Вручение 2016 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 2016 г.

Художественная литература

Adam Haslett 3.7
When Margaret's fiancé, John, is hospitalized for depression in 1960s London, she faces a choice: carry on with their plans despite what she now knows of his condition, or back away from the suffering it may bring her. She decides to marry him. Imagine Me Gone is the unforgettable story of what unfolds from this act of love and faith. At the heart of it is their eldest son, Michael, a brilliant, anxious music fanatic who makes sense of the world through parody. Over the span of decades, his younger siblings -- the savvy and responsible Celia and the ambitious and tightly controlled Alec -- struggle along with their mother to care for Michael's increasingly troubled and precarious existence.

Told in alternating points of view by all five members of the family, this searing, gut-wrenching, and yet frequently hilarious novel brings alive with remarkable depth and poignancy the love of a mother for her children, the often inescapable devotion siblings feel toward one another, and the legacy of a father's pain in the life of a family.

With his striking emotional precision and lively, inventive language, Adam Haslett has given us something rare: a novel with the power to change how we see the most important people in our lives.
Garth Greenwell 3.3
On an unseasonably warm autumn day, an American teacher enters a public bathroom beneath Sofia’s National Palace of Culture. There he meets Mitko, a charismatic young hustler, and pays him for sex. He returns to Mitko again and again over the next few months, drawn by hunger and loneliness and risk, and finds himself ensnared in a relationship in which lust leads to mutual predation, and tenderness can transform into violence. As he struggles to reconcile his longing with the anguish it creates, he’s forced to grapple with his own fraught history, the world of his southern childhood where to be queer was to be a pariah. There are unnerving similarities between his past and the foreign country he finds himself in, a country whose geography and griefs he discovers as he learns more of Mitko’s own narrative, his private history of illness, exploitation, and want.

What Belongs to You is a stunning debut novel of desire and its consequences. With lyric intensity and startling eroticism, Garth Greenwell has created an indelible story about the ways in which our pasts and cultures, our scars and shames can shape who we are and determine how we love.
Lydia Millet 0.0
Blending domestic thriller and psychological horror, this compelling page-turner follows a mother fleeing her estranged husband.

Lydia Millet’s chilling new novel is the first-person account of a young mother, Anna, escaping her cold and unfaithful husband, a businessman who’s just launched his first campaign for political office. When Ned chases Anna and their six-year-old daughter from Alaska to Maine, the two go into hiding in a run-down motel on the coast. But the longer they stay, the less the guests in the dingy motel look like typical tourists—and the less Ned resembles a typical candidate. As his pursuit of Anna and their child moves from threatening to criminal, Ned begins to alter his wife’s world in ways she never could have imagined.

A double-edged and satisfying story with a strong female protagonist, a thrilling plot, and a creeping sense of the apocalyptic, Sweet Lamb of Heaven builds to a shattering ending with profound implications for its characters—and for all of us.
Зэди Смит 3.3
Делает ли происхождение человека от рождения ущербным, уменьшая его шансы на личное счастье? Этот вопрос в центре романа Зэди Смит, одного из самых известных британских писателей нового поколения.

"Время свинга" — история личного краха, описанная выпукло, талантливо, с полным пониманием законов общества и тонкостей человеческой психологии. Героиня романа, проницательная, рефлексирующая, образованная девушка, спасаясь от скрытого расизма и неблагополучной жизни, разрывает с домом и бежит в мир поп-культуры, загоняя себя в ловушку, о существовании которой она даже не догадывается.

Смит тем самым говорит: в мире не на что положиться, даже семья и близкие не дают опоры. Человек остается один с самим собой, и, какой бы он выбор ни сделал, это не принесет счастья и удовлетворения. За меланхоличным письмом автора кроется бездна отчаяния.
Дана Спиотта 0.0
From “a major, unnervingly intelligent writer” (Joy Williams)…“rich, funny, learned, and tonally fresh” (Jeffrey Eugenides), comes a novel about aspiration, film, work, and love.

Dana Spiotta’s new novel is about two women, best friends, who grow up in LA in the 80s and become filmmakers. Meadow and Carrie have everything in common—except their views on sex, power, movie-making, and morality. Their lives collide with Jelly, a loner whose most intimate experience is on the phone. Jelly is older, erotic, and mysterious. She cold calls powerful men and seduces them not through sex but through listening. She invites them to reveal themselves, and they do.

Spiotta is “a wonderfully gifted writer with an uncanny feel for the absurdities and sadnesses of contemporary life, and an unerring ear for how people talk and try to cope today” (The New York Times). Innocents and Others is her greatest novel—wise, artful, and beautiful.

Детектив / Триллер

Билл Беверли 4.0
It is the story of a young LA gang member named East, who is sent by his uncle along with some other teenage boys—including East's hothead younger brother—to kill a key witness hiding out in Wisconsin. The journey takes East out of a city he's never left and into an America that is entirely alien to him, ultimately forcing him to grapple with his place in the world and decide what kind of man he wants to become.
Written in stark and unforgettable prose and featuring an array of surprising and memorable characters rendered with empathy and wit, Dodgers heralds the arrival of a major new voice in American fiction.

Молодежная литература

Фрэнсис Хардинг 4.2
Отец Фейт – священник, путешественник и любитель древностей. Фейт обожает отца, а он доверяет ей свои секретные исследования. Отец берет ее с собой в пещеру, где сажает в землю привезенное издалека дерево. Это Дерево Лжи. На следующий день отец погибает, и Фейт предстоит узнать, было ли это самоубийство или все-таки убийство. Фейт придется поиграть и «договориться» с Деревом Лжи. А работает оно так: его листочкам необходимо нашептать какую-то ложь. Потом нужно сделать так, чтобы в эту ложь поверило как можно больше народа. Чем больше людей поверит, тем крупнее плод вырастет на ветках Дерева Лжи. Теперь можно съесть этот плод и узнать какую-то правду, соизмеримую с той ложью, что ты нашептал.

Фейт предстоит узнать, какую невероятную ложь придумал отец, готовясь узнать грандиозную правду от плодов Дерева Лжи.


Бенджамин Мэдли 0.0
Winner of the 2016 Los Angeles Times Book Award for History

New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice

“Gruesomely thorough. . . . Others have described some of these campaigns, but never in such strong terms and with so much blame placed directly on the United States government.”—Alexander Nazaryan, Newsweek

Between 1846 and 1873, California’s Indian population plunged from perhaps 150,000 to 30,000. Benjamin Madley is the first historian to uncover the full extent of the slaughter, the involvement of state and federal officials, the taxpayer dollars that supported the violence, indigenous resistance, who did the killing, and why the killings ended. This deeply researched book is a comprehensive and chilling history of an American genocide.

Madley describes pre-contact California and precursors to the genocide before explaining how the Gold Rush stirred vigilante violence against California Indians. He narrates the rise of a state-sanctioned killing machine and the broad societal, judicial, and political support for genocide. Many participated: vigilantes, volunteer state militiamen, U.S. Army soldiers, U.S. congressmen, California governors, and others. The state and federal governments spent at least $1,700,000 on campaigns against California Indians. Besides evaluating government officials’ culpability, Madley considers why the slaughter constituted genocide and how other possible genocides within and beyond the Americas might be investigated using the methods presented in this groundbreaking book.


Фолькер Ульрих 0.0
A major new biography - an extraordinary, penetrating study of the man who has become the personification of evil.

The enormous historical significance of Adolf Hitler, indisputably the most studied, infamous, and reviled person ever to live, has overshadowed the man behind the public persona. For decades, misconceptions about Hitler have percolated, with a common notion emerging that he was unintelligent, merely a political animal, with no normal social or romantic relationships to speak of. But to cast Hitler as purely a psychopathic monster is to ignore the facets of his personality that help explain his enigmatic hold on the German populace. With unprecedented nuance and insight, Volker Ullrich recounts Hitler's personal journey from childhood to his failures as a young man in Vienna to his service during the First World War to the missteps and successes in his consolidation of political power. In doing so, Ullrich deftly captures Hitler's canniness, instinctive grasp of politics, and gift for oratory as well as his megalomania, deep insecurity, and repulsive worldview.

In all the literature about Adolf Hitler, there have been just four seminal biographies; this is the fifth, a landmark work that draws on previously unseen papers and a wealth of recent scholarly research to shed important new light on Hitler himself. Many previous biographies have focused on the larger social conditions to help explain the rise of the Third Reich. Ullrich paints a vivid and comprehensive portrait of a postwar Germany humiliated by defeat, wracked by a Weimar political crisis, and starved by an economic depression, but his real gift is to show vividly how Hitler used his ruthlessness and political talent to shape the Nazi Party and lead it to power. For decades the world has grappled with how Hitler and the Third Reich were possible. By illuminating the man at the center of it all - how he experienced his world, formed his political beliefs, and wielded his power - this riveting and chilling biography brings us closer than ever to the answer.
Клэр Харман 5.0
A groundbreaking biography that places an obsessive, unrequited love at the heart of the writer's life story, transforming her from the tragic figure we have previously known into a smoldering Jane Eyre.

Famed for her beloved novels, Charlotte Brontë has been known as well for her insular, tragic family life. The genius of this biography is that it delves behind this image to reveal a life in which loss and heartache existed alongside rebellion and fierce ambition. Claire Harman seizes on a crucial moment in the 1840s when Charlotte worked at a girls' school in Brussels and fell hopelessly in love with the husband of the school's headmistress. Her torment spawned her first attempts at writing for publication, and the object of her obsession haunts the pages of every one of her novels--he is Rochester in Jane Eyre, Paul Emanuel in Villette. Another unrequited love--for her publisher--paved the way for Charlotte to enter a marriage that ultimately made her happier than she ever imagined. Drawing on correspondence unavailable to previous biographers, Harman establishes Brontë as the heroine of her own story, one as dramatic and triumphant as one of her own novels.
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