Вручение 1992 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 1992 г.

Художественная литература

Art Spiegelman 4.4
The second installment of the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel acclaimed as “the most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust” (Wall Street Journal) and “the first masterpiece in comic book history” (The New Yorker).

A brutally moving work of art—widely hailed as the greatest graphic novel ever written—Maus recounts the chilling experiences of the author’s father during the Holocaust, with Jews drawn as wide-eyed mice and Nazis as menacing cats.

Maus is a haunting tale within a tale, weaving the author’s account of his tortured relationship with his aging father into an astonishing retelling of one of history's most unspeakable tragedies. It is an unforgettable story of survival and a disarming look at the legacy of trauma.
Пола Маршалл 0.0
From one of America's most distinguished black novelists, the acclaimed bestseller that won the 1991 Booklist Award for Best Adult Fiction. Ursa is a well-educated, good-hearted, hard-working young black woman living in New York--a woman seeking to come to terms with herself, her life, and her parents back home in the West Indies.
Рандалл Кенан 0.0
Set in North Carolina, these are stories about blacks and whites, young and old, rural and sophisticated, the real and fantastical. Named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, nominated for the 1992 National Book Critics Circle Award, and given the Lambda Award.
Джейн Смайли 3.9
Роман, удостоенный Пулитцеровской премии за 1992 год и положенный в основу сценария одноименного фильма с Мишель Пфайффер и Джессикой Лэнг в главной роли.

Роман, который критики называли выдающимся, завораживающим, пугающим, правдивым и прекрасным.

Это история семейства Ларри Кука, хозяина огромной фермы, площадью в тысячу акров, ставшей яблоком раздора для трех его дочерей: Джинни, Роуз и Кэролайн.

Это драма, балансирующая между злостью и отчаянием, обидой и прощением, любовью и ненавистью.

Сколько скелетов хранится за семью замками в фамильных шкафах богатой фермерской семьи Кук? Сколько конфликтов, тлеющих годами и десятилетиями, только и ждут случая вспыхнуть полноценным пожаром? Сколько печальных и постыдных тайн могут однажды выйти на свет? И что случится, когда вырвется, наконец, на волю давно скрываемое безумие жестокого и властного отца трех взрослых дочерей?
Эдна О'Брайен 0.0
In a poignant, heart-felt exploration of one woman's struggle to be true to herself yet hold on to the things dearest to her, award-winning author Edna O'Brien tracks the life of Nell Steadman, an innocent "country girl" desperate to gain experience in whatever manner possible. Escaping from her overbearing family into an equally stifling marriage, Nell must fight for her freedom and custody of her children.

Passionate, raw, and gorgeously written, "Time and Tide" is a profound exploration of the primal undertow of motherhood.


Александр Стилл 0.0
A profoundly moving history of Italy’s Jews under the shadow of the Holocaust, told through the lives of five Jewish Italian families: the Ovazzas of Turin, who prospered under Mussolini and whose patriarch became a prominent fascist; the Foas of Turin, whose children included both an antifascist activist and a Fascist Party member; the Di Verolis of Rome, who struggled for survival in the ghetto; the Teglios of Genoa, one of whom worked with the Catholic church to save hundreds of Jews; and the Schonheits of Ferrara, who were sent to Buchenwald and Ravensbruck. An extraordinary montage that resurrects a forgotten and tragic era.


Бланш Визен Кук 0.0
Eleanor Roosevelt is an extensively researched, revisionist text which sings praises of one of this century's most revered and least understood women. Eleanor Roosevelt was born in 1884 into a prominent American family, but her childhood was often bitter. Her parents could not offer her the love and security she needed, and they died when she was very young. Raised by maternal relatives, she studied for a time in England, then fell in love with her cousin, Franklin Roosevelt. She seemed destined to be a socialite wife of a wealthy politician, and that is how her life has most often been interpreted. But Blanche Cook chronicles Eleanor Roosevelt's real life: her political agenda - often refreshingly at odds with the powerful political arena surrounding her husband - and her lifelong efforts on behalf of women, children, and workers. Equally compelling is the author's compassionate and revealing study of this remarkable woman's personal life. Although her abiding respect and love for her husband and children is central to her life, it is Eleanor Roosevelt's passionate friendships with the independent and sometimes radical women intellectuals of her time, and in particular, her intense relationship with Lorena Hickock, which underscore her deep commitment and struggle to create a separate and fulfilling life for herself. We are left in awe of this woman, this freethinking iconoclast who bucks tradition, and of Blanche Cook's inspired telling of Eleanor Roosevelt's first fifty years.

Нынешний интерес

Фрэнсис Фукуяма 5.0
THE GLOBAL BESTSELLER. STILL AS RELEVANT TODAY. 20th anniversary edition of The End of History and the Last Man, a landmark of political philosophy by Francis Fukuyama, author of The Origins of Political Order
'A fascinating historical and philosophical setting for the twenty-first century' - Tom Wolfe
'Was Francis Fukuyama the first man to see Trump coming?' - Paul Sagar
With the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 the threat of the Col


Адриенна Рич 0.0
The heart of Adrienne Rich's award-winning collection beats in its title sequence, 13 poems charting "An Atlas of the Difficult World." Like Atlas, who bears Earth on his shoulders, Rich bears--and wields--an enormous political consciousness. These poems find her struggling to say what is honest and true, resisting easy answers, having the ambition to risk everything; these are the energies for which her readers return. For example, after deriding as solipsistic the poetry of Richard Hugo, she writes:
I wonder if this is a white man's madness.
I honor your truth and refuse to leave it at that.
What have I learned from stories of the hunt, of lonely men in gangs?
But there were other stories...
Rich knows that mere political poetry has a quick expiration date. Her genius enables her to speak to the moment and to posterity simultaneously. "Catch if you can your country's moment, begin / where any calendar's ripped-off: Appomattox / Wounded Knee, Los Alamos / Selma, the last airlift from Saigon," she exhorts at one point, tuning the present to its history like Muriel Rukeyser or Ezra Pound. Early in the book Rich praises "those needed to teach, advise, persuade, weigh arguments ... the meticulous delicate work of reaching the heart of the desperate woman, the desperate man / --never-to-be-finished, still unbegun work of repair," but wonders who will continue this work in the America she has witnessed.

Наука и технология

Джаред Даймонд 4.2
От обезьяны к человеку - или, наоборот, от человека к обезьяне?
Неандертальцы и кроманьонцы - сосуществование или война?
Развитие речи - первый шаг к уничтожению себе подобных?
Кто-то поддерживает теорию Дарвина, кто-то нет, но можно ли в ней найти что-то новое? "Третий шимпанзе" Джареда Даймонда - неожиданный, парадоксальный взгляд на общепринятую парадигму. История наших прапредков предстает в его книге такой, какой мы не могли ее вообразить никогда и ни при каких обстоятельствах.

Премия Арта Сейденбаума за первую художественную книгу

Дэррил Пинкни 0.0
High Cotton is an extraordinarily rich account of the dreams and inner turmoils of a new generation of the black upper middle class, capturing the essence of a part of American society that has mostly been ignored in literature. The novel's protagonist journeys from his childhood home in the midwest to college, a stint in New York publishing, and Europe, yet the issue of his "blackness" remains at the heart of his being.