Победители — стр. 2

Художественная литература
Рохинтон Мистри 4.5
Рохинтон Мистри (р. В 1952 г.) – известный канадский писатель индийского происхождения, лауреат нескольких престижных национальных и международных литературных премий, номинант на Букеровскую премию. Его произведения переведены на множество языков, а роман "Хрупкое равновесие", впервые опубликованный в 1995 году, в 2003 году был включен в список двухсот лучших книг всех времен и народов по версии Би-би-си.

…Индия 1975 года – в период чрезвычайного положения, введенного Индирой Ганди. Индия – раздираемая межкастовыми, межрелигиозными и межнациональными распрями, пестрая, точно лоскутное покрывало, которое шьет из обрезков ткани молодая вдова Дина Далал, приютившая в своем доме студента и двух бедных портных из касты неприкасаемых. Снаружи гремят политические бури, вспыхивают волнения и беспорядки, но в их крошечном доме царят мир и согласие. Они дарят друг другу любовь и поддержку, помогая удерживать хрупкое равновесие на грани отчаяния и надежды…
Neal Ascherson 3.8
With its vast historical canvas, this work is a meditation on Eurasian history from the earliest times to the present. Ascherson evokes the world of Herodotus and Aeshylus; Ovid's place of exile on what is now the coast of Romania; the decline and fall of Byzantium; the mysterious fastnesses of the Christian Goths; the Tatar Khanates; the growth of Russian power across the grasslands, and the centuries of war between the Ottoman and Russian Empires around the Black Sea. The book covers events in the 20th century, such as the terrors of Stalinism and its fascist arch-enemy, striving for mastery of these shores.
Фрэнк МакКорт 4.4
Один из величайших романов ХХ века. Книга, которая принесла ее автору Пулитцеровскую премию за 1997 год. "The Times" включил "Прах Анджелы" в список лучших книг, написанных за период 1949—2009 гг., наряду произведениями Оруэлла, Сэлинджера, Маркеса, Голдинга. Роман был переведен на 17 языков, стал бестселлером в нескольких десятках стран и лег в основу сценария одноименного киношедевра Алана Паркера. Нищета гнала ирландцев через океан в Америку, — и нищета погнала их обратно во времена Великой депрессии. Одними из многих стала семья Маккорт, в 1934 году вернувшаяся в Лимерик. И вот тогда для них начался настоящий ад… Голод. Безработица. Беспробудное пьянство отцов семейств, оставлявших на кабацкой стойке немногие заработанные гроши. Смерть, ставшая частой гостьей в лимерикских трущобах. И тяжкий груз ответственности, который лег на плечи маленького мальчика, вынужденного стать настоящим главой семьи…
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Питер Маасс 0.0
Peter Maass went to the Balkans as a reporter at the height of the nightmarish war there, but this book is not traditional war reportage. Maass examines how an ordinary Serb could wake up one morning and shoot his neighbor, once a friend--then rape that neighbor's wife. He conveys the desperation that makes a Muslim beg the United States to bomb his own city in order to end the misery. And Maass does not falter at the spectacle of U.N. soldiers shining searchlights on fleeing refugees--who are promptly gunned down by snipers waiting in the darkness. Love Thy Neighbor gives us an unflinching vision of a late-20th-century hell that is also a scathing inquiry into the worst extremes of human nature. Like Michael Herr's Dispatches (also available in Vintage paperback), it is an utterly gripping book that will move and instruct readers for years to come
Алан Шапиро 0.0
Respected poet, teacher, and critic Alan Shapiro continues his much-acclaimed explorations of childhood, family, and marriage in Mixed Company. Revealing a world troubled by difference while struggling toward commonality, and with equal attention to historical detail and the poetics of everyday life, from the mythic past to the abrasive intimacies of the present, Shapiro charts the many ways our social and sexual identities are formed, threatened, altered, and, for good or ill, preserved. Deeply felt and ambitious, Mixed Company is an extraordinary book by one of the leading poets writing in America today.

"What draws us into Alan Shapiro's Mixed Company is not a conspicuous felicity or any sort of bravura, but the quiet, undaunted way he goes after the truth of human feeling and motive. . . . The poems grope and conjecture, looking for understanding . . . but whatever may remain unsolved and insoluble, the poems are full of astonishing insights, a rare articulateness, and what another age called 'knowledge of the human heart.'" —Richard Wilbur
Наука и технология
Carl Sagan 4.2
How can we make intelligent decisions about our increasingly technology-driven lives if we don’t understand the difference between the myths of pseudoscience and the testable hypotheses of science? Pulitzer Prize-winning author and distinguished astronomer Carl Sagan argues that scientific thinking is critical not only to the pursuit of truth but to the very well-being of our democratic institutions.

Casting a wide net through history and culture, Sagan examines and authoritatively debunks such celebrated fallacies of the past as witchcraft, faith healing, demons, and UFOs. And yet, disturbingly, in today's so-called information age, pseudoscience is burgeoning with stories of alien abduction, channeling past lives, and communal hallucinations commanding growing attention and respect. As Sagan demonstrates with lucid eloquence, the siren song of unreason is not just a cultural wrong turn but a dangerous plunge into darkness that threatens our most basic freedoms.
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Марк Бер 0.0
Set in the bitter twilight of apartheid in South Africa in the 1970s, The Smell of Apples is a haunting story narrated by eleven-year-old Marnus Erasmus, who records the social turmoil and racial oppression that are destroying his own land. Using his family as a microcosm of the corroding society at large, Marnus tells a troubling tale of a childhood corrupted, of unexpected sexual defilements, and of an innocence gone astray.
Художественная литература
Уильям Бойд 4.0
Winner of the 1993 Sunday Express Book of the Year Award

A turn-of-the-century love story, set in Manila, between an American woman and Filipino-Spanish mestizo by the popular storyteller William Boyd. It's a memorable tale, richly detailed.

Los Angeles 1936. Kay Fischer, a young, ambitious architect, is shadowed by Salvador Carriscant, an enigmatic stranger claiming to be her father. Within weeks of their first meeting, Kay will join him for an extraordinary journey into the old man's past, initially in search of a murderer, but finally in celebration of a glorious, undying love.
Джексон Лирс 0.0
Fables of Abundance ranges from the traveling peddlers of early modern Europe to the twentieth-century American corporation, exploring the ways that advertising collaborated with other cultural institutions to produce the dominant aspirations and anxieties in the modern United States.
Doris Lessing 0.0
"I was born with skins too few. Or they were scrubbed off me by . . . robust and efficient hands."
This, the first volume of Doris Lessing's autobiography, begins with her childhood in Africa and ends on her arrival in London in 1949 with the typescript of her first novel, The Grass Is Singing, in her suitcase.

The book is distinctive, as challenging and as wholly original as anything Doris Lessing has ever written. It recalls her own mind as a child, and the life of a child, with almost overwhelming immediacy, mapping the growth first of her consciousness, then, in adolescence, of her sexuality, and later, as a young woman, of her political beliefs. The African landscape (described with great lyricism), her often angry and combative relationship with her parents, her intense awareness of her own body, her passionate involvement with other people and indeed with everything around her are all here very, very powerfully present. The force of these memories, and the detail which which she is able to recall them, bear comparison only with Gosses Father and Son.

There can be few modern autobiographies so revealing of the mind of their creator. Under My Skin shows a woman uncompromising, from the beginning, in every aspect, who breaks all the rules, who battles at every turn against her upbringing and environment, who looks on the world clear and hard; and yet who also displays a softness, a wonderful sense of humor, a compassion for human failure.

Though she does not describe the process directly, it is abundantly evident to the reader how her childhood and adolescent experiences were absorbed through those "skins too few" and how they made the personality that has produced the novels and stories which began with The Grass is Singing and ended (for the moment) with The Fifth Child. Under My Skin shows - among many other things - how completely the life and work of one of the great writers of the twentieth century are of a single and indestructible piece.
Стивен Дж. Пайн
Премия Роберта Кирша
Стивен Дж. Пайн / Stephen J. Pyne
2 книги
0 в избранном
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Грегори Ховард Уильямс 0.0
Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize

"A triumph of storytelling as well as a triumph of spirit."--Alex Kotlowitz, award-winning author of There Are No Children Here

As a child in 1950s segregated Virginia, Gregory Howard Williams grew up believing he was white. But when the family business failed and his parents' marriage fell apart, Williams discovered that his dark-skinned father, who had been passing as Italian-American, was half black. The family split up, and Greg, his younger brother, and their father moved to Muncie, Indiana, where the young boys learned the truth about their heritage. Overnight, Greg Williams became black.

In this extraordinary and powerful memoir, Williams recounts his remarkable journey along the color line and illuminates the contrasts between the black and white worlds: one of privilege, opportunity and comfort, the other of deprivation, repression, and struggle. He tells of the hostility and prejudice he encountered all too often, from both blacks and whites, and the surprising moments of encouragement and acceptance he found from each.

Life on the Color Line is a uniquely important book. It is a wonderfully inspiring testament of purpose, perseverance, and human triumph.

"Heartbreaking and uplifting... a searing book about race and prejudice in America... brims with insights that only someone who has lived on both sides of the racial divide could gain."-- Cleveland Plain Dealer
Данте Алигьери 4.3
Of the great poets, Dante is one of the most elusive and therefore one of the most difficult to adequately render into English verse. In the Inferno, Dante not only judges sin but strives to understand it so that the reader can as well. With this major new translation, Anthony Esolen has succeeded brilliantly in marrying sense with sound, poetry with meaning, capturing both the poem’s line-by-line vigor and its allegorically and philosophically exacting structure, yielding an Inferno that will be as popular with general readers as with teachers and students. For, as Dante insists, without a trace of sentimentality or intellectual compromise, even Hell is a work of divine art.

Esolen also provides a critical Introduction and endnotes, plus appendices containing Dante’s most important sources—from Virgil to Saint Thomas Aquinas and other Catholic theologians—that deftly illuminate the religious universe the poet inhabited.
Наука и технология
Edward O. Wilson 0.0
In Naturalist, Wilson describes for the first time both his growth as a scientist and the evolution of the science he has helped define. He traces the trajectory of his life - from a childhood spent exploring the Gulf Coast of Alabama and Florida to life as a tenured professor at Harvard - detailing how his youthful fascination with nature blossomed into a lifelong calling. He recounts with drama and wit the adventures of his days as a student at the University of Alabama and his four decades at Harvard University, where he has achieved renown as both teacher and researcher. As the narrative of Wilson's life unfolds, the reader is treated to an inside look at the origin and development of ideas that guide today's biological research. Theories that are now widely accepted in the scientific world were once untested hypotheses emerging from one man's broad-gauged studies. Throughout Naturalist, we see Wilson's mind and energies constantly striving to help establish many of the central principles of the field of evolutionary biology. The story of Edward O. Wilson's life provides fascinating insights into the making of a scientist and a valuable look at some of the most thought-provoking ideas of our time.
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Марк Мерлис 0.0
An amazing first novel, a beautifully written work of historical fiction ( Lambda Book Review), American Studies tells the story of 62-year-old Reeve who, as he recovers from a brutal beating, recalls the troubled and closeted world of his former mentor, a once-famous professor who was driven to suicide during the McCarthy era.
Художественная литература
David Malouf 4.5
In this rich and compelling novel, written in language of astonishing poise and resonance, one of Australia's greatest living writers gives and immensely powerful vision of human differences and eternal divisions. In the mid-1840s a thirteen-year-old British cabin boy, Gemmy Fairley, is cast ashore in the far north of Australia and taken in by aborigines. Sixteen years later he moves back into the world of Europeans, among hopeful yet terrified settlers who are staking out their small patch of home in an alien place. To them, Gemmy stands as a different kind of challenge: he is a force that at once fascinates and repels. His own identity in this new world is as unsettling to him as the knowledge he brings to others of the savage, the aboriginal.
Джордж Чонси 0.0
The award-winning, field-defining history of gay life in New York City in the early to mid-20th century

Gay New York brilliantly shatters the myth that before the 1960s gay life existed only in the closet, where gay men were isolated, invisible, and self-hating. Drawing on a rich trove of diaries, legal records, and other unpublished documents, George Chauncey constructs a fascinating portrait of a vibrant, cohesive gay world that is not supposed to have existed. Called "monumental" (Washington Post), "unassailable" (Boston Globe), "brilliant" (The Nation), and "a first-rate book of history" (The New York Times), Gay New Yorkforever changed how we think about the history of gay life in New York City, and beyond.
Микал Гилмор 0.0
Gary Gilmore, the infamous murderer immortalized by Norman Mailer in The Executioner's Song, campaigned for his own death and was executed by firing squad in 1977. Writer Mikal Gilmore is his younger brother. In Shot in the Heart, he tells the stunning story of their wildly dysfunctional family: their mother, a blacksheep daughter of unforgiving Mormon farmers; their father, a drunk, thief, and con man. It was a family destroyed by a multigenerational history of child abuse, alcoholism, crime, adultery, and murder. Mikal, burdened with the guilt of being his father's favorite and the shame of being Gary's brother, gracefully and painfully relates a murder tale "from inside the house where murder is born... a house that, in some ways, [he has] never been able to leave." Shot in the Heart is the history of an American family inextricably tied up with violence, and the story of how the children of this family committed murder and murdered themselves in payment for a long lineage of ruin. Haunting, harrowing, and profoundly affecting, Shot in the Heart exposes and explores a dark vein of American life that most of us would rather ignore. It is a book that will leave no reader unchanged.
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Генри Киссинджер 4.3
В своей книге "Дипломатия" Генри Киссинджер стремится проанализировать историю дипломатических отношений между государствами, начиная с Вестфальского договора 1648 года и до конца ХХ века. Перед читателем предстает ряд политических деятелей "всех времен и народов" — от Ришелье до наших современников. Но больше внимания автор уделяет тем событиям Новейшего времени, в которых он участвовал сам, рассматривая их как вехи становления так называемого "нового мирового порядка", складывающегося на рубеже XX-XXI веков.
Кэролин Форше 0.0
Placed in the context of twentieth-century moral disaster--war, genocide, the Holocaust, the atomic bomb--Forche's ambitions and compelling third collection of poems is a meditation of memory, specifically how memory survives the unimaginable. These poems reflect the effects of such experience: the lines, and often the images within them, are fragmented discordant. But read together, these lines, become a haunting mosaic of grief, evoking the necessary accommodations human beings make to survive what is unsurvivable. As poets have always done, Forche attempts to gibe voice to the unutterable, using language to keep memory alive, relive history, and link the past with the future.
Наука и технология
Джонатан Уэйнер 0.0
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize
Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize

On a desert island in the heart of the Galapagos archipelago, where Darwin received his first inklings of the theory of evolution, two scientists, Peter and Rosemary Grant, have spent twenty years proving that Darwin did not know the strength of his own theory. For among the finches of Daphne Major, natural selection is neither rare nor slow: it is taking place by the hour, and we can watch.

In this dramatic story of groundbreaking scientific research, Jonathan Weiner follows these scientists as they watch Darwin's finches and come up with a new understanding of life itself. The Beak of the Finch is an elegantly written and compelling masterpiece of theory and explication in the tradition of Stephen Jay Gould.

With a new preface.
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Мартин Милан Шимечка 0.0
Set in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, in the 1980s, Martin Simecka's stunning first novel, "The Year of the Frog, portrays a young man struggling to come to terms with his circumstances in the last days of communist dictatorship. Milan, the son of a former party official now imprisoned for dissident activities, is barred from the university despite the fact that he is a brilliant student and an extraordinary runner. Forced to work, Milan takes a series of menial jobs -- first as a surgical orderly in a hospital, next as a clerk in an under-stocked hardware store, lastly as an assistant in a maternity hospital for both births and abortions -- all of which serve to break open his life. Two great passions save him from the bleakness of his everyday existence: long-distance running, and his love for Tania, a beautiful university student from whom he seeks salvation and ultimately marries. "The Year of the Frog is a coming-of-age story, a romance, and a novel which poses important questions about life and death, about love and freedom, faithfulness and infidelity.
Художественная литература
Barbara Kingsolver 5.0
Mother and adopted daughter, Taylor and Turtle Greer, are back in this spellbinding sequel about family, heartbreak and love.

Six-year-old Turtle Greer witnesses a freak accident at the Hoover Dam during a tour of the Grand Canyon with her guardian, Taylor. Her insistence on what she has seen, and her mother's belief in her, lead to a man's dramatic rescue. The mother and adopted daughter duo soon become nationwide heroes - even landing themselves a guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show. But Turtle's moment of celebrity draws her into a conflict of historic proportions stemming right back to her Cherokee roots. The crisis quickly envelops not only Turtle and her guardian, but everyone else who touches their lives in a complex web connecting their future with their past.

Embark on a unforgettable road trip from rural Kentucky and the urban Southwest to Heaven, Oklahoma, and the Cherokee Nation, testing the boundaries of family and the many separate truths about the ties that bind.
Энтони Графтон 0.0
Describing an era of exploration during the Renaissance that went far beyond geographic bounds, this book shows how the evidence of the New World shook the foundations of the old, upsetting the authority of the ancient texts that had guided Europeans so far afield. What Anthony Grafton recounts is a war of ideas fought by mariners, scientists, publishers, and rulers over a period of 150 years. In colorful vignettes, published debates, and copious illustrations, we see these men and their contemporaries trying to make sense of their discoveries as they sometimes confirm, sometimes contest, and finally displace traditional notions of the world beyond Europe.
Джон Мак Фарагер 0.0
Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Biography for 1993

In the first and most reliable biography of Daniel Boone in more than fifty years, award-winning historian Faragher brilliantly portrays America's famous frontier hero. Drawing from popular narrative, the public record, scraps of documentation from Boone's own hand, and a treasure of reminiscence gathered by nineteenth-century antiquarians, Faragher uses the methods of new social history to create a portrait of the man and the times he helped shape. Blending themes from a much vitalized Western and frontier history with the words and ideas of ordinary people, Faragher has produced a book that will stand as the definitive life of Daniel Boone for decades to come, and one that illuminates the frontier world of Boone like no other.
Carolyn See
Премия Роберта Кирша
Carolyn See
1 книга
0 в избранном
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Питер Скерри 0.0
"Some of us have been here for three hundred years, some for three days." This comment, often repeated by Mexican Americans, affirms their status as one of America's oldest ethnic groups, as well as one of its newest and fastest growing. Not surprisingly, many observers (including some Mexican Americans) are concerned about the impact of the burgeoning number of Mexican immigrants on our society - anxieties exacerbated by leaders whose demands for bilingual schools and ballots challenge the goal of assimilation. Yet for Skerry the critical question is not whether Mexican immigrants will join the American mainstream, but how - on what terms. Those terms, he argues, will be forged in the political arena, where enormous changes have been wrought during the past twenty-five years. Gone are the strong local party organizations that once helped newcomers adapt. In their stead are nationalized parties with weak local roots, and civil rights efforts such as the Voting Rights Act, which offer Mexican Americans powerful incentives to define themselves not as an aspiring immigrant ethnic group but as a racially oppressed minority. These divergent political styles emerge from Skerry's comparison of the two American cities with the most visible Mexican American communities, San Antonio and Los Angeles. In Texas, where Mexican Americans have indeed been racially subjugated, traditional political institutions and effective community organizing have afforded them much political success, and moderated their deep-seated resentments. Paradoxicallyin California, where Mexican Americans have enjoyed considerable social and economic mobility, their political efforts have been much less successful andcharacterized by angry protest and racial claims. Noting that the California model of politics, detached from local communities and propelled by money and media, is setting the national norm. Skerry warns that Mexican Americans are being encouraged to dwell on the undeniable injustices
Марк Доути 0.0
A versatile, technically astute poet, Doty masterfully tackles themes of death, beauty and discovery in this collection. Particularly moving is "Days of 1981," in which he recalls the memory of his first gay lover--a sculptor he met in a bar. "Nothing was promised, nothing sustained/or lethal offered. I wish I'd kept the heart./Even the emblems of our own embarrassment/become acceptable to us, after a while." Doty derives much of his success by offering readers a full gulp of his longish verse, rather than teasing, incomplete sips. My Alexandria won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Poetry for 1993.
Наука и технология
Дэниел Макнил, Пол Фрейбергер 0.0
Fuzzy Logic is an eye-opening book - an exciting tour of a high-tech world where visionary computer scientists are inventing the future, and a disturbing lesson in shortsighted business practices. Imagine tossing your laundry into a "fuzzy" washing machine, pushing a button, and leaving thc machine to do the rest, from measuring out detergent to choosing a wash temperature. Imagine a microwave oven that watches over meals with more sensitivity than a human cook. Imagine a subway system that stops and starts so smoothly that passengers don't bother holding on to straps. Futuristic fantasy? No. In Japan, this is reality - and it's starting to explode into our marketplace. Lotfi Zadeh, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, invented fuzzy logic in 1964. Conventional logic divides the world into yes and no, black and white. Fuzzy logic deals in shades of gray. It can thus make computers think like people. But when Zadeh tried to sell his idea to the American academic community and to American companies, he met with ridicule and scorn. Only the Japanese saw the logic of fuzzy logic, and soon such companies as Matsushita and Sony will earn billions selling it back to us. And they will have a head start on the dazzling future possibilities of fuzzy logic: software that predicts the stock market based on the daily news, cars that drive themselves, sex robots with a humanlike repertoire of behavior, computers that understand and respond to normal human language, and molecule-size soldiers of health that roam the bloodstream, killing cancer cells and slowing the aging process. Fuzzy Logic is the compelling tale of this remarkable new technology and the fascinating people who made it happen. It is also the story of what it took for American business to catch on to fuzzy logic - and how it will soon affect the lives of every one of us.
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Пол Кафка-Гиббонс 0.0
A romantic, computer-age love story set in Paris and New Orleans. Young Dan Shoenfeld, spending a year abroad after college, falls in love with Bou and Margot, two women who happen to be in love with each other. Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for First Fiction, Paul Kafka's brilliant first novel is now available in paperback. Patricia Hampl writes, "Paul Kafka's enchanting novel brings a new dimension to the epistolary romance and a fresh face to the American in Paris. The city gleams and winks, seduces and betrays as if for the first time in this deftly written love story. It's a beauty-a crazy, unexpected, entirely winning tale: Paris love remembered by a young doctor on the milky computer screen of a New Orleans maternity ward at night. When Paul Kafka hits the Enter key to "save to memory," the story gets sent straight to the heart."
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Art Spiegelman 4.4
The second installment of the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel acclaimed as “the most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust” (Wall Street Journal) and “the first masterpiece in comic book history” (The New Yorker).

A brutally moving work of art—widely hailed as the greatest graphic novel ever written—Maus recounts the chilling experiences of the author’s father during the Holocaust, with Jews drawn as wide-eyed mice and Nazis as menacing cats.

Maus is a haunting tale within a tale, weaving the author’s account of his tortured relationship with his aging father into an astonishing retelling of one of history's most unspeakable tragedies. It is an unforgettable story of survival and a disarming look at the legacy of trauma.
Александр Стилл 0.0
A profoundly moving history of Italy’s Jews under the shadow of the Holocaust, told through the lives of five Jewish Italian families: the Ovazzas of Turin, who prospered under Mussolini and whose patriarch became a prominent fascist; the Foas of Turin, whose children included both an antifascist activist and a Fascist Party member; the Di Verolis of Rome, who struggled for survival in the ghetto; the Teglios of Genoa, one of whom worked with the Catholic church to save hundreds of Jews; and the Schonheits of Ferrara, who were sent to Buchenwald and Ravensbruck. An extraordinary montage that resurrects a forgotten and tragic era.
Бланш Визен Кук 0.0
Eleanor Roosevelt is an extensively researched, revisionist text which sings praises of one of this century's most revered and least understood women. Eleanor Roosevelt was born in 1884 into a prominent American family, but her childhood was often bitter. Her parents could not offer her the love and security she needed, and they died when she was very young. Raised by maternal relatives, she studied for a time in England, then fell in love with her cousin, Franklin Roosevelt. She seemed destined to be a socialite wife of a wealthy politician, and that is how her life has most often been interpreted. But Blanche Cook chronicles Eleanor Roosevelt's real life: her political agenda - often refreshingly at odds with the powerful political arena surrounding her husband - and her lifelong efforts on behalf of women, children, and workers. Equally compelling is the author's compassionate and revealing study of this remarkable woman's personal life. Although her abiding respect and love for her husband and children is central to her life, it is Eleanor Roosevelt's passionate friendships with the independent and sometimes radical women intellectuals of her time, and in particular, her intense relationship with Lorena Hickock, which underscore her deep commitment and struggle to create a separate and fulfilling life for herself. We are left in awe of this woman, this freethinking iconoclast who bucks tradition, and of Blanche Cook's inspired telling of Eleanor Roosevelt's first fifty years.
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Фрэнсис Фукуяма 5.0
THE GLOBAL BESTSELLER. STILL AS RELEVANT TODAY. 20th anniversary edition of The End of History and the Last Man, a landmark of political philosophy by Francis Fukuyama, author of The Origins of Political Order
'A fascinating historical and philosophical setting for the twenty-first century' - Tom Wolfe
'Was Francis Fukuyama the first man to see Trump coming?' - Paul Sagar
With the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 the threat of the Col
Адриенна Рич 0.0
The heart of Adrienne Rich's award-winning collection beats in its title sequence, 13 poems charting "An Atlas of the Difficult World." Like Atlas, who bears Earth on his shoulders, Rich bears--and wields--an enormous political consciousness. These poems find her struggling to say what is honest and true, resisting easy answers, having the ambition to risk everything; these are the energies for which her readers return. For example, after deriding as solipsistic the poetry of Richard Hugo, she writes:
I wonder if this is a white man's madness.
I honor your truth and refuse to leave it at that.
What have I learned from stories of the hunt, of lonely men in gangs?
But there were other stories...
Rich knows that mere political poetry has a quick expiration date. Her genius enables her to speak to the moment and to posterity simultaneously. "Catch if you can your country's moment, begin / where any calendar's ripped-off: Appomattox / Wounded Knee, Los Alamos / Selma, the last airlift from Saigon," she exhorts at one point, tuning the present to its history like Muriel Rukeyser or Ezra Pound. Early in the book Rich praises "those needed to teach, advise, persuade, weigh arguments ... the meticulous delicate work of reaching the heart of the desperate woman, the desperate man / --never-to-be-finished, still unbegun work of repair," but wonders who will continue this work in the America she has witnessed.
Наука и технология
Джаред Даймонд 4.2
От обезьяны к человеку - или, наоборот, от человека к обезьяне?
Неандертальцы и кроманьонцы - сосуществование или война?
Развитие речи - первый шаг к уничтожению себе подобных?
Кто-то поддерживает теорию Дарвина, кто-то нет, но можно ли в ней найти что-то новое? "Третий шимпанзе" Джареда Даймонда - неожиданный, парадоксальный взгляд на общепринятую парадигму. История наших прапредков предстает в его книге такой, какой мы не могли ее вообразить никогда и ни при каких обстоятельствах.
Премия Арта Сейденбаума за перву...
Дэррил Пинкни 0.0
High Cotton is an extraordinarily rich account of the dreams and inner turmoils of a new generation of the black upper middle class, capturing the essence of a part of American society that has mostly been ignored in literature. The novel's protagonist journeys from his childhood home in the midwest to college, a stint in New York publishing, and Europe, yet the issue of his "blackness" remains at the heart of his being.
Художественная литература
Allan Gurganus 0.0
In these eleven stories, Allan Gurganus--author of the highly acclaimed Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All--gives heartbreaking and hilarious voice to the fears, desires and triumphs of a grand cast of Americans.

Here are war heroes bewildered by the complex negotiations of family life, former debutantes called upon to muster resources they never knew they had, vacationing senior citizens confronted by their own bravery, and married men brought up short by the marvelous possibilities of entirely different lives. Written with flair, wit, and deep humanity, this award-winning volume confirms Allan Gurganus as one of the finest writers of our time.
Николас Леманн 0.0
A New York Times bestseller, the groundbreaking authoritative history of the migration of African-Americans from the rural South to the urban North. A definitive book on American history, The Promised Land is also essential reading for educators and policymakers at both national and local levels.
Т. Г. Уоткинс 0.0
An enormously readable yet impeccably researched biography of FDR's most visible (and volatile) New Dealer--a man whose life spanned the closing of the frontier and the opening of the American Imperium. Black-and-white photographs.
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Юджин Джозеф Дионн-младший 0.0
In this new edition of his national bestseller, E. J. Dionne brings up to date his influential proposals for a politics that can and must find a balance between rights and obligations, between responsibility and compassion.
From the New, Updated Introduction:
"At the heart of Why Americans Hate Politics is the view that ideas shape politics far more than most accounts of public life usually allow. I believe ideas matter not only to elites and intellectuals, but also to rank and file voters. Indeed, I often think that the rank and file see the importance of ideas more clearly than the elites, who often find themselves surprised by the rise of the movements that arise from the bottom up and shape our politics."
Филип Левин 0.0
Winner of the National Book Award in 1991

“This collection amounts to a hymn of praise for all the workers of America. These proletarian heroes, with names like Lonnie, Loo, Sweet Pea, and Packy, work the furnaces, forges, slag heaps, assembly lines, and loading docks at places with unglamorous names like Brass Craft or Feinberg and Breslin’s First-Rate Plumbing and Plating. Only Studs Terkel’s Working approaches the pathos and beauty of this book. But Levine’s characters are also significant for their inner lives, not merely their jobs. They are unusually artistic, living ‘at the borders of dreams.’ One reads The Tempest ‘slowly to himself’; another ponders a diagonal chalk line drawn by his teacher to suggest a triangle, the roof of a barn, or the mysterious separation of ‘the dark from the dark.’ What Work Is ranks as a major work by a major poet . . . very accessible and utterly American in tone and language.”
—Daniel L. Guillory, Library Journal
Наука и технология
Григорий Медведев 0.0
An exciting minute-by-minute account by a leading Soviet nuclear physicist of the world's largest nuclear disaster and coverup--Chernobyl, April 26, 1986. Grigori Medvedev was a chief engineer at Chernobyl during the 1970s. The Truth About Chernobyl won the Los Angeles Times Book Award and was featured on the front page of the New York Times Book Review.
Премия Арта Сейденбаума за перву...
Дэвид Вонг Луи 0.0
Cultures as well as generations clash in the funny and heartbreaking short stories that mark David Los Angeles Times Book Prize for First Fiction and the Ploughshares Award, Pangs of Love explores the bizarre contradictions inherent in assimilation.
Художественная литература
Эдна О'Брайен 0.0
Winner of the 1990 Los Angeles Times Book Review Prize for Fiction, Lantern Slides reveals the wit and passion of an author at the height of her powers. Rich and humorous, full of bitterness and despair, struggle and boldness, these twelve new stories resonate with O'Brien's artistry. "...Her stories are brilliantly realized, and often very funny".--Joyce Carol Oates. Advertising in New York and Los Angeles.
Ричард Флетчер 0.0
Rodrigo Diaz, the legendary warrior-knight of eleventh-century Castile known as El Cid, is remembered today as the Christian hero of the Spanish crusade who waged wars of re-conquest for the triumph of the Cross over the Crescent. He is still honored in Spain as a national hero for liberating the fatherland from the occupying Moors. Yet, as Richard Fletcher shows in this award-winning book, there are many contradictions between eleventh-century reality and the mythology that developed with the passing years.
By placing El Cid in a fresh, historical context, Fletcher shows us an adventurous soldier of fortune who was of a type, one of a number of "cids," or "bosses," who flourished in eleventh-century Spain. But the El Cid of legend--the national hero--was unique in stature even in his lifetime. Before his death El Cid was already celebrated in a poem written in tribute of the conquest of Almeria; posthumously he was immortalized in the great epic Poema de Mio Cid and became the centerpiece for countless other works of literature. When he died in Valencia in 1099, he was ruler of an independent principality he had carved for himself in Eastern Spain. Rather than the zealous Christian leader many believe him to have been, Rodrigo emerges in Fletcher's study as a mercenary equally at home in the feudal kingdoms of northern Spain and the exotic Moorish lands of the south, selling his martial skills to Christian and Muslim alike. Indeed, his very title derives from the Arabic word sayyid meaning "lord" or "master." And as there was little if any sense of Spanish nationhood in the eleventh century, he can hardly be credited for uniting a medieval Spanish nation.
In this ground-breaking inquiry into the life and times of El Cid, Fletcher disentangles fact from myth to create a striking portrait of an extraordinary man, clearly showing how and why legend transformed him into something he was not during his life. A fascinating journey through a turbulent epoch, The Quest for El Cid is filled with the excitement of discovery, and will delight readers interested not only in Spanish history and literature, but those who want to understand how myth can shape our perception of history.
Джеффри Уорд 0.0
This notable biography concentrates on character and personality rather than politics or policymaking. Beginning in 1905, with Franklin and Eleanor's honeymoon, it covers FDR's years as New York state senator, assistant secretary of the Navy, his early struggle to overcome the ravages of polio and ends with his election as governor of New York in 1928. Ward not only traces the development of Roosevelt's "first-class temperament" but provides dimensional characterizations of friends, enemies and family members, gallantly defending FDR's often-maligned mother, Sara, and revealing the effect on the Roosevelt children of the tensions between Franklin and Eleanor. FDR's jaunty, fun-loving nature and his "breezy duplicity" are brought into focus in the early sections, but the tone deepens in the moving account of the future president's valiant but hopeless attempt to regain the use of his legs. Going against the accepted legend, Ward maintains that "the Roosevelt who could not walk was in most respects very like the one who could."
Czeslaw Milosz
Премия Роберта Кирша
Czeslaw Milosz
6 книг
0 в избранном
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О. Б. Хардисон-мл. 0.0
Every so often a writer finds a way of reinterpreting the cosmos, of guiding readers through new fields of knowledge to transcendent understanding. Hardison is just such a writer, and Disappearing Through the Skylight is just such a book--a provocative, groundbreaking work that changes the way we look at our world, our culture, and ourselves. 8 pages of full-color illustrations.
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Джейн С. Смит 0.0
For half a century the specter of polio stalked the nightmares of every parent. This richly detailed account of the development of a successful vaccine against polio describes how a small laboratory experiment became a national event of a size and complexity never seen before.
Художественная литература
Фэй Уэлдон 0.0
At 6.30pm one Thursday, Natalie Harris's world fell apart when she discovered her husband, Harry Harris, had eloped with Miss Eddon Gurney 1978. Natalie is utterly abandoned in the heart of the country, but then she meets Sonia and her life is changed forever.
From the bestselling author of The Lives and Loves of a She-Devil and The Cloning of Joanna May.
Нил Гэблер 2.8
Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Award for history, this "wonderful history of the golden age of the movie moguls" (Chicago Tribune ) is a provocative, original, and richly entertaining group biography of the Jewish immigrants who were the moving forces behind the creation of America's motion picture industry.
Tobias Wolff 3.8
This unforgettable memoir, by one of our most gifted writers, introduces us to the young Toby Wolff, by turns tough and vulnerable, crafty and bumbling, and ultimately winning. Separated by divorce from his father and brother, Toby and his mother are constantly on the move, yet they develop an extraordinarily close, almost telepathic relationship. As Toby fights for identity and self-respect against the unrelenting hostility of a new stepfather, his experiences are at once poignant and comical, and Wolff does a masterful job of re-creating the frustrations and cruelties of adolescence. His various schemes - running away to Alaska, forging checks, and stealing cars - lead eventually to an act of outrageous self-invention that releases him into a new world of possibility.
Карл Шапиро
Премия Роберта Кирша
Карл Шапиро / Karl Shapiro
1 произведение
0 в избранном
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BookRags 0.0
Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954 - 1963 Study Guide consists of approx. 147 pages of summaries and analysis on Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954 - 1963 by Taylor Branch.

This study guide includes the following sections: Plot Summary, Chapter Summaries & Analysis, Characters, Objects/Places, Themes, Style, Quotes, and Topics for Discussion.
Дональд Холл 0.0
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award in poetry, this serious, ambitious, and graceful book-length poem is the masterwork of one of America's foremost contemporary poets.
Наука и технология
Frans de Waal 0.0
Does biology condemn the human species to violence and war? Previous studies of animal behavior incline us to answer yes, but the message of this book is considerably more optimistic. Without denying our heritage of aggressive behavior, Frans de Waal describes powerful checks and balances in the makeup of our closest animal relatives, and in so doing he shows that to humans making peace is as natural as making war.

In this meticulously researched and absorbing account, we learn in detail how different types of simians cope with aggression, and how they make peace after fights. Chimpanzees, for instance, reconcile with a hug and a kiss, whereas rhesus monkeys groom the fur of former adversaries. By objectively examining the dynamics of primate social interactions, de Waal makes a convincing case that confrontation should not be viewed as a barrier to sociality but rather as an unavoidable element upon which social relationships can be built and strengthened through reconciliation.

The author examines five different species--chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, stump-tailed monkeys, bonobos, and humans--and relates anecdotes, culled from exhaustive observations, that convey the intricacies and refinements of simian behavior. Each species utilizes its own unique peacemaking strategies. The bonobo, for example, is little known to science, and even less to the general public, but this rare ape maintains peace by means of sexual behavior divorced from reproductive functions; sex occurs in all possible combinations and positions whenever social tensions need to be resolved. "Make love, not war" could be the bonobo slogan.

De Waal's demonstration of reconciliation in both monkeys and apes strongly supports his thesis that forgiveness and peacemaking are widespread among nonhuman primates--an aspect of primate societies that should stimulate much needed work on human conflict resolution.
Художественная литература
Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес 4.2
История любви, побеждающей все - время и пространство, жизненные невзгоды и даже несовершенство человеческой души. Смуглая красавица Фермина отвергла юношескую любовь друга детства Флорентино Арисы и предпочла стать супругой доктора Хувеналя Урбино, - ученого, мечтающего избавить испанские колонии от их смертоносного бича - чумы. Но Флорентино не теряет надежды. Он ждет - ждет и любит. И неистовая сила его любви лишь крепнет с годами. Такая любовь достойна восхищения. О ней слагают песни и легенды. Страсть - как смысл жизни. Верность - как суть самого бытия...
Эрик Фонер 0.0
This "masterful treatment of one of the most complex periods of American history" (New Republic) made history when it was originally published in 1988. It redefined how Reconstruction was viewed by historians and people everywhere in its chronicling of how Americans -- black and white -- responded to the unprecedented changes unleashed by the war and the end of slavery. This "smart book of enormous strengths" (Boston Globe) has since gone on to become the classic work on the wrenching post-Civil War period -- an era whose legacy reverberates still today in the United States.
Бренда Мэддокс 0.0
In 1904, having known each other for only three months, a young woman named Nora Barnacle and a not yet famous writer named James Joyce left Ireland together for Europe -- unwed. So began a deep and complex partnership, and eventually a marriage, which endured for thirty-seven years.
This is the true story of Nora, the woman who, transformed by Joyce's imagination, became Molly Bloom, arguably the most famous female character in twentieth-century literature. It is also the story of Ireland, a social history encapsulated in the vivid recreation of Joyce and his small Irish entourage abroad. Ultimately it is the portrait of a relationship -- of Nora's complicated, committed, and at times shocking relationship with a hardworking, hard drinking genius and with his work.
In NORA: THE REAL LIFE OF MOLLY BLOOM, the award-winning biographer Brenda Maddox has given us a powerful new lens through which to see both James Joyce and the woman who was in turn his inspiration and his salvation.
Том Ганн
Премия Роберта Кирша
Том Ганн / Thomson William Gunn
2 книги
1 в избранном
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Уильям Грейдер 0.0
This ground-breaking best-seller reveals for the first time how the mighty and mysterious Federal Reserve operates -- and how it manipulated and transformed both the American economy and the world's during the last eight crucial years. Based on
Ричард Уилбур 0.0
This volume represents virtually all of Wilbur’s published poetry to date, including his six earlier collections, twenty-seven new poems, and a cantata. Winner of the 1989 Pulitzer Prize and the Los Angeles Times Book Award for Poetry.
Художественная литература
Джеймс Уэлч 0.0
Set in Montana shortly after the Civil War, this novel tells of White Man's Dog (later known as Fools Crow so called after he killed the chief of the Crows during a raid), a young Blackfeet Indian on the verge of manhood, and his band, known as the Lone Eaters. The invasion of white society threatens to change their traditional way of life, and they must choose to fight or assimilate.

The story is a powerful portrait of a fading way of life. The story culminates with the historic Marias Massacre of 1870, in which the U.S. Cavalry mistakenly killed a friendly band of Blackfeet, consisting mostly of non-combatants.

"A major contribution to Native American literature." -- Wallace Stegner.
Кеннет Шайлер Линн 0.0
Ernest Hemingway was a mythic figure of overt masculinity and vibrant literary genius. He lived life on an epic scale, presenting to the world a character as compelling as the fiction he created. But behind it all lurked an insecure, troubled man. In this immensely powerful and revealing study, Kenneth S. Lynn explores the many tragic facets that both nurtured Hemingway's work and eroded his life. Masterfully written, Hemingway brings to life the writer whose desperate struggle to exorcise his demons produced some of the greatest American fiction of this century.
Пол Хорган
Премия Роберта Кирша
Пол Хорган / Paul Horgan
1 книга
1 в избранном
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Ричард Докинз 4.3
Как работает естественный отбор? Является ли он достаточным объяснением сложности живых организмов? Возможно ли, чтобы слепая, неуправляемая сила создала столь сложные устройства, как человеческий глаз или эхолокационный аппарат у летучих мышей? Еще Дарвин убедительно ответил на эти вопросы, а наука с каждым новым десятилетием предоставляет все больше доказательств его правоты, но многие по-прежнему в ней сомневаются. Книга знаменитого английского биолога, популяризатора науки и борца с креационизмом Ричарда Докинза «Слепой часовщик» защищает эволюционный взгляд на мир и развенчивает мифы, существующие вокруг дарвиновской теории. Впрочем, Докинз никогда не ограничивается одной проблемой конкретной научной дисциплины — в конечном счете он говорит о философских основах научного мировоззрения в целом. Остроумие и широкая эрудиция автора позволяют ему легко оперировать примерами из самых разных областей — от компьютерного программирования до Шекспира, и это, вероятно, тоже сыграло свою роль в том, что «Слепой часовщик» уже почти три десятка лет остается бестселлером.
Художественная литература
Маргарет Этвуд 3.8
В дивном новом мире женщины не имеют права владеть собственностью, работать, любить, читать и писать. Они не могут бегать по утрам, устраивать пикники и вечеринки, им запрещено вторично выходить замуж. Им оставлена лишь одна функция. Фредова — Служанка. Один раз в день она может выйти за покупками, но ни разговаривать, ни вспоминать ей не положено. Раз в месяц она встречается со своим хозяином - Командором - и молится, чтобы от их соития получился здоровый ребенок. Потому что в дивном новом мире победившего христианского фундаментализма Служанка — всего-навсего сосуд воспроизводства. Обжигающий нервы роман лауреата Букеровской премии Маргарет Этвуд "Рассказ Служанки" — убедительная панорама будущего, которое может начаться завтра.
Джеффри Хоскинг 0.0
The First Socialist Society is the compelling and often tragic history of what Soviet citizens have lived through from 1917 to the present, told with great sympathy and perception. It ranges over the changing lives of peasants, urban workers, and professionals; the interaction of Soviet autocrats with the people; the character and role of religion, law, education, and literature within Soviet society; and the significance and fate of various national groups. As the story unfolds, we come to understand how the ideas of Marxism have been changed, taking on almost unrecognizable forms by unique political and economic circumstances.

Hosking's analysis of this vast and complex country begins by asking how it was that the first socialist revolution took place in backward, autocratic Russia. Why were the Bolsheviks able to seize power and hold on to it? The core of the book lies in the years of Stalin's rule: how did he exercise such unlimited power, and how did the various strata of society survive and come to terms with his tyranny?

The later chapters recount Khrushchev's efforts to reform the worst features of Stalinism, and the unpredictable effects of his attempts within the East European satellite countries, bringing out elements of socialism that had been obscured or overlaid in the Soviet Union itself. And in the aftermath of the long Brezhnev years of stagnation and corruption, the question is posed: can Soviet society find a way to modify the rigidities inherited from the Stalinist past?
Мейнард Мак 0.0
Winner of the Christian Gauss Award of Phi Beta Kappa and the Robert Kirsch Award of the Los Angeles Times.
The noted Yale scholar and critic offers a complete biography of the great eighteenth-century poet, elucidating his skills as a doubly disadvantaged individual and his triumphs as a poet and spokesman for his times.
Кей Бойл
Премия Роберта Кирша
Кей Бойл / Kay Boyle
6 книг
1 в избранном
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Джозеф Леливельд 0.0
The complexities of South Africa are illuminated upon in this acclaimed work that takes a close, clear look at the strange realities within that country.
Derek Walcott 0.0
This remarkable collection, which won the 1986 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Poetry, includes most of the poems from each of Derek Walcott's seven prior books of verse and all of his long autobiographical poem, "Another Life." The 1992 Nobel Laureate in Literature, Walcott has been producing--for several decades--a poetry with all the beauty, wisdom, directness, and narrative force of our classic myths and fairy tales, and in this hefty volume readers will find a full record of his important endeavor. "Walcott's virutes as a poet are extraordinary," James Dickey wrote in The New York Times Book Review. "He could turn his attention on anything at all and make it live with a reality beyond its own; through his fearless language it becomes not only its acquired life, but the real one, the one that lasts . . . Walcott is spontaneous, headlong, and inventive beyond the limits of most other poets now writing."
Художественная литература
Louise Erdrich 5.0
The first book in Louise Erdrich's highly acclaimed "Native American" trilogy that includes "The Beet Queen," "Tracks," and "The Bingo Palace," re-sequenced and expanded to include never-before-published chapters.

Set on and around a North Dakota Ojibwe reservation, Love Medicine is the epic story about the intertwined fates of two families: the Kashpaws and the Lamartines.

With astonishing virtuosity, each chapter draws on a range of voices to limn its tales. Black humor mingles with magic, injustice bleeds into betrayal, and through it all, bonds of love and family marry the elements into a tightly woven whole that pulses with the drama of life.

Filled with humor, magic, injustice and betrayal, Erdrich blends family love and loyalty in a stunning work of dramatic fiction.
Эван Шелби Коннелл 0.0
Custer's Last Stand is among the most enduring events in American history--more than one hundred years after the fact, books continue to be written and people continue to argue about even the most basic details surrounding the Little Bighorn. Evan S. Connell, whom Joyce Carol Oates has described as "one of our most interesting and intelligent American writers," wrote what continues to be the most reliable--and compulsively readable--account of the subject. Connell makes good use of his meticulous research and novelist's eye for the story and detail to re-vreate the heroism, foolishness, and savagery of this crucial chapter in the history of the West.
Майкл Скаммелл 0.0
A comprehensive picture of the man . . . exemplary industry and tact. . . balanced judgment. . . This superb biography will certainly be the standard account of the most remarkable literary life story of our time

Never in this long book is there a point when the reader should want to put it down . . . Narrative, analysis, description and speculation flow into one another painlessly ... To attain such momentum and write so vast a chunk of prose with the minimum of stylistic infelicity deserves high praise

Scammell has scored a remarkable success in this massive but always readable biography

This magnificent blockbuster of a book ... is a biography written to the scale of both man and writer

'A major achievement, cool, deeply serious, and immensely detailed

May well be one of the great books of our time

A sustained piece of very skilful writing . . . consistent accessibility and maintenance of the reader s interest
Джанет Льюис
Премия Роберта Кирша
Джанет Льюис / Janet Lewis
2 книги
0 в избранном
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Уильям М. Салливан, Стивен М. Типтон, Роберт Белла, Ричард Мэдсен, Энн Свидлерпоказать всех 0.0
Meanwhile, the authors' antidote to the American sickness—a quest for democratic community that draws on our diverse civic and religious traditions—has contributed to a vigorous scholarly and popular debate. Attention has been focused on forms of social organization, be it civil society, democratic communitarianism, or associative democracy, that can humanize the market and the administrative state. In their new Introduction the authors relate the argument of their book both to the current realities of American society and to the growing debate about the country's future. With this new edition one of the most influential books of recent times takes on a new immediacy.
Художественная литература
Милан Кундера 3.8
«Невыносимая легкость бытия» (1984) — самый знаменитый роман Милана Кундеры, которым зачитываются все новые и новые поколения читателей, открывающих для себя вершины литературы XX века.
Robert Darnton 4.4
When the apprentices of a Paris printing shop in the 1730s held a series of mock trials and then hanged all the cats they could lay their hands on, why did they find it so hilariously funny that they choked with laughter when they reenacted it in pantomime some twenty times? Why in the eighteenth-century version of Little Red Riding Hood did the wolf eat the child at the end? What did the anonymous townsman of Montpelier have in mind when he kept an exhaustive dossier on all the activities of his native city? These are some of the provocative questions Robert Darnton answers in this classic work of European history in what we like to call "The Age of Enlightenment".
Эрнст Павел 0.0
A comprehensive and interpretative biography of Franz Kafka that is both a monumental work of scholarship and a vivid, lively evocation of Kafka's world.
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Jane Jacobs 0.0
"Learned, iconoclastic and exciting...Jacobs' diagnosis of the decay of cities in an increasingly integrated world economy is on the mark."— New York Times Book Review

"Jacobs' book is inspired, idiosyncratic and personal...It is written with verve and humor; for a work of embattled theory, it is wonderfully concrete, and its leaps are breathtaking."— Los Angeles Times

"Not only comprehensible but entertaining...Like Mrs. Jacobs' other books, it offers a concrete approach to an abstract and elusive subject. That, all by itself, makes for an intoxicating experience."— New York Times
Charles Olson 0.0
Praised by his contemporaries and emulated by his successors, Charles Olson (1910-1970) was declared by William Carlos Williams to be "a major poet with a sweep of understanding of the world, a feeling for other men that staggers me." This complete edition brings together the three volumes of Olson's long poem (originally published in 1960, 1968, and 1975) in an authoritative version.
Художественная литература
Томас Кенилли 4.5
"Тот, кто спас единственную жизнь, спас весь мир" — эти слова из Талмуда написали заключенные на кольце, которое подарили своему спасителю — Оскару Шиндлеру. Человеку, который избавил от мученической смерти больше тысячи людей.

"Немецкий бонвиван, ловкий делец, обаятельная личность, полная противоречий" — так пишет о своем герое Кенилли.

Да, Оскар Шиндлер не был святым, но стал — Праведником Мира. О нем помнят не только те, кто обязан ему жизнью, не только их дети и внуки — нет в мире человека, который не слышал бы это имя и не преклонялся перед скромным мужеством Шиндлера.

В 1993 году Стивен Спилберг снял по роману Томаса Кенилли фильм, который стал одним из самых значительных произведений мирового кинематографа и удостоен семи премий "Оскар".
Фернан Бродель 0.0
The subject of The Wheels of Commerce is the development of mechanisms of exchange—shops, markets, trade networks, and banking—in the pre-industrial stages of capitalism.
М. Ф. К. Фишер
Премия Роберта Кирша
М. Ф. К. Фишер / Mary Frances Kennedy Fisher
6 книг
0 в избранном
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Уокер Перси 0.0
Walker Percy's mordantly funny and wholly original contribution to the self-help book craze deals with the Western mind's tendency toward heavy abstraction. This favorite of Percy fans continues to charm and beguile readers of all tastes and backgrounds. Lost in the Cosmos invites us to think about how we communicate with our world.
Джеймс Меррилл 0.0
James Merrill’s audacious and dazzling epic poem, The Changing Light at Sandover, remains as startling today as when it first emerged in separate volumes over a period of several years. Individual parts won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, and the entire poem, when it was collected into one volume in 1982, won the National Book Critics Circle Award. It is now an American classic, here in a definitive new hardcover edition that includes Voices from Sandover, Merrill’s recasting of the poem for the stage. The book carries us to the scene of Merrill’s Ouija board sessions with his partner, David Jackson—the candlelit Stonington dining room with its flame-colored walls and the famous Willowware cup they used as a pointer in their occult travels. In a shimmering interplay of verse forms, Merrill set down their extended conversations with their familiar and guide, Ephraim (a first-century Greek Jew), W. H. Auden, W. B. Yeats, Plato, a brilliant peacock named Mirabell, and other old friends who had passed to the other side. JM (whom the spirits call “scribe”) and DJ (“hand”) are also introduced to the lonely eminence God B (“God Biology”), his sister Mother Nature, and a host of angels and lesser residents of the empyrean who are variously involved in the ways of this world.
The laughter, the missteps, and the schoolroom frustrations of the earthly pair’s gradual enlightenment make this otherworldly journey, finally, an utterly human one. A unique exploration of the writer’s role in a postatomic, postreligious age, Sandover has been compared to the work of Yeats, Proust, Milton, and Blake. Merrill’s tale of the joys and tragedies of man’s powers, and his message about the importance of our endangered efforts to make a good life on earth, will stand as one of the most profound experiences available to readers of poetry
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Роберт Стоун 3.5
Данная история - это своеобразная загадка, поставленная читателю, и обычной логикой ее не разгадать, до самой последней страницы. Замечательно то, что параллельно с сюжетом встречаются ноты сатиры, которые сгущают изображение порой даже до нелепости, и доводят образ до крайности. Кажется невероятным, но совершенно отчетливо и в высшей степени успешно передано словами неуловимое, волшебное, редчайшее и крайне доброе настроение. При помощи ускользающих намеков, предположений, неоконченных фраз, чувствуется стремление подвести читателя к финалу, чтобы он был естественным, желанным. Обильное количество метафор, которые повсеместно использованы в тексте, сделали сюжет живым и сочным. Произведение, благодаря мастерскому перу автора, наполнено тонкими и живыми психологическими портретами. Написано настолько увлекательно и живо, что все картины и протагонисты запоминаются на долго и даже спустя довольно долгое время, моментально вспоминаются. Одну из важнейших ролей в описании окружающего мира играет цвет, он ощутимо изменяется во время смены сюжетов. Гармоничное взаимодополнение конфликтных эпизодов с внешней окружающей реальностью, лишний раз подтверждают талант и мастерство литературного гения. Просматривается актуальная во все времена идея превосходства добра над злом, света над тьмой с очевидной победой первого и поражением второго.
Джонатан Д. Спенс 0.0
“A milestone in Western studies of China.” (John K. Fairbank)

In this masterful, highly original approach to modern Chinese history, Jonathan D. Spence shows us the Chinese revolution through the eyes of its most articulate participants—the writers, historians, philosophers, and insurrectionists who shaped and were shaped by the turbulent events of the twentieth century. By skillfully combining literary materials with more conventional sources of political and social history, Spence provides an unparalleled look at China and her people and offers valuable insight into the continuing conflict between the implacable power of the state and the strivings of China's artists, writers, and thinkers.
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Джонатан Шелл 0.0
When Jonathan Schell heard all that loose talk about attainment of objectives in a limited nuclear war, it was too much for him. He did what all of us would like to do: he wrote a book. It's very pessimistic. The mere presence of all those weapons is enough to ensure that sometime, somewhere, someone is going to set one off. Schell makes sure all of us know the horrendous possibilities of a nuclear exchange & all the reasons for bringing such possibilities to a halt. Everyone agrees. The question is, how do we get these monsters under control?
A republic of insects & grass
The second death
The choice
Allen Ginsberg 0.0
Plutonian Ode: Title poem combines scientific info on 24,000-year cycle of the Great Year compared with equal half-life of Plutonium waste, accounting Homeric formula for appeasing underground millionaire Pluto Lord of Death, jack in the gnostic box of Aeons, and Adamantine Truth of ordinary mind inspiration, unhexing nuclear ministry of fear. Following poems chronologies Wyoming grass blues, a punk-rock sonnet, personal grave musing, Manhattan landscape hypertension, lovelorn heart thumps, mantric rhymes, Neruda’s tearful Lincoln ode retranslated to U.S. vernacular oratory, Nagasaki Bomb anniversary haikus, Zen Bluegrass raunch, free verse demystification of sacred fame, Reznikoffian filial epiphanies, hot pants Skeltonic doggerel, a Kerouackian New Year’s eve ditty, professional homework, New Jersey quatrains, scarecrow haiku, improvised dice roll for high school kids, English rock-and-roll sophistications, an old love glimpse, little German movies, old queen conclusions, a tender renaissance song, ode to hero-flop, Peace protest prophecies, Lower East Side snapshots, national flashed in the Buddhafields, Sapphic stanzas in quantitative idiom, look out at the bedroom window, feverish birdbrain verses from Eastern Europe for chanting with electric bands, Beethovinean ear strophes drowned in rain, a glance at Cloud Castle, poems 1977-1980 end with International new wave hit lyric Capitol Air

"“Plutonian Ode” has the best of intentions . . . [I]t is perhaps the most complete package of political action from poem to protest." —Marc Olmstead, Sensitive Skin Magazine

Famous Beat poet Allen Ginsberg was born June 3, 1926, the son of Naomi Ginsberg, Russian émigré, and Louis Ginsberg, lyric poet and school teacher, in Paterson, N.J. To these facts Ginsberg adds: "High school in Paterson till 17, Columbia College, merchant marine, Texas and Denver copyboy, Times Square, amigos in jail, dishwashing, book reviews, Mexico City, market research, Satori in Harlem, Yucatan and Chiapas 1954, West Coast 3 years. Later Arctic Sea trip, Tangier, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris, read at Oxford Harvard Columbia Chicago, quit, wrote "Kaddish" 1959, made tape to leave behind & fade in Orient awhile." His other famous poetry collections including The Fall of America, Howl, Mind Breaths, Plutonian Ode, and Reality Sandwiches are also published by City Lights Publishers.
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Дональд Майкл Томас 3.8
Вашему вниманию предлагается один из самых знаменитых романов современной английской литературы. Шокировавший современников откровенностью интимного содержания, моментально ставший бестселлером, вошедший в шорт-лист Букеровской премии и переведенный на тридцать языков, «Белый отель» строится как история болезни одной пациентки Зигмунда Фрейда. Прослеживая ее судьбу, роман касается самых болезненных точек нашей общей истории и вызывает у привыкшего, казалось бы, уже ко всему читателя эмоциональное потрясение.

Лишь мистическим совпадением можно объяснить то, что «Белый отель» до сих пор не добрался до большого экрана — хотя интерес к его постановке в разное время проявляли Бернардо Бертолуччи и Эмир Кустурица, Дэвид Линч и Педро Альмодовар, Теренс Малик и Дэвид Кроненберг, а на главные роли заявлялись Энтони Хопкинс, Мерил Стрип, Барбра Стрейзанд, Изабелла Росселлини, Жюльет Бинош. Ну а после того, как при таинственных обстоятельствах умерли сперва актриса Бриттани Мёрфи, а затем и ее муж режиссер Саймон Монджек, затеявшие новую попытку экранизации этого произведения современной классики, стали поговаривать о «голливудском проклятии „Белого отеля“»…
David McCullough 0.0
Mornings on Horseback: The Story of an Extraordinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life, and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt is the brilliant biography of the young Theodore Roosevelt. Hailed as a masterpiece by Newsday, it also won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Biography. Now with a new introduction by the author, Mornings on Horseback is reprinted as a Simon & Schuster Classic Edition.
Mornings on Horseback is about the world of the young Theodore Roosevelt. It is the story of a remarkable little boy, seriously handicapped by recurrent and nearly fatal attacks of asthma, and his struggle to manhood: an amazing metamorphosis seen in the context of the very uncommon household (and rarefied social world) in which he was raised.

His father is the first Theodore Roosevelt, "Greatheart," a figure of unbounded energy, enormously attractive and selfless, a god in the eyes of his small, frail namesake. His mother, Mittie Bulloch Roosevelt, is a Southerner and celebrated beauty, but also considerably more, which the book makes clear as never before. There are sisters Anna and Corinne, brother Elliott (who becomes the father of Eleanor Roosevelt), and the lovely, tragic Alice Lee, Teddy Roosevelt's first love. And while such disparate figures as Abraham Lincoln, Mrs. John Jacob Astor, and Senator Roscoe Conkling play a part, it is this diverse and intensely human assemblage of Roosevelts, all brought to vivid life, which gives the book its remarkable power.

The book spans seventeen years � from 1869 when little "Teedie" is ten, to 1886 when, as a hardened "real life cowboy," he returns from the West to pick up the pieces of a shattered life and begin anew, a grown man, whole in body and spirit. The story does for Teddy Roosevelt what Sunrise at Campobello did for FDR � reveals the inner man through his battle against dreadful odds.

Like David McCullough's The Great Bridge, also set in New York, this is at once an enthralling story, with all the elements of a great novel, and a penetrating character study. It is brilliant social history and a work of important scholarship, which does away with several old myths and breaks entirely new ground. For the first time, for example, Roosevelt's asthma is examined closely, drawing on information gleaned from private Roosevelt family papers and in light of present-day knowledge of the disease and its psychosomatic aspects.

At heart it is a book about life intensely lived...about family love and family loyalty...about courtship and childbirth and death, fathers and sons...about winter on the Nile in the grand manner and Harvard College...about gutter politics in washrooms and the tumultuous Republican Convention of 1884...about grizzly bears, grief and courage, and "blessed" mornings on horseback at Oyster Bay or beneath the limitless skies of the Badlands. "Black care rarely sits behind a rider whose pace is fast enough," Roosevelt once wrote. It is the key to his life and to much that is so memorable in this magnificent book.
Райт Марион Моррис
Премия Роберта Кирша
Райт Марион Моррис / Wright Marion Morris
4 книги
1 в избранном
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Хакобо Тимерман 0.0
The exiled Argentine newspaper publisher details his advocacy of human rights, his 1977 arrest, his thirtymonths of imprisonment, interrogation, and torture, the revocation of his citizenship, and his expulsion from Argentina.
Нтозаке Шенге 0.0
In these three plays, the author brilliantly recasts traditional traditional forms to capture the essence of the lives of black people.
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Уокер Перси 0.0
This is the story of an unusual relationship that helps restore two struggling people to a new life: Will Barrett, a depressed widower, and Allison, the girl in the greenhouse who has just escaped from a mental institution.
Рональд Стил 0.0
The journalist Walter Lippmann (1889-1974) was a magisterial figure who relished his role as an insider, an adviser to presidents, a shaper & sometime purveyor of government policy. Drawing on conversations with Lippmann & exclusive access to his private papers, Ronald Steel documents the broad flow of Lippmann's career from his brilliant Harvard days & his role in helping formulate Wilson's Fourteen Points in World War I to his bitter break with Lyndon Johnson over Vietnam. Written with clarity & objectivity, this definitive biography presents a commanding portrait of a complicated man & "guides its reader through the first three-quarters of this American century"--The New Yorker.
Роберт Келли 0.0
Everything that ought to be known about Robert Kelly can be found in his books, of which this is the fortieth.
From "The Court Painter":

How can I show you the truth of
anyone without his face you ask?
The face is the last thing I paint,
& the least important.
It is there to trick the subject
into thinking he is one,
that he has been 'represented.'
But where he is is in a fold
of cape, shadow of a label,
wrinkle between elbow & those wide
gold stripes that tell how great he is
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