraction to him and her growing awareness that he is an excellent landowner who promotes the welfare of his subordinates change her attitude. As she grows to love him, he comes to acknowledge at last his love and need for her.