Вручение 2002 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 2002 г.

Художественная литература

Иэн Макьюэн 4.3
Иэн Макьюэн - один из авторов "правящего триумвирата" современной британской прозы (наряду с Джулианом Барнсом и Мартином Эмисом), лауреат Букеровской премии за роман "Амстердам".
"Искупление" - это поразительная в своей искренности "хроника утраченного времени", которую ведет девочка-подросток, на свой причудливый и по-детски жестокий лад переоценивая и переосмысливая события "взрослой" жизни. Став свидетелем изнасилования, она трактует его по-своему и приводит в действие цепочку роковых событий, которая "аукнется" самым неожиданным образом через много-много лет…
В 2007 году вышла одноименная экранизация романа (реж. Джо Райт, в главный ролях Кира Найтли и Джеймс МакЭвой). Фильм был представлен на Венецианском кинофестивале, завоевал две премии "Золотой глобус" и одну из семи номинаций на "Оскар".
Peter Cameron 0.0
This startling, beautiful novel set in South America explores the mysterious concepts of love and home. Omar has won an award to write the authorised biography of a celebrated yet obscure writer, Jules Gund, author of The Gondola. It only remains for him to obtain permission from Gund's literary executors: his widow, his mistress and his brother. Their lives still revolve around Ochos Rios, a dilapidated mansion in Uruguay that Gund's parents built after fleeing Nazi Germany. The three cannot agree to approve the work -- although Adam Gund feels sure this will not stop Omar, because 'biographers are clever, vindictive, ruthless people.' If Omar cannot reverse the executors' decision, he will lose his award, his job and, perhaps, his redoubtable girlfriend. Not allowing himself time for reflection, Omar acts against instinct and flies to Uruguay. There, he disturbs the uneasy intimacy of the world Gund has left behind and changes it forever.
Кейт Дженнингс 0.0
On Wall Street, reflects Cath, women are about as welcome as fleas in a sleeping bag. Funny, liberal and left-leaning, she is an unlikely candidate to be writing speeches on derivatives in a Manhattan tower, 'putting words in the mouths of plutocrats deeply suspicious of metaphors and words of more than two syllables'. She finds herself on Wall Street because she needs serious money. After ten good years, her beloved older husband Bailey is suffering from Alzheimer's.

So begins Cath's journey into two nightmare worlds. By day she deals with the topsy-turvy logic and ingrown personalities at work in high finance; by night she has to watch the slow disintegration of the man she loves. In between, she must stop herself from falling apart. As the money markets hurtle towards financial meltdown, Cath faces personal disaster and a moral hazard that she cannot ignore.Kate Jennings' prose is lean yet rich in unexpected, telling detail. Tense, taut and compulsively readable, Moral Hazard is peopled by extraordinary characters and informed by a mordant, witty intelligence.
Aleksandar Hemon 0.5
The mind- and language-bending adventures of Hemon's endearing protagonist Jozef Pronek.
Джоанна Скотт 0.0
Book DescriptionThis universally acclaimed novel--everywhere hailed for its evocative descriptions, its compelling characters, its intricate plot--transports us to Elba, an island off the northwest coast of Italy, in the mid-1950s. It is here that

Детектив / Триллер

George Pelecanos 0.0
Following 'Shame the Devil', George P. Pelecanos returns with his second novel starring Derek Strange and Terry Quinn - grizzled PI and erratic ex-cop.

Молодежная литература

М. Т. Андерсон 4.2
In a future where most people have computer implants in their heads to control their environment, a boy meets an unusual girl who is in serious trouble.


Роберт Каро 0.0
The most riveting political biography of our time, Robert A. Caro’s life of Lyndon B. Johnson, continues. Master of the Senate takes Johnson’s story through one of its most remarkable periods: his twelve years, from 1949 through 1960, in the United States Senate. Once the most august and revered body in politics, by the time Johnson arrived the Senate had become a parody of itself and an obstacle that for decades had blocked desperately needed liberal legislation. Caro shows how Johnson’s brilliance, charm, and ruthlessness enabled him to become the youngest and most powerful Majority Leader in history and how he used his incomparable legislative genius--seducing both Northern liberals and Southern conservatives--to pass the first Civil Rights legislation since Reconstruction. Brilliantly weaving rich detail into a gripping narrative, Caro gives us both a galvanizing portrait of Johnson himself and a definitive and revelatory study of the workings of legislative power.
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