Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Портленд, штат Орегон Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Лучший юмористический детектив

Джеррилин Фармер 0.0

Yep. In hip Hollywood, that kitsch old game is fast becoming the next "new" obsession -- and that calls for a party! Madeline Bean and her charming partner Wesley Westcott are determined to throw a gonzo Chinese New Year banquet. But among the hot mah-jongg tiles, the steamy dim sum, and the frosty Singapore slings, no one expects to find one of the players ice-cold dead!

Meanwhile, in one of the historic celebrity mansions that Wesley is restoring as a sideline, a well-aimed crowbar uncovers a stash of precious objects -- including an antique mah-jongg set. As Madeline pieces together how these two events are connected, she must separate the yin from the yang to uncover a killer. It doesn't take a fortune cookie to spell it out. There is always a price to pay...whether gambling at mah-jongg -- or murder.
Билл Фицхью 0.0
What would happen if you took A Star Is Born, crossed it with Fargo, and set it in Nashville? Eddie Long plans to be a country music star, but he's stuck touring the Mississippi casino circuit. But after his nagging wife apparently dies at the hands of a serial killer, Eddie writes the best song of his life. It goes straight to number one -- and all hell breaks loose. Freelance music writer Jimmy Rogers senses a great opportunity and sets out to write the life story of Nashville's newest sensation. But Jimmy's research unearths some troubling facts about the death of Eddie's wife, facts that could ruin Eddie's burgeoning career -- while making Jimmy a star. Throw in a beautiful and opportunistic country radio deejay, a pair of wily record producers, and a naive young singer-songwriter, and the stage is set. Everybody plans to make a killing -- one way or another. It's murder on Music Row, where things don't always turn out as planned.
Донна Эндрюс 3.2
Кто из модных дизайнеров откажется от потрясающего заказа - создать серию стилизованных под старину статуэток фламинго, которым предстоит стать сенсацией великосветского костюмированного бала? Только не Мэг Ленгслоу! Но она и предположить не могла, что один из ее шедевров будет использован в качестве ОРУДИЯ УБИЙСТВА — убийства, повергшего в шок всех гостей!
Полиция теряется в догадках — ведь ПОЧТИ У ВСЕХ приглашенных были и возможность, и желание отправить жертву на тот свет…
Задетая за живое, Мэг начинает СОБСТВЕННОЕ РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ!..